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Is The Sixth District

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Last Wednesday, August 20tli, the republicans of the sixth congressional district niet at Pontiac and put In iiomination Dr. Jas. C. Wilison, of Flint, as cnndidate for congres?, Gen. O. L. Spaulding havingdeclined. In making tbis selection the republicana of the sixth district Iiave acted wisely. Mr. Wilison s a gradúate of the medical departinent of the university, a man of sterling iutegrity, a thorough and hard worker, and one who lUually succeeds In all lic undertakes. We believe he will represent that district in the next congrcss, ín place of Mr. Win nns, the fusionist. The Pontiac G:izettc says of Mr. Wilison : The república n eongreasional convention for the ütti district issemblod at the court house in this city. on Wednesday, August 20. and nominatedby acclamation Dr. James (J. Wilison, ot' Flint, as candidate for congres, Gen. O. L. Spaulding decliuiliff the noinination. The convention was enthusiastic and liannonioiis, no other couuty havinga candidute or one that it eould agree ujion. Dr. Wilison is a sterling, upright, energetic, courageons man, son-in-lav of the late Gov. Crapo, possesjcd of ampie means, and vvill make an aggressive c-ampaign, and we may as weli congratúlate Mr, Winans rght now that his public dutics for the next two yearswilluot t;ike him from tlie bosom of big family. The Dr. is oue of the most extensive farmcis and stock growers in the state, and a tliorough protectionist. Mr. Winans and his free trade, honizontal tariff will be buricd out of ilgbt in November. This is to be the wooliest cainpuign ever waged in the sixth district, 'and don't you Ibrget it.' The farmers are in dead earnest." Let's sce, wasu't it Gen. Ben. Butler wliom the democrats hissed in their natioual coiivention at Chicago? And yet they have divided their electoral ticket in this state, and givenone-half toJMr. Butler and his party. Come to tliink about it, wasn't it the same Gen. Ben. Butler who stood up in the Chicago democratie nationalcoiivention,and kicked those who diafted the platform then and there adopted, saying these words: "May God help you, tor I can't"? And yet the democratie party of Michigan have put six Butler electors upon tlieir ticket and propose to iwallow them ! Talk about crow ! Ugh! The demoerats of Michigan will have to twallow six of them, if thay support their own electoral ticket. The New York Independent, which at flist supported the nomination of Cleveland because of his supposed purity of diameter, has made a special investigation of the charges against that gentleman in the Halpiu scandal, and is convinced of their truth. Now the Independent takes down the name of Mr. Cleveland froni ts masthead and demands his withdrawal from the ticket. The caso of the Independent s a parallel one to that of Old Dog Tray, of ancieot tradition. Tray got punished for being in bad company, and the Independent gives painful evideooe of the agony it is in by reason of going off with strange companions. Fru'tce and China are to have war after all. The war party in China Lave carried the day, and the Celestial) will once more lose a large ehiiük of territory, nd perhapa bc made to pay a heavy iwdemnity besides. Foolish counselors in alfairs of state in the Chinese government will be the meansof humliiating that nation beyond the verge of endurance, il' tlie minislry is not thoroughly overhauled soon. China is in no conditioii to cope witli any ot the more civilized nationi of the earth. And it does not look as if she ever would be. The Detroit Free Press in particular, and the democratie press in general, are making a terrible howl over what they allege Mr. Blalne dld laany yeara ago, respecting the know-nothing organization. It sn't. so mach what a man was, as what lie is. For nstance, Mr. Cleveland once snstained lite by drawing inilk from bis mother's breast (or a bottle) but how absurd to assert that lie continues to bold the same views of lile now as tlien. Our democratie friemls pelted the republicana unmercifnlly tor tlie passage of the "salary grab" bilí by a repnbllcau congress (tliough most of the demócrata In cotigress voted fbr And now they have aceeptcd the originator of that very bill (Ben. Butler), and propose to give him one-half the electoral vote of thli State - if they can. Politics does makfl some queer bed-1'ellows, doesu't il ': More crovv. Hon. R. G. Ilorr was renoiniiiated by acclamatloo by the republlcan conrressional convention in the 8th district. And he ought to bo re-electcd in the sanie way. It will take years for any new man, no matter hovv smart he ia, to attain the position and wield the lofioence that Mr. Horr does. Plaine, Alftcr, Allen aud Victory. Tliis district is a republican one and it must have such i solid pepubltoan to represent it in congregi as Captain Allen. Gov, Begole huving been renomlnated liy tlie fusión Uts, " now is the time to kick." Respectfully referrad to the Aihian Pres?. _____


Ann Arbor Courier
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