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To!hï, Ann Ar hor & Noriit Mlrlilgan i:ail;iv. Tl MIC BüBaDULI. Tutukc effefct ai IZo'elock, nooit", pn Sund&j, june 22d, 1884. Traiim run by Central Tlae, GOfMTÑRTH. OPINO 8OUTH. f il STATIONS. -'. g S zazB P.M. A.M . ".. 6 25 7 05 Toledo 9 30 4 66 5 .'0 7 II Manhattan Junction 'J 20j4 48 5 40 7 2S Alexis Junctluu 1J4 3n 5 48 7 i) llawthorne 9 10 4 30: 5 h 7 4li Samarla 9 02 4 22 6 09 8 08 Lulu 8 47 4 04 (I 14 8 15 Monroe Junction 8 42 8 59 8 2S 8 30 Dundee 8 30S S0 (i 28 8 37 Macou 8 2 3 45 (i aal 8 4 Azalia S 20 3 40 li 43 8 59 Milan Jnncllon 8 09 3 Ju fi 4( fl 0:! Jlilan 8 OH 3 22 (i 51 9 09 Nora 7 59 3 17 li 58 9 22 Urania 1 52 8 10 7 Oí 9 82 PitBHllel! Jlinctlon 7 -II) 3 02 7 201 g ." Aim Arlior 7 272 49 7 37 10 18 Leland 7 12 2 30 T 45 10 22 Worden 7 0 2 SS s OullO 35 Sonih L'Qti B 60 2 10 Coiinectlone: At Toledo, wltli rallroads dlvergint.': at Manhattan Junction, wlth Wheellne & Lak Krie K. !(.; at Alexli Junclion, with M. O. H K., L. S. & M. S. Ry. and V. & I'. M R. H.i at Monroe Junction. wlth I-. S. Jt M. S. Ky.; at Dundce, wlth 1.. S. M. S. Hy., M. it O. Ky.; at Milan Junction. with VValiash, St. Lnuis & Pacific Hy.; at Pittxfleld.witu L.s. & M. S. Hy.; at Ann Arnor with Michiffan Central li. K., and at South Lyon with Delroit, Lansini; & Northern K. !(., and Grand Truuk Hy. H. W. ASIILKY, General Supt. W. II. BENNE1T, Gen'l. I'ass. Agent. THE LINE SELECTED BT TH'E TT. S. GOVT T0 CAKBY THE FAST MAIL GOING WEST. 0NLY LIHE EUNWING TWO THK0UGH TEAIHS DAILY FR0M CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Tbrough the Heftrt of the Continent b wy of Pacliic Junction or Omaha to DENVER, or via Kansas City and Atchiso.i to Denver, con-1 ng ín Union Depots at Kansas Cuy, Atchison, Oinatiu and Denver witb thro-njli trains fur SAN FRANCISCO, and all polnts In the Far West. bhortest LJueto KWSAS CITY, And all potnts ia tbe West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Htiould not forget Un factthat Round Trip tickets at reduced rats can be purchased vla tbis Greot TbroiiKh Ijlne toali tbe Health and Pleaaur lU'Hurt.s of the West and South-Westj lccluding theOIuuntalus of COI.OIt A DO, tbe Valley of tbe Yosemlte, the CITY OF MEXICO, and all poluta In the Mexlcan Kenubllc HOME-SEEKERS Hhould also remember that thls line leads direct to tbe heart oí the (Jovernment aud Railroad Lauds tu Nebraska, Kansas, Texitó, Colorado aud Washington Terrltorv. Itls knownas toe great THEOUQH CAR LIME nr America, ajid Is uni versal ly admltted to be tbe Finest Equipped Railroad in the World f'or all classes of Travel. Tbrough Tickets na this line tor sale at all Kuil road. Coupou Ticket OUicto ia Uie Uulted suu. aad Canada. T.J. POTTKR, VlcePrts. and Oen. Manager. PKKCJCVAL LOWELL, Oen. Pasa. Ag't Chicago. JKU. U. A. BEAN, Oen. Eastern Ag't, il 7 Broadway, New York, aad : Mi Wasblugtou i., liuslou. -A.T TBCZE POST-OFFICE NEWS -DEPOT. A Full Line Of Cheap Libraries! AND STATIONE tt-ZT A complete issortment of common and Fancy Note and Letter Paper. Envelopes, Invitation, and Request oards. Writing Packetg, Fine Box Papers, sultabl' tor presenta and all kinds of Stationeis' supplk's. BLANK BOOKS Pass Books, Memorandum Books, Scratcli Books, Stndents Note Books, Rerums, Legal and Medical Indexes, Bill Books, and uil grades of conunon Note Books. WILLIS MM, Proprictor, And Agent for all Newspapers, Magazines and periodical?. Wordsof and Comfort. " If you are sufferlng from poor heallli or languisliing on a bèd of s„tnke eheerif you are siinply aillng. or if you leel ' weak and disptrited, 1 without clearly know1 iiiii why, Hop Bitters ' will surely cure you. If you are a minister, and have overtaxt'd yourself witli your pastoral dnties, or a niother.worn out witli care and work, or a man of business or labor, weakened by the si rain of your everyday duties, ora man of letters to'iling over your midnfffht work, Hop Jiiltcrs will most surely strengt hen yon. Ifyou are suil'erin from over-eatinror drinklng, any indiscietion or dissipation, or are young and growing too fast, as is often the case, "Or if you are In the workshop, on the ' farm, at the desk, anywhere, and feel ' that your system needs oleansing, ton1 in {f, or stimulating, without intoxicat' ing, Ifyou are old, ' hlood thin and impure, pulse ' l'eeble, nerves unsteady, faoulties ' waning, Hop Bitters is what you need to ' glve you new lite, healtli, and vigor." If yon are coslive, ordyspeptic or sufferIng f rom any otlier o f the muueroiis diseast-sof tbe Btomachor bowels, it layoivr oivn fiittlt i! yon remain ill. If yon ara wustiiig away with any form oi'Kidiiey diseasc, stop leinptingdenth tilia nionient,aiicl turn fora eme lo Hop Bitters Jf you are siek with tlmt terrible sickness, Nervousiifss, you will tiuil a "Balín in Gllead " In Hop Bitters. - If you are a frequenter, or a resi- dent of 'i miasmatic district, barri- cade your system a.ïainst the Bcourge -of .-i i 1 countries, Malaria, Epidemie, - Bilious and Intermittent Fevers - by the use of HOP BITTERS. li' you llave roujrh, pimply, or sallow skin, bad breath, llop Jiitturs will give yon fair skin, rich tilood, the sweetesl breath and health. $.")()U will be paid for a case tlicy will not cure or help. A Lady's WIsh. "Olí, how I do wish iny skin wns as eleur and oft as yoftrs," salil a laily to lier frleiid. " You can eaaily make ít so, ' answered tíio íriond. How ? " Inquired the tlrst lady. liy usini; IIop RltterKtlmt inukts pure, rlch blood and blooming liealth. 11 did it lor mu as you observe." r"None genulne wltliouta bunch of green Hops on tbe wnlte label. Hluin all tilt' vlle, poUoiioux, stullwltb -'Hop" or "Hops'iu ttieir name. BBBH Ly'nj Agenti can't SEU.mdtct ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦HH the truth bout Joneh [ui Vl)llr ggnS60.5T0N IVIH WAGON SCALKS. ¦ il ¦ M H'"1 ""x. Tire H,,n. Frtllhl ¦ W 1 11 FreePrlcf Uit. Ewnj 8&. RMHBHHli B1NOBAMTON.N. Y. '


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News