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The rain erop Btill short heivabouts. The low water In Hunm river la bothBring mili ownealongthestreaui. jolmM GouM has starled a fish and ptoiucc statt 'ext to postoffice, on the east side. __ - , The pulpit at the Baptist church was füled by Kev. Eastwood last Sabbath, very ucceptably. , . , Tlie nfant clas of the Congregational Sunday school are to have a picnic to-ilay, in the grove of J. Austin Soott. Curis. Donnelly wlll again be found upon tlie American Express wagon, haring taken lits old place back again. Rev. W. H. Eider, of tlie Congregational cburch, exchanged pnlpits Sunday wlth Rev. O. B. Waters, of Webster. The prlmary class of the M. E. Sunday school wen entertained at the residence of Benj. Day, on Saturday afternoon. Messrs. Doty & Feiner have opened their boot and shoe store at No. 7 Main stieet next door to Goodyear's drug store. C. Duraml, of Chelsca, a nephew of A. W. Ames, takes the position of clerk in the expresa oftice, vice Atkiuson, who has goue on the road. Tuesday Judge Harriman appointed Jolin W. Nanry, of Superior, as guardián for James Richards, au iusane perion of the same township. Capt. John McGilvray, of the II. S. anny, has moved hereto edúcate his famiy, and hal rented Mr. E. Worden'a house on Thompson street. II' the salratiüii anuy and the stutonts slioukl uoth reach Ann Arbor ftt about tlie sanie time ! But then, there's no use of looking on the dark side of Ufe. If the people of tuis country do not iearn that "Detroit is a beautiful city,'' it won't be froin any shortcorni.ig of the Detroit papers. They malie tlie assei tion often enough. Phil. Stimaon.who has driven the American Express wagon for the past two years, gave up the job Tuesday, and left for Denver, Colorado, in company with liis sister, Fannie. Monthly meeting of the Washtenaw Pomological society the Oth of Sept. in the basement of tlie court house, at 2 o'clock r. si. Topics : Pears, peaches, grapes, the county and state fafT. Cards are out announcing the m&rriage of George Wuhr, one of Ann Aroor's higlily esteemed young merchante, to Emma, daoghter ot Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Stabler on Wednesday, September lüth. The republici.u couuty convention, for the nomination of county offlceis, will be held at Ann Arbor on the lTth of Sept., probubly, Uie day following the democratie county conveivtion, which it is undeistood hai? been called for the lGth. Ou Saftirday night last the electric lifíltt systetn tviiick propogoa to give our people an illumlnation tliat wlM throw the moon In the shade by a iong ways, reftisedtoshinearay until about8o'elock. And the gas men looked oi gratifled at the mortifled appearance of the electric loen. It is asserted on reliable authority, that our fellüw townsmen, Lou Goodrich and City Recorder JDurkeim, are quietly trainiug in tlie noble game of base bal], preparatory to entering the league is champion playera next season. Tliis is o base item, as several eye witnesses can testify. Tlie democratie congressioual convenUon for this district nieets in Adrián today. There is but one candidato for the position. Col. Eldrldge wlll be renominated by acclamation. But the horizontal lariffwill lay him upon a horizontal shelf, and AVashtenaw county will have the next represen tative. A largo pttty of plscatorial anists, 111110114; wliom are such experts as Ernest Bberbtob, Jake Seabolt, Sam JJaumgartaei-, Dr. Kellogg aml otliers, left Ann Albor ilond-iy for Strawberry lake, to te absent several dayi. Tlie party ought K be gucceaaful, and will doubtless liave agood time at any rale. The whistle at the city milis coininencedtooting at about midniglit last öaturday night, and kept at tuiiintciruptedly, for a straight half hour, waking up tlie babies and grown people, too, in the iiorthern part of town. üpon niaking ïnquiries Monday moruing it was ascer'lined that tliey were only blowlng oll' steam at the mili, and there was no for alarm . Rev. S. II. Adama from Illinois has fented the Otis place on U'est Huron street and soon moves here. lie s one ' the many Ann Arbor welcomes every ÏWr, who come to make this place their lióme. For seventuen years he has been & memoer of the Rock liiver Conference f the M. E. church, dnring wliich time he has served three cluirclius in Chicago, "ow, desirlng a rest and to edúcate bis trituren he comes here to live. Mr. J. H. Dey. of New York City, has arrived in Ann Arbor, and commenced üiuy as an ald to A. L. Noble, in the Star Clotliiiig Store. Mr. Dey is tboroughly couversaiitwith the clothing trade, lmv'"g been for six vears a salesman in the ffell-known firm of Baldwin & Co., of ew York City, and previonsly at St. l'Oui-S Mo., in tlie same line. He comes "Sbly recommended by frlends, and we 'ope he will fl„d Ann Arbor a pleasant ome. The school board hold a