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Look out for theui. Thcy come in the guise of the gooil Samaritaii this time, peddling speetacles whicli they claim will restore the sight, and charge you $5 for a pair tliat any respousible dealer wil] sell for 75 cents. Form and Feature, Unleaa associated with good teetb, are ihorn of half the attraetlon they may otherwise possess. Bearing this tact in mtud, useSOZODONT, whicli will prevent your teeth from loslogthelr whiteness, and will render thein spotless f ipecked and discolored. The tint and hardness of coral are imparted to the gurns by this Incomparable preservatlve and beautify ing agent and the breath is rendcied fragrant as honeysuckle by ts use. ít is safe, bestdet being 'tlective. Öold by drujrgisls. fr m 1307-1210. No matter Wttat your private opinión may be, it isn't safe tocall a big man a liar right out. Get a man of bis size to tnake the annonncement publicly, and then watcli the fun trom a third story window witli the door locked.- Painsvillc Democrat. DeLand'ó Uheinical Baking powder bas always found an appreciative public. However tliere are none so deaf as those wlio will not hear, and none so deceived s those who buy any other brand than DeLand's Chemical Baking Powder, which is made from Cream Tartar and Soda only. l'lease ti y it. It will ro fai'ther, make paftry, and is very healtliful. A gentleman, cominj; into the room of Dr, Barton, told liini that Mr. Vowellwas dead. " What," said he, "Vowell deadl Let us be thankfiil that it was nelther n nor i." - Bugle. Tliis was old before the editor of the Bugle was bom. George Campbell, HopklniTille, Ky., says Uurdock Blood Bitters is the besl preparation for the Blood and Stomach ever manufactured. "Them's ray HdhnentS," as the Mississippi river remarked to the attoollhed farmer who awoke one mom Ing to tind a brnd ncw Itland depodtod in front of hivery door. - South and West. Estáte of Sarah Ann MoCollum. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coiimy of WuhtUAW, At a sesnion of the Probate Court for the County ol Wushteiiaw, holden at the Prohat ¦ Office, Ín the City of Ann Arbur, on Wednepday, the 27ih dfty of Auyust, in tlie ywrone thonsand eiiihl hODdred and elghty-fonr. Present, Wiliium O. Eïirrlmitn, Judge ol Probate. In thematterof thueatateofSarah Ann McVollnm decejift'd. Thomas B. McCollmn the ndiniuiftralor Of 8:iitl enlate, comes ir to court and rtprewentc thtit h(! i DOW prt-píirfd tu runder his llnal accouut as Huch Adminis'rntor Thereiipon it is ordi-rt'd, that Ssturdr.y, the twei - tielh dy of September next, at ten o'elock in the forenoon, be ani";ned tor vxaminin and allowing sucti account, nnu that the hoira at luw of said deceaat'd, and all other porcofu interesied in oaid estáte, are required lo appi'ar it h neupion ol Btld court, then to be bolden ut the Probate Offlce, In the cl tv of Ann Arbor, in aid county, and show cause, if any thcre be, v..y the t:iid iOQonni fhouid uot be alto wed. And it 1b further ordered, that taid administrator give notice to the persons nterested in -uid estati ¦ of the penlency of snid account, and tlie hea-ii r tlifi'f ii, by cmiMÍnir a copy of ihi ordt-r to be i.nbllshiïd in tneAniiArborC7oriir,newspuptir priined and circulatini; in unid cotiuty, three oeki previouf to aid day of hearine. (Atruecopy.) W1LL1AM D. UARHIMAN, Jiulic of Probate. WM. O, DOTY, Probate Ueuister.


Ann Arbor Courier
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