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Br ( ROYALEAKINO ) H POWDER Absoiutely Pure. Tl) is rowder never varíes. A marvel of pu¦ity , streuglli and wholesomeneas. Moreeconimieal than the oriiinary kinds, and cannol lesold In competltloa witli tlie nmltituüeot ow test, shot weigh.1. alum or phnsphnte lowdcrs. Bold only in cans Royal Baking HfWDSR Co., 10 Wall St. N. Y. (jiticura Infantile Bload Puriflers and Skin Beautifiers. A Positivo Care for Every Fort of Skin and iSioort Diseases, front Pimples to Scrofula. T!VFANTILi: mi Birth Hamore, Mllk Cmst, X Scalied head, Eczemas, anti every fnnn ol'Itchlug, Scaly, Piraply, ScrotUlooB and Inlierited Diseases ot the Bloori. Skin, and Scalp,with. Ion of Hair f rom Infinit y to ujie, ciired by Cutiouka Kesolvent, the new hlood purlfier, iiiternally, aud Cotícura and OUTroüBA soap, the trreat skin cures exteinally. Absoiutely pure and safe, and muy bc usedjrom the moemrii of birth. "OUR LITTLK BOY." Mr. end Mrs. Everett Btebbfn?, Bnlchertoivii, M tas.! writo : " Our liillu boy was terribly alllicted with öcrofiua, Salt Jilieum and Erynipeliia ever niñee be vraa born, md nothinsi we could ijive him helpcd him antil we tried Cïtticüha Kkmedibs, whfcb gradually curtid liiiu, uutil !ie ia now as lair as any child. " WORKS TO A CHARM." .7. S. Weeks, Kfq., Town Treaeurer, St. Alfoans, Vt., says in a letter dated May 23: " Ii wurks to a tha; ni on my baby's face and tn-ad. Oured the head entirely, and has noarly cleani'd ihefaceof sores. I have lecommended it to neveral, uud l)r. Plant iiaí t)rdered itlcjcihem.11 "A TERRIBLE CASE." Charles Bayre Ilinkle, Jerey CityHeiarhta, N. J. writes , "My en, a lad oí twdve years! was complétela cured qï a terrible case o[ Eczema by the CuTiciriïA Ki.MtDiKs. Froiu the top offale headto the BOtesofhls feet was one mans of cabi." Jivery otlier remedy, and phyaicians, had been irïed laJiTaln. FOR PALE, LANCUID, Emuciated childreD, with pimply, sallow skin, the Caiicura 'Remedies wil] prove a perfect blestüng, cluansing the blood and skin of inherited impurities and expelling the germa of pcrofula, rhe.-matism, coneumption aud eevere skiu diseaaes: Sufd everywhere. Price : Cuticura, 50 cente ; Remicent $1.00 ; Soap, 25centt). Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Buston, Alase. Senï for " How to Cure Skin Oiseases." Tï fl TÏT" tTseCntiournSoapan exqnisite JjjLIj X ly perfomed Skla Keautilier, and Tuilet, o&tu and Nursery Sanative. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRI!. Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar. . T1"1? Great H.ilsainic Dbtillaton 1 _L of Wifch Iliize', American Pine S& Ciaadn Fir, Alarisold, Clover!Kv' Blossoms. etc.called Sanford's BrS Kadionl nr, for the imniei "'Vr di:ite relief and permanent cure ol f k every form of Caturrh, from a UrJ simple Cold in the Heid to IjOss ë M ' 1Llil. Taste and Smell, Congh CSC "nd Catarrhiil Consumptinn. ComrrX 7 plete treatment, conBistiug ol one !( liott'e Kh'ücsI Cure, one box Ca II - t" tarrhal Solvent and one improved ' ii L O Inhaler, in one package, may now li"7l V he liad ol all DrufTL'ists lor $1.00. V ' Ask lor SANFOKU'S KAD1CAL CUKK. "The absolute epeciflc we know ot."-Med. Timrs "'l'he host we liye fouml in a liretime of offeriñí."- L. Dr. Wéggln, oston. "Alter a lons struL'i-'le wttb Cutarrh the KiDICAij Tube hu conquered'-rt'. 6'. W. Monroe Lewtsbvn. 1aIhavemitfnundacasethat it did not relieve at once "- indrmi Lee, Manchesier, Mass. FOTTi5K ÜKUO AND CUEMICAL Co., JiOStOn. I A MPCollinWoltaloKleetrie I A l Ilter insta'itly aft'iCts the lltXiN system anrt hanlshea "iSTUECKY Tain. A perfect Electric of a Batterycoinbinoil n-ithn Sufferi.gNerve'-riT'rniaterp vltalizes Weak and worn-oitt parts, strength ens Tired Muscle?, prevnts Dieease and does more in one half the time than any other piaster in the world. Sold everywhere. $11950 BN CASH GIVEN AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Buil Durham Smoking Tobacco. smaU the mimber of bags returned may be. Office BlarMrM', D-'rham Tharg Co.J Durham, N. C, luy 10, 1NH. ) J. S. CARR. Eso . Toh„„„ cö None gemiine withmUirtore of BULL on tl pr-See oux otner aunonnoomento. SUBSCRIBE FOR The Ann Arbor Courier.


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