
Lew Goodrich was n Detroit Satarday. Postmaster Knowltoii is at Charlevoix. Mrs. S. S. Blltz weut into Detroit today. Dr. Arch. Maclean, of Houghton, is iu tiie city. M. ]). Poiiey made a tiip to the Lake Sunday. D. Mclntyre and wife leave for Boston to-night. S. Willard Beakes went into Detroit yesterday. Jacob Berolzheimer, of Kalamazoo, is here to-day. Richard Mallory, of Dexter, is in the city to-day. John Hur-í returned Friday from his Colorado trip. Sam Laugsdorf spent Suüday and Monday in Detroit. Robert Verner will probably be back by tiio íatli inst. Miss Nettie Ames has returned from her Chelsea visit. Miss May Payne went to Toledo Monday on a short visit. S. S. Blltz is expeeted home froni the East next Saturday. Mits Phillips, of Kalamazoo, is sojourni.ig with Miss Curtís. Miss Owens.of New paU&gA visit at Dj. Breakey's. Miss Bessie Cady, of Wayne, is visiting her linde Uyron Oady. James A. Asliton, of Columbns, O., íb visiting Joc T. Jacobs. Miss Lizzie Binder suceeeds her sister, Mise ('arrie, at the Bee Hive. Harry Woudworth, of Southard's, spent Monday at his home in Leslie. A.F. Orozler dellverod a temperauce lecturo at Alma Saturday niglit. Mr. Schairer, of New Mexico, is visiting his brother Fred and family. Mrs. Tuttle and son, Charles, today for a two weeks' trip to Muskegon. Mis. Moses Seabolt an( son, Martin, go to Wliitmore Monday for a week's stey. Mrs. Ed. Guiñan returned last Friday froin a protracted visit at her foriner home. Alvin Wilsey's family returned a few days since from an extended visit out of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Whitiug spent most of last week at South Lyon and 811Ter Lake. Arthur Marshall, whohas been in Chicago for some months past, returned Monda}- nirlit. George Keek and Cliarlie U'amier were iu üvid with their wheels the latter part of the week. Guy W. Boudiuot, who is engaged In Detroit now most of the time, is in the city this week. MissL. Oinwater,of Loekport, who has been visiting the Misses Payne, returned honie Monday. Tlios. llayley begins work on the road next week for the A. W. Chase Medicine Co., of Detroit. Miss Maggie Donnelly, visiting at Kalamazoo, for severa] months past, is expected home soon. Walter Seabolt went out to the Lake Friday. Miss (Jrace and himself return to-morrow probably. H. E. Champion, the old war horse of the upper house in Detroit, was iu town Saturday on business. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Mead and Mis. Daiston, of Dundee, visited frieuds in Ann Arbor last Friday. Mr. and Mis. Smith, corner of William and Fifth, are visiting Mr. Smith's people near Rochester, N. Y. Louis M. James, now a partner of Dr. Watling in YpsilantI, retnrned yesterday from a two weeks' Ohio trip. Miss Maggie Maloy, of Kalamazoo, who has been visiting at Joseph Donnelly's, returned honie Monday. Dr. W. Herdman this week joins his wife who is visiting in Marietta, O. He will be absent perhaps two or three weeks. Miss Nellie M. Childs, who has been visiting Miss Bertha Field, Whitmore Lake, will be home the latter part of the week. M. M. Green expects to strike afortune in a little business scheme he contémplales going into. Are there "millions in it?" Miss DoJlie Phillips, daughter of Col. Delos Phillips, of Kalamazoo, is theguest of Misses Ida and Alice Curtis, Washington street. Misses Anna Beakesand Fannie Steele and Messrs Willard Beakes and Wallace Steele returned Friday from a week at Whitmore. Stephen W. Faiichild left Saturday on a ten days' visit to R. P. Bishop, Ludington Mich. Mr. Bishop was forinely a resident of Ann Arbor. H. J. Brown, of this city, is a member of the executive committe of the State Pharmaceutical Society which liolds its second annual meeting in Detroit, Sept. o, 10 and 11. J. Eininet Robison, deputy county clerk, and W. B. Chamberlain, of the Register, both of whom joined Company A's ranks a month since, join the Brighton encampïnent this week. Dr. J. N. Martin has returned from his vacation trip and will be inDr.Herdman's office during his absence of a few weeks. On the latter's return Dr. Martin will open au office of his own. Hou. James E. O'Hara, who with his wife bas been at the.Cook house since last fhursday, left for Ypsilauti yesterday, where he delivered a political speech in the evening at the Opera House. Prof. Aloiizo Howe.of Chicago Lniversity.made a short visit to his niother Mrs. L. A. Howe, on Friday wlille on his way from the East. His stay was brief because of siekness in his