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POWDER Absclutely Pure. This porder never varíes. A marvel of purHy.strenglhand wholesoraeness. Moreecunomieiil ihiin theontiniiry kinds, amt cannot besold in comcetttion witli the inultllmleol low Hst. sho t weiglil aluin or i.hiwnliHli' powdcrs. So!d only ui cans Hoïal, Uakinu Powder Co., IO6 Wuii si. n. y. (iitirjiTi IX h jL%J UL CL Infantüe Blood Purïfïersand Skin Seautifiers. A PosKlve ('ure for Evory Form of Skin and lood IMseases, firon Pimples to Scrofitla. IKFANTIM! ani) Birth Jlumors, Mllk Crust, Scalled J 'end, Eczemas, and over? fortn of ItchiuK, Scah, I'imi ly, Scrofn'ois and Inherited Uip east'B ol the Bli od, akio, and Scaln.'with Ioís otllair frum inlanry t, ae, cnred by Cuticuha Kesoi.vent, the ncw blood partflor, intemally, aud CimcuKi and CDTrcOBA foap, th- areat íliin cures exteuinllv. Absolutêltj pure and me, and may be uudrem lte moemnl oj built. "OUB LITTLE BOY. Mr. nd Mr?. Evorett Ste'ihin', Bclchertovn, Masa,, wrlte : "Oor liitli; buy wisterribly alllicied wllh Scrofna. S.üt lihunin and Eryeipelas ever íince he wiis bom, ind nothini; we could give him heled him nntil we tried COTIOOBA Kemediks, vvhich L'radual'y cared him, uutil Ue is now os lair ""THIKKS IU A i;iiAn,ji." J. s. Wei-kg, BBQ[.f Towd Treawurer, st. Aiban?, VI., 8 ijs in il H-tti r dated May 28 : " Ii nork to a chai in un my baby's lace and h'an. Cured the head ent ii Iv, and boa nearly cleaned ibefaceof soree. I h re -.nuni-ned lt to neveral, and Dr. Piai t lianoriiered it lorthem." "A TERRIBLE CASE." Charlea E;iyre Hinkle, Jersey Ciiy Heihts, N. J. writcs , "Myson, a Uid oí twulvc yeyr! was con - pl'-tcly cured of a terrihU; ca-e oí Eczena by the C'uricuitA. Rkh&dibs. From thetop uihie hcadio the Bolesufhis íetít whh one uiaas of ecabö.'1 KT ery other remedy, and phydiciaos, had beun iried FOR PALE, LANCUID, Emnciated children, wiih piniply. pallow skin. the Cuticuru Itemedies will prove a perl'tct blessing, cleauaing ihe blood and skin of intaerited impnrities aud expelling the gnns of ecrofula, rhe. matism, coiiMiinptioii and severe ekin diseasi'a: Sold evcrywhere. Price : Cuticura, 50 oents ; $1.1,0; Soap, 25 cents. Potter Urug aud Chemical Co., lijHion, Mus . Send for " How to Cure Skiu Diseases." T A "DTT Vn t'utiou'a Soap an exqnisite J3j.ü X ly perfumad Skin Heautifler, and Tullöti Hatb and Nnrsery Sanative. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOB CATAIÏRH. Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar, rplIK Great BattamtC Dirtilla'!on I X ol Wilch llaze', American Pine Wkv e nada i-ir, Marigold, i'mvrrfdSk iii.i . t. ... .¦! uiil"nl w fBji Kiinical l'nrr. for tl. e imme fl diate relief and peimaneut cure ol l every form of Catarro, from a L-J s mp'e Culd in the Heid (o Loss !jF of ttmull, Taste and Smell, Cough Cgr mul Catarrhal Contumptton. Comry pi. to trialmint, consisting ol one l , ( hotte K.uücal Cure, one box Ca ' -5 tanlialSolveutaodona improved ê r'i Inhaler, in one packaL'e, raay now Kifï) X he Had '1 ali Drnge'ets tor $1.00. .-'-i ' Ask lorSANh'UKÜ'.i RADiCAL CURB. „ , "The lv ilbiOlnte spcoiflc we know or. ' M-d. Tintel " rhe host we h' ve lound in a iiletiuio or uSerimt -Rv. Wtigln, Boston. "Alter a u .il' si in""'le with Oaiarrt) rhe K.dkat. Comí ha SSo3Hl.fra. A ¦M'ollliis'VoltaW-KIectMo 1 A 1 N PlMtWP m"i 'tly "ff C1S the A Ni-rvoiia systein and hanlíhes F id TH K CKY Pln A perfect KlnotMe SuffdnnsNcrve; ,, „„.niate. pain, ... Tl' ;,i Miipclcs prev ntí Dlícate an'l doce mowin one hair Mme t" any o-her i laster in th.: worUl. Sold e erywhe $11,950 ii%l CASH GIVEN AWAY To the SMOKERS of Black well's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. The genuine has picture of BULL on every package. For particulars see our next announcement. subscribe yon Tlie Aun Arbor Courier.


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