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Joe T. Jacobs has gone to Detroit. J. W. Knight is out of towD, on a vacution. A. B. Pond, of Jsekaon, was In towu Moiulay. Mrs. J. (j. A. Sessions is vibitiDg in Eaton county. Mis. August Hinke lias bccu spendinga few days iu Dexter. Mrs. M. M. Tuttle bas returned from a trip around the lakes. Mr. Peck of the St. James, lias been on the ailing list for a few days. MissAlice Lovejoy has returned from an extended stay at Ilolly. Mis. Milo Puletpher is spending a few days with fiïends in Detroit. Mrs. Waaien of División street, and son Cari, were in Detroit yesteidiy. John R. Miner and family have relurued from camp at Orchard Lake. Mrs. J. T. Jacobs leaves tliis week for a visit to fiïends iu Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Rose was at Battle Cieck last week attending the reunión of tlie soldien. D. C. Goodspeed is absent at East Saginaw and Bay City for a day or two. Mrs. Otis Hower, of Akron, Ohio, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. .T. M. ötafford. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Field, of Alpena, are visititifi friends here and in Dexter. Harry V. Hawley, at present on the repotorial staff of the Detroit is in town. Mrs. G. Luick and sou Oscar left Mouday on a visit to frieuds in Bay City. Miss Etta Field has arrived in town to be in readiness for the opening of school. Andrew Bell, wife and daughter Carrie, have returned from a visit to Battle Creek. Hon. A. .1. Sawyer has gone to Flint to settle a chaneery case before Judge Newton. Mis. Dr. J. Jones, nee Katie Minnett, of Chicago, is in town vlslting friends and relatives. Mrs. I. J. Lewis, of Hyde Park, 111., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Miller. Miss Lulu Parker is visiting friends at Kiles and St. Joscph in this state, for a few weeks. Miss Fannie Stunüon left yesterday morning for Denver, Colorado, where she will visit friends. Mis. Lou Parish, of Grand Rapids, who has been visiting tlie Misses Gott, has returned to her home. Misses Kittie and Ora Hatcli returned from a six weeks' visit to the Saginaws and Bay City last Friday. J. L. Stone and family and Dr. Obetz and family have broken camp at W Uilmore and returned to their homes. Mrs. I. M. Garrison, formerly Miss Carrie Leiand, of East Greeabusli, N. Y., is visiting friends in the city. Deputy Postmaster Lathrop and vife leave this week for a sojourn of a few weeks in Detroit and vicinity. Mr. A. W. Ames aml Miss Nettie left last week for Minneapolis. The latter will engaste in teaching there. Prof. llamilton returned to Bueyrus,' Oblo, Monday, lo resume tlie duties ot principal of the schools there. Mrs. Lydia Balley and Mrs. George Dorrance, of Jackson. have been visiting Dr. Dorrance and other friends. Miss Joan Kemp left Ann Arbor Satarday for S.uilt Ste. Marie, where she expects to remaiii uutil next spring. John Remiek, train dispatcher on the M. C. R. R. at Detroit, is visiting his mot her, on Eist Catharlne street. Rev. M. S. Angelí and wife, of New Baltimore, have been visiting Mrs. R. A. lieal and other friends in the city. C. S. Milieu starts for New York on Friday, autl will visit Saratosra, Boston and PliiladelphU before returnin;. Geo. Hiiniliii, a former Aun Arborboy, now in charge of the Frazer house, Hay City, bas been in the city this week. Muskegon Chroniele: "Mrs. Wood Tuttle and son Clieed, of A mi Arbor, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moon." Mis. A. Y. Case and daughter Nettie who have been inaking an extended visit througli the State returued Monday evening. Master Willie and Miss Fannie Frazer, of Jackson, were visiting f riends and rclatives in this city the latter part of last week. II. Hudson and wife acd W. B. Henderson and wife have left the camp at the lake and returned to civilizutiou once inore. Mrs. Joseph Berry returned home on Friday last from visiting friends lo England. She had been absent about ten weeks. G. W. Green, M. D., from Chicago, has removed to Ann Arbor with Iiis faniily, and proposes to remain here until liis children are educated. Chas. A.' Eister, night chief of the Western Union telegraph company, at Detroit, is spending a fewdays In tliecity, visiting liis uiotiier. Jasper Iinus, Dudley Loomis, "Will Jolly, Chris. Millman, and Dr. Cobb, (Hi. Weeks), went to Base lake yesterday tor a week's fishing. Col. John F. Miller, a former resident of Ann Arbor, is in town spending a two weeks' respite from duties ín the pension department at Washington. Batlle Creek Daily Kepublicun Friday, Ang. 22d : "MlM Mary Schmid, of Ann Arbor, wlio bas been visiting friends in the city, returned home to-day." Wm. X3urke, gradúate of the pharmacy department, class of '84, has resolved to furtlier solve the mysteries of chemistry, pills, etc, by taking a position In Goodyear's drug store. Prof. C. H. J. Douglass, the editor of the Index, wlio bas been absent several nionths opon a vacation tour, has returned home. He expects to leave Ann Arbor soon to enter upon liis duties at the University of Wisconsin. Prof. Slauson, wlio lias been spending Tnost of his vacation with bis relatives and calling upon old classmates, was In the city over Sunday. He and Mrs. Slauson left for Hougliton on Monday, to be there to resume school duties again 3OOI1. Hon. C H. Holliday, of Ithaca, N. Y., bas been visiting at O. M. Martin's during the past week, and Mrs. Martin returned home witli lüm. Mr. II. is retained by Cornell unlvenity in the fanoous McGraw will snit, and bas been at Bay City taking an inventory of the McGraw estáte at at that place. The prices paid for new wheat does not cause that cereal to be rushed into ni.irket very last. ?? The Detroit Erentng Journal has the audacity to ask people to believe the followlnR: "John Henry, a colored man of Dentón, juinped from a train between Geddes and Ann Arbor, but as lie struck on liishead, althou-h the traiu was running at full speed, those who went back after the corpse found him, with a hard looking head, walking on the track."