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jCroyal'mwís jk B lts POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varíes. A marvel of durity, sdt-niitli and wholesomeness. Moreecuno in leal than tlie .irdiuary kiuds, andeaunot be sold in oompetition witli the mullltude ol low test, sho't weighl. alura phosplmte powderg. .Sold only In cans. Royai. Bakinu POWOBS Co., lüö Wall St.. N. Y. (uticiiTa Infantile Blood Puriflers and Skin Beautiflers. A l'osltlve Ciire for Evory Form ol' Skin and Blood Diseases, from Pimples to Mcrofula. INFANTILl! au 1 liirtli Humors, MilkCruat, Sealied liead, Eczemas, and every form of Itching, Scaly, Piniply, Scrofulor.s and Inherited Diseaees ot the Blood. Skin, and Scalp,ith loss of Hair frora infancy to age, cured by Cuticura Resolvent, the new hlood pm-ifler, internally, and Cdticura and Cutí-cura soap, the trreat skin cures externally. AbsohUely pure and sae, and may be vsedfrom tte moemnl ofbirti. " OLR LI1TLE BOT. Mr. and Mrs. Evurett Ste'ibins, Belchertoivn, Mas?., vvritü : " üur hoy was terrlbly afllicted wilh Scrofuia, Salt Kheum and Eryipelaa ever since he was hom, and notuinjj we could give hlm helpcd him until we tried Cuticura Kemediks, which gradnally cured liiiu, uutil he is now as fair as any child. " WORKS TO A CHAKM." .1. S. Week?, Ksq., Town Treasurer, St. Albans. VU, B:iys in a letter dated May 28 : " It works to a charm on my baby's face and head. Uured the head entlrely, anü has nearly cleamd ihel'aceof sores. I have recommanded it to several, aud Dr. Plai.t haordered itlorthem." "A TEBBIBLE CASE." Charles Eayre Ilinkle, Jersey CityHeiijhts, N. J. writes , "Myson, a lad of twelve years ! was completdy cured of a terrible case o( Eczema by the (Juticura Kkmedies. From the top of hie head to the soles of his feet was one maas of ecabs." Kvery other reinedy, and physicians, had been tried inKvaiB. FOR PALE, LANCUID, Emaciated children, with pimply, sallow skin, the Cuticura Remedies will prove a perfect blessing, cleansing the blood and skin of inherited impurities and expelling the germs of scrofuia, rheumatism.consumption and severeskin diseasea: Sold everywhere. Price : Cuticura, 50 cents : Remlvent. $1.00 ; Soap, 25 cents. Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Send for " How to Cure Skin Diseases." Tl A Tl V Lae t'uticura Soapan exqnislte JiJXSi X l.v perlumed Skin Beautifler, and Toilet, Bath and Nnraery Sanative. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRII. Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar. . rPHE Great Balsamic DUtlllatlon i of Witch Haze), American Pine JfBSt CftBada 1-ir, Marigold, CloverKS Ulossoru. etc.calledHanford 9KS Kadlcal Cure, for the imme r diate relief and permanent cure. of ( i every form of Catarrh, from a y simple Cold in the Hfiad to Loss E JL. f Smell, Taste and Smell, Cough ytS and ¦atatThll-:onunJ[¦.rit)n. (jomfflfK] plete treatment, consiatiufi Ol un f 'ij ( bottle Kadical Cure, one box CaMM W tarrlial Solveut aud one improved mm. a Tiihaler, in one package, may now T) be had of all Dmgt'ists for $1.00. M'J ' AsklorSANFORü'á KADICAL CURE. "The only absolute speciflc we know o(."-Med. Times "The best we hye found in a lifetime of Biiflerine."- Re-o. Ir. Wi'jg'm, Boston. "After a lom; Btrnggla with Catarrh the Kadk'AL Curk has coniuered."-;. S. W. Monroe, Lewisburg, Pa. I have not found a case that it did not relieve at once "-Andrew Lee, Manchester, Mass. POTTUK DKUG AND CHEMICAL CO., liOStOn. r BMM Collln.' Voltalc Electric A T N l'ater instaitly affcta the ¦¦¦íhwi Nervous syatem and banlsheg IS THE CKY Pain. A perfect Electric of a Battery comblned with a (Fr,,írNírv(.rOul!í Plaste"1 tor 5 SuttenngNerve eenttl r, annihnate3 pain, vitalizes Weak and worn-out parts, strengthens Tired Mnscles, prcvents Diaease and does more in one half the time than any other piaster in the world. Sold everywhere. $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY ATTENTION, SMOKERS! ham Tobacco Co., miMt observe the foUowlM Sit ns on which the premiumi laxe tobe awanied All baRS must bear onr original ïlufl lurham label. D. 8. Revci.ue Stamp, and Cmition Notice. The laKs must be dooi up securcly n a packflge with name and address ofsenderanlT.n.nirerofb.igs,MntainedplainK- markcd i on the outoide. Gharma must be JrepSw omltrh, fti'r;M. All.akii,-s should be forwarded Deceniber lat, and ÍMKWKU'H-KHAM TOBA- Co, erv.enuineaha.pio.-ofBun. Mg-Hee. our next announcenient.- SUBSCRIBE FOR The Ann Arbor Courier.