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f summer roses die? , ., i willows weep? Why do t yankees all ii kopie? Ibabies creep ? f happy days all pass ? i lovers sigli? Why ilo l"e horse andcow eat graas ? Vflsbers He ? ( bearded lioiis roar? 'li vilo tiie birdssing? (aucient niaideussiiore? And vow they do "110 sueü tiiiug?' A good rain sliower, Is the need of the hour. A line new residence bas been started by Kufus Waples. We)l, yes, it has been sliglitly hot :i day ur iwo past, thank yon. Company A's pay roll.for the encampmeiit week was 1841.93. Oíd Sol breathes a hot breath on swelteiing humaiiity these days. The prohibttlonlsts are to hold a convention to nomínate a county ticket on Sept. 24th. F. D. Ford was over trom Saline, Thur?. day. He contomplates huikling a skating riiik this fiill. It isn't sucha long time to the county fair. It is ou the calendar for the ÜOth rf uext montli. Reuben Kempí has purclitwed 400,000 poundsof woolthisyear in this city, Chelsea, and Jackson. ?- The new house of Elani Worden, corner of División and Wiiliam Street?, is rapidly assumins proportions. A load of eighteen ladies passed this ottice yesterday morninjrbound Whitmore Lake wani, And a jolly load it was, too. Fall & Hfiidricks sliow euterprise in putting two of the electric lights in thelr ¦lore, and one outside to illuminate the ütwalk and 3ti-eet. The G. A. R. boys marcbed gaily to the depot this mornlog headed by " dot leedle C'herinan band," whieh pourcd forlli sweet straius of military music. The Chelsea Herald very aptly retnarks: "Five prisoners escaped trom the jail at A. A. last week. No, frlends, don't build a new one. Let 'era go.'1 11,312 bnshelsof wheat were marketed at twelve milis and elevators in the county in July. There is about 0 per cent of the old erop still in the farmers' hands. A eeasonable song : The cucumber sinjcs to t!ie watermêlon, while the green apple rolls around in glee, ''We are ersmping on the old oramp gronnd.11 Torn E. Xickels one of the bicycle club nine has gone to vUit his sister, Mrs. J. S. Johnson, in Wisconsln, and gi va the Wis(XStlllnites a few pointersou base ball. During the montli of June at the Observatory the highest temperature was 88; the lowest 45, and tlie average, G8. Ham feil on " days to the extent of 3.77 iiiches. Anión Schaeberle is about to engase n tlie harneas business hjííiíii and lias purchased the stock of gooOs of H. C. Apfe!, Xo. 12 V. Liberiy streef, Anñ Arbor. Even the undeitakers are complaining, and asseit tliat there haye not been so few deaths In years. One of our dealers assertsthat tlie times are so hard that the people cannot afford to die. To the School of Telegraphy there is to te added a literary course for instruction i the common English branches. Mr. Petersou also intends soon to have a mrse in short-liand and type-writing. The school board lias purchased for frOO, a vacant lot on the east side of the figh School block for the purpose of erect¦ thereou a house for the janitor. Tliis 'vill be better thati alwaya paying rent. The old plank walks on the front side of the Union school building bas been removed, and the space will be sodded Two separate stoue irelki leading directly to the building ara beng lafcj from the ttate streei walk. The creze for base bal] stlllcontlnuM to ome extent, and Thu.sday a very pretty mie was played betWèen Hnioii and am strect teams. It was close all the y throus-h, and the Hmon street men ""by a score of!) to 8 in five innings. Tlie term of J. T. Jacobs, Dr. Sadth and lGrunera8 memebrsof the school board pires thla year, and :in election takes "ace in the court house September lst. "leyhave beentfflcicnt meinbcrs and no Altercan be done tliiu to re-elect them. Tlic trip arouod the ' Trlangle" to Salne Ypsilanti and back home on bicycles lvs m&de by Ueorge Keek, L. D. Taylor BobertMann. Tl.ey started at 4:20 '¦, and Mr. Keek arrlved in tliree boure, wb'le the other two got back in time for feakfast. 'Tjie table of statistici just published by 'e Bell Telephone Co., shows that it exchano:,., [,, Uie Unt(;d stn{egi wUh W circuits. 85,896 miles of wire, 4,J employé and 198,e25 subseribers. 1 Albor has s: circuits, 89 miles of M employés and 89 Bubscrlbere, and eyearly Iatesi;:!