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Froin the Heralil. Geo. H. Fosterwill putilown a tubular well at Caveuaugli Lake, and expeots it will either be a nowlog or mineral wcll. Af ter coming about three miles, Burnet Stienbach set lus machine three times August llth, anil threshed 1,073 busbels ot' graiu all reaily tor market. We woulil like to see some otlier ni.ichine beat t. The picnic held at Cuvenaugli lake last Wednesday by the Snnday schools and tlie G. A. K. post, was a declded success, nothing of liuportance taarring the festivities ot' the day. The little unes were treuted to boat lides etc., and many enjoyed, themselves bathing. Mr. A. 11. Holmes' boy while eBJoytng thi-s sport was taken with the cramps but was saved by h is comrades. DEXTUU. From the Doxter Lealer. Rev. M. C. Stanley, of St. James Episcopal churcli, this village, and his wüe, lave gone on a trip arouud Lake Superior. At the prioe wheat brings farmers are not üisposed tounload. I'robably not more ;han a half dozen loads haye been sold ;iere since Miresliin2 co.nmenced. Cora Reeve, Webster, while riding tiorsebnck on Tuesday, feil from the horse and becoming entanjfled in the harness, was dragged some distance, receiving several bruises on tlie neck and face, but nothinji serious. A letter reeeived by Bev. W. II. Benton a few days ago from Rev. W. Ueorge, conveys the Intelllgenoe that he is in San Francisco, Cal. Jt is just possible that he may reniain in that state and take an appointnicnr. in one of the California conferences. Hcadqiiarters at the Methodist book rooms. The leader man propounds the followlug vcry pertinent conundrum : AVith wheat at 75 or bO cents per bushei and 4'2 buslielsyieldinga barrel of llour, why are we compelled to pay from 2.80 to $3.20 per lmiidred, or at the rate of ifö.üJ to $6.40 per barrel for flourf What are the protits? Let us figure a little more and we will see not only what the prolits are, but that milling just now is a very prolitable business - V- bushels of wheat at S0 cents woukl cost Jw.OO , glvlng a profit of $2 on the barrel say nothing about the bran, etc. It takes, wc understand, less wheat for a barrel of llour manufactured by what is called the new patent than the roller process, and yet we are required to pay $3.20 per hundred or $(!.4O per barrel for it. Protits in any event on the barrel are $2.80, with bran, etc, throwu in. How do you like the looks of these figures? Verily, flour and meat will soon become luxuries. HAMCHXSTKB. From tho Enterprise. D. G. Rose, of Shnron, who has been seeing wlmt hecould discover in the northwest and the Kocky Moantalns, started tor hoine yesterday. B. W. Comstoek, of Sharon, went to Jackson last Thiusday, aud we learn that it WU hls flret trip north by rail, though lie lias lived there 23 years. Wm. Baxter, the oldest mercliant on Exekange Place, who bnaerrèd etntomers tot over forty years and is to-ilay OM Of the 11 vl lest men In town, ultliough 72 years of age, has a pair of roller ska tes, and is making n success at skating, too. SALINE. Only 05 persons attended the band excursión to Detroit. Frank E. Jones, of Saline, II a candidate for prosecuting ittorney, on the democratie ticket. The Baptist society will give a social at the residence of J. X. Cross, three miles south of town Friday eveninr next. The Observer denies the report that Eifbert P. Harper is endearoripg to obtaln the nomlnattoa for sheriff on the democratie ticket. Frank Kidder, a yinxug married man 24 years okl, reoeived injuries recently from which lie died. He attninpted to fix the point of a plow he was using when one of the horses kicked him with the above resiilt. From thoiDbserver. M. G. W. Allen and [. F. A. Fel; lows starled yesteiday fora tlnee months visit among relatlves in York State. Some of the sportinr men of Saline are talking of OTganizing a slass lall hootin. club. We trust this excellent project wil be carried out.


Ann Arbor Courier
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