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Plenty of rain within the last week. Dull is no name for It just non' ia matters f trade. , r . fa & Bwdricks arnlJ.J. Goodyear [nvoïoea thlawwac. _ The teolnöon óf" Hnron streel ra „„out Ang. 22d is rumored. bis Hiought this year's wheat yiekl on ta)unty farm wlH be about 550 bush Charlie Durheim moved Into hls house, ürst door north of this office, last SiturThe Sanitiivy inspection of the city as onlereil by the board of he:iltli is now bebtg made. __ Rcv. W. H. Rytler talks teniperance at Union hall Stractóy afternoon uext at tluee oVlock. G. W. Cropwy1 iW briek house on Fourth street is op the two floors. It willcost $2,200. About 200 bushels of red raspberries have been picked by Mr. Benjamin Day lrom l'is &nn. A w&gon load of liay took a tumble, toniay, on Washington street, uear the ];tty stable. The foundation for Elam Worden'a residence at the corner of Willlam and División is well along. Mrs. Marcia H. Gelston, whose death was referred to last week, was the wife of Rev. Maltby Gelston. A. picnic of Germán farmers was held it Silver Lake, about sixteen miles south stoThere, last Sunday. Uanra. P. li. Rose, Andrew Clitnie, j..Bailey and W. W. Whedon and .imites pionieed at Cascade Glen Moni'V' About sixty men go ti tbe Brighton rncaniptnent with Company A next week. Soine sixteen new men have been admitted to the company recently. Our readers will enjoy a report elsewhere in this issue of the National Proliiljition Convention, from the pen of an Arbor risitor at tlie same. Frank Hangsterfer has a nice picce of work in lus new outside iron stairs. The improveinents about the Main street building are being pushed as rapidly as jiossib Ie. [o the death of Mr. and Mn. Kentscliler's infaiit son, Sunday, they lose botli f their twiu babics. The other died soine weeks since. The funeral was held yesterday. Y. B. BraUD, E.H. Scott, Walter Whitlark, and George Foster are the delegates of Ann Arbor town to the Republican county conventioa in this city on the 13th of August. Mr. and Mr8. James B. SaundcTS rejoice in tlie arrival at their house yesterday afternoon of an eleven-pound girl. jix girls and two boys will now make ikings iively for Jim. W. Foote Hall has sold his land south of the city. He expects to make his home in Marquette with his brother, Rev. Wyllys Hall, who is enjoying his new location very much indeed. The baby girl foundling lcft on the county house steps about six weeks ago iu, by consent of the superintendents of tliepoor, been taken by a very respectóle family. The baby is a handsome one. A barn belonging to Baxter Van Worr, of York, was struck by lightning 'wt Saturday morning, killing one horse and Djuring two others. The barn did lat barn. li was insured in tlie Waslitenaw Mutual. i i . The lixtures for tlie electric lig hts are teng placed In (lie stores that will enjoy Wanew departure. The boiler and enPt for fiirnishiDg the power are in posi'jontthe üoodrich furnace building, foürth street, and soon the electric liht will be pon iis in all its lory or otherfise. ffe have seen two of the jïuiis used by .vnung Coulson, as described last week, Isooneof the cartridge shells, and his sraw hat, which last was shot through. The hut doubtless saved the boy 's lit'e, as t s 3o strong that the force of the shot 'uust have been considcrably diminished inpassing through. Tlie young gentleman " no longer elifmt for leap year i)roposals " bas rel"rteil. Mr. Frank C. Irish, of this city, asmarried in Jackson last Thursday by t. John Giaham, of the M. E. church. "M bride was Miss Margaret Anna Rooke, of Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Irish "Vlatlng relatives and friends iu this City. Tlie ragpberry sliipment from Aun Ar101 'nis year has bwo very large there '"g about twenty shippers, of whom ¦njtralu Day is the largest, with K. H ott, Dr. W. Nichols and Steven Mills "ext intlie order named; the other üix een have shipments varying from one 0 four bushels. It may be of interest to lle daily shipment of berries from JjjJ preag otlice for the past eight days, neh i3 given i,ei0Wj i,egi„ning Mon;1J', July 21 :-Monday,145crates; Tues ¦Vi _100; Wednesday, 70; Thursday 'J "idiiy, GO ; Saturday, 75; Monday, ' ! lb 135, and yesterday, 110. A large "'Pment ia expected to-day, The Knifihts of Pythiag have made arrangements for an excursión to Lake St. Clair on the 13th of August. It wil aftbrd a four hours" rule on the water. Complete and detalled arraugements havo been made by thecolored people for the celebration of Emancipation Day, Friday next, in this city. A large attendauce is anticipated. Eurly laat Friday worning burglars endeavored to force an entrance Into the residence of H. B. Doughty, Liberty street, but the timely awakening of Mr. D. prevented further mischief. The electric light In Jackson lias made the gas company come down to f2.00 per thousand feet. It is to be hoped tliat in Aun Arbor the new light will siinilarly. effect the coat of gas and reduce the extortionate rates. Some fifty-five, the largest at any time yet, were In line at Company A's drill laat Monday night. The line was ao long that they couldn't