ü fof rwtdences and $48 for offices. ri'e 3th ward ce.nete.y i.s beillg hand"?7 fltted and cleaued up. AU the u'lce3 are being cleared away, new e''i1eSai-ebeinsiaidout,a.Hl the place fro, m lSi'"t Bnd The view ¦n "ie cemetery s a one. work of renovatiug and flxlng up is Jharge of Thos. Speechley, who is do a Job that he ean feel proud of. "Dot leedle Cherman band" made souie excellent musio on our streets Monday. A bout 50 teachers are now In attendance upon the teachers' Instilóte in sessiuti at Dextcr. The Steinbuch Manufactiiniig Company, whlch has been doing business in saddles, harness, etc., has suspended operations tbr the present. The new píate glass front in the Hangsterfer block is now a reality, and is handsome to look upon. The painting and penciling of the block is also in progresa. Paul Schall has fallen neir to 0,400 marks or about $1,600, left by an aunt in Geruiany, and is now executing the necessary papers to receive the same. Good tor Paul. Under the rules of the post office department "articles exhaüng a bad odor" are mimailable. It must be that rule does not hold good in respect to somo of the sensational papers of the day. Many of our Ann Arbor readers will doubtlessbeglad to leam that the friends of Bishop Geo. D. Gillespie, formerly rector of St. Audrew's church, have presented hlm with a purse of $700, and tokl lim to take a trip to Europe. This has been a glorious week for excursión rates on the railroads. To Detroit, o Battle Creek, to Grand Rapids; to re-unions and to Barnum's show. Lansing will enjoy the same uxury the first three days of next week, he occasion beiug the prohibition con venion. Monday morningP. Long brokeground on the lot to the rear of the postoffice, on Main street, for the erection of a uew block. The building will be brlck veneered, and consist of two stores each hav'mg 22 feet front, and entending back 64 feet. Hayden & McLay have the contract for the stone and brick work. The M. C. R. R. have commenced the building of a track to Swift's mili in the 5th ward, and are already putting in the timbers for the necessary bridge across the Huron river. The track will run parallel with and just west of the foot bridge on Detroit street. It will be quite an expensive and extensive side track. Henry Ward Hicks, while visitingsome relatives in the townof York, went wooci ¦ chuck hunting, and as the party were engaged in cleaning ut their revolvers. Ileury aceidentally disoharged bis weapon the ball passing tbrough the wrist and nto the thigh of bis companion, named Gooden. Nothiug serious resulted so tur. The G. A. R. posts of Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Chelsea and Grass Lake are attending the great encampment of veterans now in progress at Battle Creek. The post of this city left this morning about iO strong. Several military celeberities, including (jen. Logan and Gen. Butler will address the boys upon the occasion. There is a new word In the market. It is "telepheme," so when yon send a telephone message, you must say you have sent a tulepheme. The word is used In the same sense as telegram, In telegraphy. In speaking of the telephone system, why not say "telephony1' as a companion word of lelegraphy ? It would fill the bill. ¦ m The initiatory excursión given by the Knights of Pythias last Wednesday over the new route, via the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern, and the Wabash R. R's=, was pronouced by tliose attending to be a grand success in every particular. fSvery part of the programme was carried out to the letter, and the praise bestowed upon the management is long and loud. The K. P's have made a good itnpression with the excursión going public, which they are sure to prolit by in the future. The partles interested inform us that the Item published in this papertwo weeks since, announcing the marriage, etc, of Mr. Sanford and Mrs. Northrop, was not true, and without foundation. The item was sent this paper by sorae individual who probably thought to be smart at the expense of others, and the publication of such tliings :re quite as annoying to newspaper publisheis as to others mentioned. In the great mass of items of a local nature now demanded of a paper, the only wonder is th'U so few of an untrustworthy cliaracter creep