meetiu" tonlght. The milis are paying Su cents for Mo. 1 new wlieat to-day. Geo. w. Boroham, who recently told Ihe Milan Jourual, has taken a position on the Uegister, as solicitor, we understand. J. McGuire, who lias oííiciated as messeneer boy tor several inonths in the telegraph office here, has been appolnted night operator it Hastings, Mich. Pedestriaus say the sklewalk on the trestle work erossing the creek on vVest lluron street, opposite the foundry, is in a very bad condition. Rcspectfully referred to the city fathers. Ben. Atkinson, who for the past ten years luis occupied the position of clerk in the Ann Arbor express office, has been assigned to the messengership on the T., A. A. & N. II. R., bet ween Toledo and Ann Arbor. The editor of the Couriek acknowledges the receipt of a comp. licket for the (íili animal fair of the Western Michigan Agiicultural and Industrial Society to be held at Grand Kapids, from Sept. 22d to 2Gth inclusive. ' One of our 4th ward politicians feels very bad now-a-days. He is a strong Cleveland man, but he says his wife has turned "bolter." She has (aken to boltinghiniout nights if he isn't home when he ought to be. The board of county school examinéis met at the court house yesterday, and elected E. C. Warren, of Ypsilanti, secretary of the board, in place of W. W. Beaman, of Ann Arbor, whose term of office had expired. JalDea O'Biien, of Ann Arbor, who has been the messenger for the American Express Company, running between here and Toledo, has been promoted to the run between Toledo and Detroit, on the Canada Southern line. We notice by the Detroit papers that Stephen M. Webster, formerly of the ex-iirm of Miller & Webster, private bankers of thia city, is in trouble again. He was in partnership with one J. W. Smith, in the furniture trade, at Detroit, and knowing ones assert that Smith was too sharp for "Steve" this time. While at Battle Creek last week, at the G. A. R. encampment, the survivors of the lst Mich. Infantry held a reunión and elected Chas. II. Manly, of Ann Arbor, president, and C. W. Ovven, of Grass Lake, secretary. A reunión will be held next year at the meeting of the state soldiers' andsailors' organizatiou. The complete returns of the supervisors n respect to birtlis and deaths were not received at the county elerk's office until yesterday, wliich will change the totals of the table publisbed in the Couriek of July 30th a trine. The entire nnmber of births toot up it 619, and deaths at 3:iG. The number of niarriages returned for the sanie period were 48á. When you havesiruck a match to light a lamp, and have got the chimney off all right, why is it tliat j'ou turn the thingamajig not less than a dozen times each way before you get the wiek to come up, and that it never does come up fur enough to light uutil the match has buriied right down to your thumb-nail, and that you never know whether you have lighted it with the match or your thumb-nail. Chas. E. Lowry luis opened a "bureau of introduction and Information, which it is hoped will prove a remunerad ve venture, besides furnishing niany applicants for schools, etc, with oositions, and school boards and other oflicers witli valuable knowledge. This agency is in connection with the Index pnbllcbing company, and auy one iuterested or desiring inforiuation will do well to enter into correspondence. Johnie BowdWi of this place, a lad bout 12 years old, was run over by a hand car some three miles north of here, on the line of the ï. A. A. & N. R. R., last Bunday. It appears that he was running along the track ahead of the car, when stubblng his toe he feil across the rail, the car (on which there were four men) passing over hislimbsat tlie thighs. He is seriously injured, thougli it is hoped he will not be crippled. At the Cathollo church Tuesday morning, Dr. T. J. Sullivan and Miss Katie McManus, both of Ann Arbor, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Rev. Fr. Fierle offleiating. The grooin occupies the position of Asst. Surgeon of the lst regiment, Michigan State troops, and is also an assistant to Prof. McLean in the medical department. The bride was elegantly attired, and the occasion was one of the greatest social events of the season in Cathohc circles. There was a gay and festive wedding at the home of Mr. A. R. Beal in Dexter this afternoon at two o'clock. It was the occasion of the marriage of Marquis Sill, son of Mr. George Sill, the hardware merchant, to Miss Mattie Beal. A large company.composed principal)}' of the near rclatives of the two families, was present and assisted in the pleasant affair. The gifts were numerousandcostly. The happy couple take a tour through Wisconsin and northern Michigan, and upon theirreturn will make Dexter their home wheie Mr. Sill is in business with hÍ3 fathei1.


Ann Arbor Courier
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