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Birdie Bliss is visiting in Detroit. C. H. Millen is visiting in Port Hurón. Rob Verner is home from bis casteru trip. Ham Andrcw.s is back froui New York Oity. Mrs. Wm. ís'oblc returned from Petoskey last Thursday. Miss Sarah Giles, has been enjoying u vacation past week. Warden Pond, of the State piïson, was ia town Friday night. S. Langsdorf left Saturday for Detroit to reiuain a few days. Mrs. Hale Bliss and son, of Chicago, are visiting at C. Bliss'. Mrs. D. Hartley returned last week from a few days visit at Fort Wayne. P. H. Sheehan and wife, of Menomiuee, are spending a few days in the city. Mrs. N. H. Winans and tamily returned from a visit to Portland, Ionia Co., Monday. Mrs. E. E. Beal and children returned yesterday from a short visit to friends in Northville. Geo. Miller returned from hls trip to New York and the White Mountains, Saturday night. Miss Hattie Keitli, of Dexter, returned Friday evening from a visit of several weeks at Flint. J. E. Beal left Aun Arbor Suuday night for Chautauqua, where he expects to rernain one week. A. H. Shellmire, of Kahimazoo, spent a couple of days with liis uncle, B. F. Watts, during the week. Mrs. E F. Cooley, of Lansing, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Taylor, 011 Wil Ham street, and other friends. 8. S. Blitz, of tlie lirm of The Two Sams, returned the latter part of the week from a three weeks trip east. Mrs. W. J. Spaulding, daughter and son of Kansas City, Mo., are Visiting relativesin the city for a few weeks. Chas. E. Hiscock leaves to-day for the Adrián convention, after wliich he inteuds spending a few days in Chicago. Hon. A. J. Sawyer took lus departan for the Adrián convention to-day, where he expects to assist Victory in perching upon the Washtenaw county banner. Eev. Kichard Cordley, oL Kansas, one of the early graduates of the university, is visiting friends and relatives in the city. Postmaster Knowlton and family, returned yesterday from Uharlovoix, where they have been for the past few weeks. Mrs. Wm. A. Hatch, Sr., and Mrs. Wm. A. Hatch, Jr., have been called to Homer, by the severe illness of a relative. Gilbert Bliss and wife, who have been spending a week or so at Toronto, Canada, and Niagara Falls, returned MotlT day noem. Walter Allen, who has been with A. L. Noble du ring the snmmer, quits work to-day, preparatory to entering school agaiu this fall. Mrs. Blancliard and d.iuïiter, of üetroit, who have been vlsiting at Mrs. .T. F. Clark's, Superior, for the past three weeks, retiirned home Saturdi y. Q. A. Turner, of the post-oflice force, leaves for Lakeside, Oliio, near Samlusky, to attend the re-union of hls old regiment to be held there on the 27th inst. Miss Ella Brush, who accompanied lier friend, Miss Fannie Cook, to her home in Corunna, is expected home Thursday, after a pleasant visit of two weeks. Miss Mabel B. J3eal, of Dexter, gradúate of the Ann Arbor high school, class of '83, has accepted a position in the Alpena union school, and wili leave next week to enter upon her duties. C. B. Davison and W. F. Stimson starfced Saturday for several days bicycle tourins in Canada, to London and Toronto. They keep mum about tlieir expeiïenee in the Canadian custom house at Windsor. Mrs. Parsons, nee Annie Taylor, was in the city visiting friendslast Thursday and Friday. Her home is in New York city where Mr. Parsons is editor of a cheinist's Journal. He was recently very 11, but nas now recovered his lieallh. Vill C. Hollands, foreman of the Col'rier bindry, is enjoylng a vacation of two weeks. He expects to vislt relatives in Detroit, St. Clair, and other parts of the state, and take a trip to Buffulo, N. Y., before returning home. Tora E? Nickels, of this citv, is pleasantly spending his vacation with his sister, Mrs. Dr. J. T. Johnson, [n Oifordville, Wis. Ou his return lie expects to stop at Milwaukee to visit witli Fred. H. Berry, a former graduate of the university.