in. One week frorn iiext Monday the smali boy who has been yrhUlng away tlie golden days of his summer vacation on the river banks iishing for stickers and niaking a water-dog of hiniself, will haye to put on a clean shirt, roll down his pantaioons and lug nbout twenty-five üry old text books to the temple of learning, where he willbe con verted iuto un animated cyclopedia of antiquated facta, from which, if he is bright, he may be able to select a few trutlis that will have a direct hearing upon the business of life. Last Friday morning, scattered between Chelsea and O rasa Lake, were found portions of the remalns of a man, strewed over a great distance. About the largest piece found was a portion of a leg froin a foot to eighteen inchea long, so that there was no possible chance for identifying the remains. It is thought that the victiin's body must have been caught in some wav, and lirmly held until giadually ground to pieces by one of the fast night trains. One of the pockets of his pants, containing a knife was found at this place, and it is supposed that the Atlantic expressbound eastmust have been the train that performed the horrible deed. There seetns to be no possible way of identifying the remains, or in auy manher explaining the mystery or bow the accident occurred. A telt'phone messuge from Dexter,yesterday momlng, gave us the sad infor mation tliat Lincoln Buzzard, of this place, had been drowned a short time previous in Base lake, which is situated about five miles north of Dexter. It seemsthathe was batbing in the lake, and notbeing accustomed to swimming ventared too far from shore, and went to tlie bottom. Mr. Buzzard was a young man about 21 years of age, and liad been living with his sister, Jirs. Prof. J. B. Steere about two miles out of this city, on tlie middle Ypsilanti road. According to the latest inforniation the body of the deceased had not been recovered. - Since the above was in type we are nfoi-med that the body was recovered at about 11 o'clock this a. m., (Wednesday.) Tlie deceased was a member of the freshman class of the University, and greutly respectod and esteemed by acquaintances and friends. His untlmcly death is a sad event. A horse belonginjj to a vender of fish passed tn hls checks this forenoon in the alley to the rear of Wines & Worden's store. We are informed that the Milán Journal hag boca disposed of by it8 proprictor Mr. Uurnham, to thc Deerfleld líecord man. Partlcnlara not ascertaincd. Company A's excursión to Detroit and the river, starled off this inorning with eleven coaches well filled. And the dav promises tobe all that could be deslred. It s stated on pretty good authority that the iiewdaily paper spoken of last week is not aq absolute certainty as yet Itwill depend upon the enconragenient oftered. Wouldn't our common council coufer a great favor upon suffering humanity by placing an electric light in the clock of the comt house tower, so that the evening wayfarer niight be able to teil the time o' night? Tliis is a sujrgestlon merely. While drtTlng a tank wagon on the farm of his uncle, Dr. W. B.Smith, of this city, Lewis Spinney, a boy about fourteen yeurs of age, was severely injured Tuesday. The horses became unmanageable and ran away, and the boy in some way got under the horses feet and was stepped upon. Vouug Spinney's home is in Jackson. Heie's an item tbr the incrcdulous to shake their heads over. Last evening one of the millers at Swift's mili set a lantern on the bridge, and inside of twenty minutes scooped up a 50 Ib. flour sack threefourths full of little white millers or moths. The catch weighed 32 lbs. This is a true story and can be verified by applylng to the miller. The marriage of Mr. M. C. Sheehan and Miss Emma Slatterly, both of thli city, was celebrated at St. Thomas cluircli thlfl morning at 9 o'clock, and was tiiie of the most elabórate occasions of the kind occurring there this season. Among the presenta to tlie bride were an elegant gold watch and cliain, set of diamond jewelry etc. üoth bride and groom have hosts of friends and well-wishers. On Saturday, Ang. 23d, the Gth annual picnic of tlie farmers and their friends of the cotinties of Washtenaw, Livingston and Oakland, will be held at Whitmore Lake. The music for the