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The Next Governor

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The name of Russell A. Alger, of Detroit, has been placed at the head of the republlcan state ticket for the high office of governor, and there can be little doubt ot bis election. The folio wing brief sketch of bis career will be of ntei est to our readers : Gen. Alger was bom in Laf a vette, Medina county, onio, February 27 1836 At eleven years of age he was left'aii orphan - worked on a farm for means to procure au education- was admitted to the bar in 1859- health failed under practice of the luw- removed to Grand llapids and went into the luiuber business. Wheu the warbroke out he enlisted in the Second Michigan Cavalry, and was mustercd in as captain of Company C He fougbt in some of the fiercesc battles Of the last war- was twice wounded- was advanced by marlt to the rank of Major, LIeutenant Colonel and Colonel ; and at last was brevetted Brigadier General and Major General "for galla nt and meritorious services on the lield." He is extensively engaged in pine 1-itids and lumber; in the Detroit üay City and Alpena railioid ; Peninsular car company, and other business enlerprises. He uses hls capital ingivingemploynieut to a large nuniber of Uboran whom he thus puts lp the way of cstablishin' themaelves in business. He tak no man to work harder tlüin Jie does. He bas always been an active and Influentlal republican, but ie bas never sought nor held a civil salaried office. In 1861 he married Miss An-.ette dauffhter of W. G. Henry, of Grand Rapids. Their home is graced with six cliildren. There are a few ranges of society or conditious of lile with which bis varied experlence woukl not bring him into (juick and apprectatlve symputby. The story th;it first came to us of the horrors of the Greeley expedition to the arctic regiena, has been lupplemeuted the past weck by the assertion that the siirvivors of thatlli fatod expedition malnUiaed life until rescued by eotklg the Hesh of their dead comrades. And some of the newtpapert liave been pandering to the vicious appetite of the morbid bangere after seusiitiou by publishing in detail all of the uuertlons possil)le to obtain about the matter. U is unfortunato that any such rerektlani (hotüd liave been made. Even if the stories told are true, what possible good can come of their recital y The pooifellows,(le8eitedbjf tlieii-sfovornnient and left to the tortures of death by starvation injan arctic desert, were not reaponilble for methods adopted to xustain life in their terrible condition. These stories never should have been told. No one can possibly bc benelited by tlieir recital. If false, they are cruel In the extreme. The matter should be consigned to eternal silence. Ben, Butlor lias íssuiíd hia letter aceptingr the nomlnation of the greenbaok and anti-rnonopolist partieg lor president. Tlie letter is a long one, bnttliesubstnnce is all summed np in these woids : "I want to bc president very inueh, and us Üiere is oorrnption in both tbc old partles, it wonld be a good tliing to break away trom them and vote lor me." He asserts tbat the republlean party and the democratie party are both controlled by inonied iuterestsand ínonojiolists, and yet he favors joining hands with both or' them under certain cirenmstances in order to carry out his plans. It Is difflcult at tliis moment to teil just what eft'ect Mr. Hutler's candidacy may have. But there is one thing that looks a little peculiar. And that is, lor Ben. Butler, with his millions of dollars, made out of manufactures, to cali down upon the heads of others like liim the anathemas of the people - the working people especially. Mr. Butler [knows as well as anybody that capital and labor must woik together to be successful, and that to attempt to antagonize them for a little political elevation, is doing rank injtistice to both. Gen. Alger is the candidato of the soldier element. He was a brilliant and dashing cavalry oflicer, and has made his w:iy unaided, trom the rauks ot' (he people to hls present houored posiüoti. In suenking of this gentleman's quulifications theColdwater Republlcan says : " llr. Alfrer is said to be an exceedingly kind man in his dealings witta those wlio are in his employ. lle employs H first class physician, and if any one working for htm in his lumber campi is njnred or sick he is oared for by this doctor at the General's expense. It is also said that he never stops tiie pay of a sick man, and that men pernianently injured wiiile in his employ are pcnsioned. This is richt and coniineiidable In my man. It Impfies howerer, that he makes inoney very rapidly, or elge even he eould not do it. It is very seldom that men in business can thus coiti money so as to do by their employés all that In their hearts thev wonlil wish to do. la a list of allegad tonner republlcan papera alleged to have repndlated the candidacy of Mr. Blaine, now going the rounds of the democratie press, we notice among others in the list, thn Chicago ínter Oceau. But a perasal of the columns uf that paper fails to elicit any repudlatlon of Mr. Blaine, or of the republiuan party. The New York HeraUl is also giren, but when did the Herald ever profesa to be a Kpnbltoan paper? Bcsides, the Herald is owned and controlled entirely by Brit8h citizens and British gold. Others might be inentioned, sfaowing the desperate falschoods resorted to by the opposition. New York has her Geo. W. (ashlngton ) Curtís but New York has lier Geo. M. Cartte, also, who is a prominent i-x-jiulüe and member of the bar, and here is what the sensible Curtís thinks of the situatiou : New York, Aug. 10, 1884 - John II. Ladd, Chatnnan of the Democratie State Committee of New Jersey. Dear 8lr: Yours received. I an going for Blaine. When the democrats domínate monopolists to crush labor, and ignore statesmeu to elévate mediocrity, ic is time for a person who has a ballot to vote for a man of brains. Yourg truly, Osobob M. Coitris. Harper's Weekly better exebange Geo. W., for Geo. M. At St. Petersburg-, Kussia, several deaths have occurred frota blood-poisoning, induced by the stings of tlies which had been feeding upon cattle infected with the rinderpest. Someof ourthin-skinned brelhren of the democratie fold better be warned. There may be danger froni losects that have been feeding upon thescandals of the presidential candidates- espeeially upon the editor of the Indlanapolls Sentinel. Let t be remembered by frieuds of morality and decency all over this great nation, that the Buftalo Telegraph and Indianapolis Sentinul are both democratie papers. But no suit has been instituted as yet agalntt the ïelegrapli. Blaine has sued the Indianapolis Sentinel for libel in charges against liis character. We have not yet heard that Cleveland has done likewiae with the Biitt'alo Telegraph. The demócrata thousht to make a strong point in the canvas for iheinselves by nomlnatlnK a man without a record. But they should have gone further and taken a man with a cliaracter.


Ann Arbor Courier
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