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The Late Dr. Chas. Rynd

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Thureday morning of last week the many f rienda of Dr. Clias. liyud, of Adriau, resuliiir in this city, weregreatly shocked by tlie annonncement that lie had died very snddenly the evening previons at his home in that city. His deaih was causecl by neuralgia of the beurt, and he wns ill ouly a couple of Uours. It is ncedless for us to say that his loss will be feit in many paria of the state, in fact everyvvhere he was ktiowu. Dr. Uynd had a geuerous, ayuipatlietic nature, and made tor himself a warm place in the liearts of liis fi Lends. He was an excellent public speaker, held remarka ble power over his fellow men, and liac attained a prominent place In the politics of the state. The following sketch of his life is takel from the Adrián Times : Charles Rynd was born. December 28 1S:.", in the county of Donegal, Ireland and belonged to that race of Protestant Irishmen which bas given to the work so many persons eminent in the various walks of life. In may, 1851, not yet 16 years of age, but liaving receivel for a boy of that age the ground-work of a tirstclass education, he came to this country alone, landed In New York city in June, and went directly to Canada. II is experience in Canada was that of every boy, either here or there, who ie thrown entirely on his own resources. What he secured, eitlier in money or kuowledge, was lionestly earned. He worked on a farm, clerked in the tore of Hou. T. B. Guest, of St. Mary's, and afterwards assumed charge of a large school, which he managed with inarked ability and success for five consecutive years. During these years he made good use of his spare time. Under the private tuition of a Presbyterian clergyman he became a good classieal scholar. He wrote largely for the Toronto Jouraalt, and studied medicine under the instruction of Dr. Daniel WlUon, a distinguishfd and scholarly practitioner of St. Mary's. Anxious to enlarge his acquisitions in this direction, he left the dominion and entered the university of Michigan at Ann Albor, where he took a thorough conne oí instruction, not only In medicine, bat aleo in the chemioal laboratory. Whlle In the universiiy be was the private pupil and assistant of Prof. Gunn. In the spring ofl850 hegraduHted with lionor, and devoted the followlng suminer to hospital practlce, settliug iñ Adrián in November of the same year, where he has since resided. He has sime his residence In Adiian served four years In the common council, where he inaugurated several important nieasurcs of civic reform, notably In Donnection with restraining the liqiior trafflc. He also servet! as president of the board of education with credit to himself, and advantage to the city. In the spring of 18H he was nominated by the state republican conventlon as a candidato for regent of the unlveralty, and was elected by a very large majority, bis vote at home showing the appreciation in which he was held. He was one of the delegates to the convention at Cincinnati in 1870, and aided largely in the nominiitlon of E. B. Ilayes. He has for many years been the medical ezaminer of the uension bureau liere, and wheu a board was located hcre he was continuad is a mttmber, and chosen president by his col leagues Cbereou. He has ever been active in local and state politics. Hp. was uhvays au indefatigable worker, aiid by hisenergy and perseverance he secured a very large and remunerativa practico. lie was a vt'iy ready writer, a rtuent and vlgorotu liulilic speaker, a warm fiiend to tliose he esteemed, liberal to a fault, thoroughly lodepsndent - In short, a good citizen, public spirited and enterprising, ever on the side of right and justice - a good illustration of what may be accomplilbed by energy. iudustiy and integrity under adverse and UDtoward circumstances. Ur. Rynd was tlnice married, and leaves a wife andseven children to mourn his loss.