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Toledo, Aun Arbor otíii Wtclugiaii JJuIlway, TIME SCHEDl'LE. Totukc effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Stmday, June 22d, 1884. Traína run by Central Time, gotng NQRTn. oonrewyig Ti ¦ - 1 OTd il ?. STATIONS. O-S.Ó55 ¦L m I 525 7 1)5 Toledo ! 30 4 ") 5 30 7 14 Manhattan Junction 9 26 4 48 5 40 7 2 Alexis Junction Ib 4 S6 4 7 35 Hawihorne 1UJ4 30 r. fifi 7 4i Samarla 9 02 4 22 li 14 8 K, Monroe JunctioD J (i 2K 8 37 Macón 8 t J 4o ( sal Q 4 Azalia 8 20 3 40 6 43 8 5 Milán Junction 8 W 8 5 B 46 03 Milán 8 3 22 51 OS Nora 7 5 J 17 8 58 22 Urania 7 52 3 10 7 07 9 32 Piteslleld Junction 7 40 .1 ira 7 20 9 50 Ann Arbor 3 27 2 4!. 7 37 10 15 Leland 7 12 2 80 7 45 10 22 Worden 7 06 2 25 8 00 10 H5 South Lvon 502101 Connectlons: At Toledo, with rallroads dlvereinfi; at Manhattan Junrtios, with Wheoline Lak Erie K. R.; at Alexis Junction, with M. C. F 1(., L. S. & M. S. Ry. and F. & P. M. R. R.; at Monroe Junction. with L. 8. & M . S. Ry.; at I)undee, with L. 8. M. S. Ry., M. & O. Ky.; at Milán Junction. with Wabaeb. 8t. Louis & Pacific 1 y.; atPittsfleld.wlthL.S. M. S. Ky.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Centra] R. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lansing & Northern K. R., and Grand TrunkKy.H w ASHLEYj General Su)t. W. U. BENNETT, Gen'l. Pass. Agent. IHK LI1CE 8KLÏCTED BY TH-H V. S. GOVT TO CABBT THE FA8T MAIL GOING WEST. O1TLY 1UE BUXiriïTG TW0 THR0UGH TBAIHS DAILY FR0M CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Through the Heart of the Continent b way if Pací he junction or Ornaba to DENVER, or via Kansas City and Atchlso.i to Denver, connoLliiriD Union DepotJi at Kansas City, Atchlson, Omaha ana umtw with tbrojgh trains for SAN FRANCISCO, and all potnts In the Kar West. bhorteat Uneto KANSAS CITY, And all polnts Ih the South-West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS sin.ul .1 not forget the fact that Bound Trip tlcketa at reduce rates can be purcliased vla tuis (rent ThrouBU l.lnr, to all tbe Heattti and Fleaurt lieaoru of the west and Houtb-West, lcclnding theMouutalns of COLORADO, the Valley of the Yosemite, the CITY OF MEXICO, and all poluta lu the Hexlcan Republic HOME-SEEKERS Niould also remember that thls line leads direct to the heart of the Uovernment and Rallroad L.auds in Kebraalw, Kansas, Texas, Colorado and WasnlugItis knoWn'aa thegreat THROUOH (JAK LIME t America, &ud Is uutversally admltteü to be the I i nu! Equlpped Iluil ruuil In the World for uil classes el" Travel. Through Tlcketa via thls llue for sale at all Kallroad Coupou Ticket OUioa la Uie United Htates aud Cauada. T.J. POTTER, Vlce-Jr'ra. and Oen. Manager. PEKCEVAL LOWELI., Gen. Pass. Agt Chicago. J No. 4. A. BKAN, Oen. Easteru Ag't, 417 Broadway, New York, and Wt) Waabiugtou ait., Boatou. .A.T THE POST-OFFICE BM-IPOT. A FtiU Line Of Cheap Libraries! AND STATIONEET A complete assoitment of coininon and Fancy Note and Letter Paper. Envelopes, Invitation, and Eequest cards. Wiiting Packets, Fine Box Papers, suitable tor present and all kinds of Stationers' suppües. BLANK BOOKS Pass Books, Memorandum Books, ScratcU Books, Students Note Books, Rerums, Legal and Medical Indexes, Bill Books, and all grades of connnon Note Books. WILLIS HU, Proprtetof, Aud Agent for all Newspapers, Magazines and periodicals. Vorls of VaniInur and Cumfort. " If you are sufferlng from poor health or langulshing on abed orslcknes„talcp cheer: if you are simply aillng, or if you leel ¦ weak and dlspirited, 4 without clearly know1 ing why, Hop Bitters ' wlll surely cure you. If you are a minister, aud have overtaxed yourself with your pastoral dnties, or a niother,worn out with care and work, or a man of business or labor, weakened by the slrain of your every day duties, ora man of letters toiling over your midnight work, Hop Bitters will most surely strengthen you. If you are sufl'eriugfrom over-eatingor drinklng, any indiscretion or disipatioii, or are young and growlng too fast, as is often the case, "Or if you are in the workshop, on the ' farm, at the desk, anywhere, and feel ' that your system needs cleansing, ton' ing, or stimulating, without intoxicat' ing, If you are old, ' blood thin and impure, pulse 1 feeble, nerves unsteady, faculties ' waning, Hop Bitters is what you neert to ' give you new life, health, and vigor." If you are costive, or dyspeptic or sutl'ering from any other of the nuiiieroii diaeasi-sof the Uomachor bovels,it is your own fault t yoo reraain IH. If you ure wasting iway with atiy fotin ol'Kidney disease, stop tempt ing deüth this moment.and turo for m Cure to Hop Bitters If you are sick with that terrible sickness, norTfUllurnni. you will fiiul i "Balm in Gilead " in Hop Bitters. - If you are a frequenter, or a resi- dent of -i miasruaticdistrict,barri- cade your system agninst the scourge - of til cou.itries, Malaria, Bpidotnlc, - Hilious and Interinittent Fcvers - by the use of HOI' BITTERS. If you have lough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad breath, Hop Bitters will give you fair skin, rich blood, the fwöetest 'breath and health. $.00 will be paid for a case they will uot cure or help. A Lady's WIsh. "Oh, how I do wlsh my skin wusas clear and soft as your," sald a lmly to lier frleml. " You can easlly make t so,'' anssvered tlie friend. How ? " lnqulreil the llrst lady. Iiy uslnx Hop Bitters that niaki-s pure, rloh l)lood and blooming health. It did lt lor me aü you observe." J3None gi'nulne without n bonota of Kreen Hops on the white label. Hhuii all the vile, poisonoiiN, stuit with "Hop" ur "Hops"lu thelr name. MSiSfrmSB I.ylng gfnU ctn't SELI.indtrl ]¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ trutli Khout JuNKA Pul veul WMaM BWWsiTiÉl lii'B on mini mul mjíu il juu liare. Bi $60. 5 TON !¦¦¦¦ WAGON SCALES. I :.j. ¦!¦¦¦ ir uu Box. Taw Bcam. Freiffhl ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ l'nM K Prli'f 1 - i:vrrv M' pBAJI u,i,i„ , JOHED OF BIHOnAMTOH, (SHl lilNlUiAMTUN.H. V.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News