fainily. Miss Ashton, of Columbus, a sister of Mrs. J. T. Jacobs, is visiting her. A party was giveu in Miss Ashton's honor last evening at her sister's residtnee. C. Donovan assistant engineerof the V. S having iu charge the Eaüs' jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi, is passing his vacution with his parents in this city. Prof. and Mrs. VVm. Galpin.who have been visiting in the city and vicinity for several weeks past, returned to St Clair to-dav, where the Professor opens the schools Sept. 1. lus salary isl,100, we believe. Mrs. S M. Simpson, Denver, Col., sister of Mr. S. S. Blitz, of Ann Arbor, has written in a veiy attractive way several quite extended anieles for the Denver Opinión on Ann Arbor and the University. We acknou ledge receipt of copies of tlie sanie. Mr and Mrs. Willis Boughton returned last evening. Miss Lily Boughton. who has had charge of the news depot during her brother's absence, leavesthe latter 'part of the week for a six weks' vislt to lier old home in Illinois. She has been in Ann Arbor for the past year and a half. Miss Flora Borden is visitlnjj frlemia i the city. M. M. Peck Is stopping with Mr. Ston at Whitmore. Charles Manu, of Detroit, v;is in til city yesterday. Miss Cora Kastman, of Midland, is vis Hing at Dr. Kapp'l. B. K. Otis, of' Peoria, 111., is visiting his motlier on Hurón street. C. G. Bush carne in Monday eveiiiiij, from tvvo weeks at the Lake. Mrs. N. H. Winans, son ;and daughte areexpected home this week. S. B. Revenaugh and H. H. Soule lef yesterday for Camp Brighton. J. V. Bheehan left Monday afternoou tor New Vork to be gone two weeks. Miss Matie Cornwell left tor Charlevoix Mouday, also Mrs. J. D. Williams They say so- tliat Chris., the Huroi street dealer, will not always be a bachelor. James Kress, supervisor of Brldgewater, and Jacob Blom were in the city yesterday. Rev. II. F. BeUer returned yesterday from the Evangelieal Lutheran Synod at East Saginaw. John Wahr, Rudolph Lutz, Qeorge and Will Miller returned to-dny trom a week at Whitmore. A. V. Robison's right hand pet, a felón, is better. It kept him walking o'nights last week several times Chas. H. Manly's baby is not expeeted to live. The little one has been a severe suft'erer for several months. Miss Lillian Thompson, of L.msing, arrivés here this week and will be tbc guest of Miss Fannie Steele. Fred McOmber kik! Clarence Berry, oj the postoflice, are off On a vaeation at Jackson, Hastinj;s and Detroit. Q. W. Noble. Buehanan. Mich., brother of A. L., has been visitlnjf him sinre Monday. He returned to-day. Mrs. Phabe and Miss Hattie Hale, of Albion, N. Y., relatives of A. L. Noble, were the guests of his f.nuily the latter part of last week. Mis3es Rebecca Henriques and Louise Huggins left for Atlantic City, N. 1., yesterday forenoon. The former will be gone two months. C. H. Forbesleaves to-moirow nigbt for Ohautauqua, N. Y. and the East. He took the junior law work in the University last year, and e.pects to gradúate from the Columbian Law School, Washington, D. C., the coming year. Mr. T. 8. Sanford and Mr. M J. Northrop of this city leave to-day for a short trip east to be married Aug-. 9th in N. Y. City at a sister of the bridt's. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford will be pleased to meet their friends at their residence, Unity House, on their return. Some of the Ann Arbor passengere for Detroit Friday last on the '"City of Mackinac" en route for liome: Mr.' and Mrs. John Moore and Miss Nettie Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Boughton, Mr. and Mr?. Dr. W. H. Jackson, son and dausrhter, and John Lawrence. ''Alcek" Angelí and wife, well kiiown here, were on the same boat. At Osooda, Mich., in the chureh of the Sacred Heart, Monday last at !l a. in. Thomas P. Bonner and Miss Minnie H. Campbell were united in marriage. Mr. Bonner was with Edwnrd Dufty in this city about four years ago. He is now in a tjeneral store in O.-coda. Mr. and Mrs. Bonner are expeeted here this week for a short visit. Information reacties us of the marriage at Cleveland. O., July 24th, of Mr. Irving Prentiss and Miss Hattie D. McKeynolds. The latter is well known here, having been a resident of Ann Arbor for quite a number of years. The ceremony took place at 10 A. M. in the Congrega tional chureh, after which a weddní collation was servcd at the bride's residence. The couple left for New York the same dfry.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Walter T. Seabolt
Charles H. Manly