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"- m BACH & AB ELCOLUMN. BACH êè'XBELi"' Now i.s tlie time to buy sumtner dress goods, wlien regalar tradc is over and every thiug light is going for little. You Can quickly look through all we have. ThU list may help: Brocaded dress goods 8, cents now 5 cents. Large variety of half wool dress goods 25, cents now 12% cents. Nun's veilings in all the desirable shades, CO, G5, and 75 cents now 50 cents. Combination suitings, $1.50 and $1.60, now $1.25. Lace buntings, 20 and 25 c. now 12V c. Some are inarked so f ar below value as to be picked up as fast as they are seen by those who only half want tliem. We are looking forward to the time when what are left must be packed away for another year. BACH & ABEL. Even now in midsummer we may wam you not to buy materials and lili your leisure time with making underwear, or get it made without knowing how we get it made ourselves. There is need of this caution. Tliousands do not know yet. Tou mififlit almost as well wliittle out your matches, dip tliem in the frictionfiring mixture to save 3c. a box. So in underwear, the factory beats you. Whether we are right depends on the underwear. Don"t judge it by what you sce in windows, nor by the prices you hear itadvertised at. Judge it by the underwear itsself, and see it here, examine the materials, the sewing, the cutting, the decorating, the styles. Tou, ladies, know the good fi-om the bad. Not a word about that. We ask your judgment not your favor. B ACH & ABEL. Printed Unen lawns, ten cents below the usual prices, very few left. Now 25c. redneed from 35c. We are ashamed to keep on saying that we mean all Unen when linen means the same. But the naughty prodigality of adventurers makes it necessary to be careful. BACII & ABEL. The great demand for Jerseys still continúes. Wp iriTe, as we liave had all along, b}' far the largest stock in the city. The qualitics are what they ought to be ; the shanes are all correct and all the grades aro here l'rom 1 1.69 to $20. Those at f 7.50 and unüer are !n your ínluds; especially tliose below $5.00. They are every way correct, tliere is no sucli other stock in tuwn. We no not mean tliat nobody elsc lias any proper garments, but, pioperly speaking, competition with this stock as a whole is out of the questioii. Below $5.00 our prices are about half of last year's ; but no lower than a month past, and there is no occasion to make them lower. If we were goiug to single out the cheapest of all we have we should probably hit on that at $1.09, and this we say rather to ask your most cxacting eye upon it. BACH & ABEL. With the laying off of high cut coats and vests dnring this hot weather the coudition of the shirt front must be looked into. The large stock we display shows that we are ready. The " Pearl " leads as the best dollar shirt in Arm Arbor unless ladies' eyes deceiyed thein, and when they are deceived 'tis more apt to be their hearts than their eyes that inake the mischief. We would like the opinión for good or bad of every lady who passes through the store on the "Pearl." BACH & ABEL. SCROFULA. A remedy that can destroy the genns of scroíula, and when once settled lias the power to root it out, must be appreciated by those afflicted. The remarkable cures ot young children and the more wondert tri cures of those of middle age and late in lire, as illustrated by-our printed testimoniáis, prova IIood's Saksapakilla to be a reliable remedy, containing remedial agents which do positively cure scrofula and eradicate it froia ¦Warxer, n. H., Jan. 21, 1879. Messrs. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: Gentlemen- For ten years previous to tha early part oí 1877 I had been a constant suflerer from scrofulous ulcers or sores, which had flnally reduced me to a helptess condltion, as described in my letter to you in september of that year. The contlnued excellent health which enables me to keep house for myaged father and to enjoy Ufe, keeps alivemy intense personal interest in Hood'8 Hars Ai akilla ,and I cannot re f rain from expressing my gratitude for the permanent cure thls wonderful medicine effected in my case nearly two years ago, while living in Lowell, wnenall my physicians gave me up ai beine in an incurable condition. One tlnng before I close. I have recommended your Sarsaparilla to hundreds, and ITIiink more than a thousand cases, and my faith ia its invincibility in curing scrofula has become absolute by the wonderful cures it has effected aside from my own. I trust you will not be slow in niaking the merits of Hood's Sarsaparilla known everywhere, foritisaduty you oweto mankind. With best wishes I rcniain very trulv yours, ÖAKAlf C. WÜIXTIER. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Is a skilfully-prepared compound, concentrated extract, by a procesa peculiarly our own, of the best remedies of the vegetabla kingdom known to medical science as alteratives, blood-puriflcrs, dluretics, and tonics. Sold by all druggists. Price $1, or six lor $5. C. I. UOOD & CO-, Lowell, Masa.


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