occasion will be furnished by the Northüeld and ,S iletn choirs. The Hou. Cyrns G. Luce, ot Branch county, is expected to be present and address his farmer friends upon topics of interest to them. These occasions are ahvays happy ones, and this 6th gathering, it is hoped will not be lacking in any particular. All farmers and their friends are invited and will not regret itttendlng. C. H Davison and W. F. Stimpson returned Tnesday evening, hiifhly elated with the success of their trip. Aside from the fact tliat the Canadian custom house authorities at Windsor delayed them a short time. everything passed oft' happily. Leaving Detroit Saturday morning on their bicycles they sped over 07 miles of road on that day, staying over night at Ridaetown. The following day they made (K miles, reaching London via St. Thomas, early in the evening. Monday, taking advantage of an excursión to Niágara Falls, they took their wheels along and did the Falls up in good ihape, rilling their machines over suspension bridge. They feel quite proud of this fact as tliey are the lirst ones of the Ann Arbor club to perform that feat. Tbey met with a cordial reception from all the Canadlan wheelsmen, especially from the members of the St. Thomas and Londoii clubs, to whom they are very gratef'ul íor t'avors shown. The roads tkrough Canada are in poor condition, so they report, and many lrighways that were excellent tor bicycling purposes in the spring are now all cut up and impassable. The country has been suffering from a drought for several weeks. Speaking of prohibition, and the forruation of a new party having that principie for its foundation stone, leads us to philosophize a little. It is the tirni couriction of ye scribe that there is one way, and one way only, in which prohibition can be made a success. That way is for each and every person to resolve him or herself into a prohibtion party of one. If any one be addicted to the habit of "putting any enemy into his mouth to steal away his brains," he has the means within his grasp to put an end to such foolishness. Let him exercise a little will power, form himself into a prohibition party and have tor the constitution : "1 will not drill ka dropof spirituous liquors, wine or eider," repeat the same for bylaws, and then have a severe penalty for an infriugemeiu upon either. Let not only those who feel the need of such an organization enter into this scheme, bul let every man, wotoan and child in the land do the sanie. Tlirow arouud father, son and brother kind, liome-like and pleasant inrluences to tempt them away from the enemy's quarters. This kind of prohibition has been successful, right her in Ann Arbor. It cannot but be successful everywhere. If any one doubts it let him try t. Mr. William Graves, colored, of the Lower Town, who presided Emancipation Day, s no ordinary man. He was born a slave in Virginia, but while a child his master moved to Raleigh, N. C, where he was reared and taught the trade of blacksmithing. His master always hired him out, and when grown his services commanded from eight to nine hundred dollars per year, not one dollar of which was ever given him; and even when he tried to earn a few pennies extra, they also were pocketed by others. A Northern teacher was employed to teach his master's children, from whom he secretly learned a letter at a time, until, by dint of perseverance, he could put words together, thus evincing a good, sound intellect, as well as unusual bravery, for the penalty of being seen with a book in hand, for a slave, was thirty lashes. Two years before the war ended, his master's estate becoming involved, necessitated the selling of his slaves, and Williain was gold to an Arkansas planter. After two years' faithful service for his new master, by reason of tyrannical treatment he resolved to escape, which he did, starting at midnight in company with another slave who had just been whipped and goaded to action. They traveled by night, through swamps, fording streams by means of log rafts, resting by day, obtaining food as best they could, shaping their course by means of a pocket compass which they had fortunately secured, till, nearly naked, they reached the North and freedom. A history of h8 early life would be well worthy of perusal.