front lengthwise of the armory. About ten more are expected Monday night next. Ed. Jolly's nine went over to Saline yesterday afternoon and gave the boys there a few pointers on base hall. The score stood 38 to 18 in favor of Ann Albor. By the vray, Geo. Parker was challenged to a 100 yards' foot race with a Saline youth and easily beat him. Thirty-üve passengers that last Monday went across the lake in the steamer to sec sixteen off for home on the train got caugbt in the rain and were a welldrenched party on their return to the hotel. But t's all a part of the fun, you know, at Whltmore. The very many friends of Mrs. J. M. Williams, Huron street, while regrettlng to hear that she has been disappointed in her contemplated change of residence to Chicago, as announced in the Courier some weeks since, will be glad to know that she expects now to remain in Ann Arbor for some months yet. She will occupy Dr. Palmer's house on Aun street. Improvements to ïeaidences are being made quite gencralJy about the city. Among others, Anibrose Kearney has reccntly repapered and repainted his ; Bowrey street property previous to occupying it himself Sept. 1. Mis. Chapin, on the same street, is raising her house lalt' a story. One day the latter part of the week C. S.Wagner's delivery horae became frightened on Ann street above State and running down to the latter street struck a amp post at the corner of Ann and State street3 demolishing things generally. ' iamages about $r0. Where was Jim ïrown ? Rather than riak his chances ! n a colllsion with the lamp post he took ! a short leave of absence from the wagon iaat Superintendent Davis has paid $100.05 :or woodchuck scalps up to July 28, for the months of May, June and July. 1007 ' s the nuniber of scalps brought to him in that time, the number for July, up to Monday last, being 308. In May and June 259 and 440 scalps respectively are reported. B. F. Van Slyke, of Foster's Station, has the largest number, 92, for July; Frank Hagan is next with 29,while Johu Schlee and Sidney Gavin are close upon him with 25 and 24 ecalps respectively. As the porter of the St. James was j cleaning the Windows last Saturday I ing by throwing water he carelessly let the puil slip from his hand and it went crashing through the large front plate glass completely shiverlng it. It was 8 by 10 feet and the largest n the county. Fortunately it was lnsured in the Metropolitan Plate Qlass Insurance Company, which, through Mr. A. DeForest, their igent hcre, will replace it with a newone. [t is a good advertisement for the comiany as all the merchants having plate glass windows see the good of insurance and are acting accordingly. They insure against any breakage except by inundatlon, earthquakes and riots. On Thnrsday afternoon tlie Ladies' Decoration Society met at the residence of Mrs. Mose3 Seabolt ; there were reci tations, etc, and the reading of an interesting selection on high license by Mrs. Bowdish, a new niember, for which the society gave her a vote of thanks. A reader ia appointed for cach meeting; subject ; her own choice, so that it be of a character to instruct and interest the hearers. A poem, original or select, will also be recited at each meeting, by a member appointed by the president. An excursión to the Lake was under discussion but not settled. A fine upper prepared by the president was fully enjoyed by those present, and the meeting adjourned until two weeks to meet in the grove at the residence of Mrs. Bowdish. Last Friday morning about two o'clock Mrs. Wm.McCreery.Fourth street.awoke her husband and spoke of her illness. It seems that she had been troubled with similar attacks for some time, being taken with a chili. On taking the usual steps to secure relief, her real conditlon was discovered to her husband who feit that she was dying. Ilis two daughters were cilled, and before his owu return from a trip.for the doctor Mrs. McCreery had died. If we mistake not, the sickness was without any thing more than the usual warning, the death, as related being very sudden. She had reached her slxty-eigUth year. The circumstances Burrounding her demise are very sad. The funeral was held last Suuday, at thrce o'clock in the afternoon. A meeting of the Citizen's League was held at Pireman's Hall last Friday night with perhaps seventy-flve in attendance. Several new members were recelved. The conditions of membership are residence in this county and the payment of a $1. fee. All told, about one hundred have signed the constitution of the organization. The League will probably take steps to prosecute the saloon keepers who sold liquor toyoungGlatzell who is but about sixteen years oíd. A coinmittee was authorized to look af ter the printing in conTenient form for the use of the members of the League and for distribution, of such laws of the city ordimnces. ap are most frequently violated, the object being, of course, to secure a better observance of many laws that are but poorly observed.if at all. The League does not mean to act in opposition to any of the properly constituted offleers of the city, but in working with them toobtain, if possible, a stricter enforcement of the city lnw.