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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. BACH & ABEL. We have been asked a number of times lalely f we were the sole agents lor the Celebrated Pearl Shirt in Anu Arbor. It seems that there are some parties in town who are sellingan inferior Shirt for one dollar and claim that it is the Pearl. For the benefit of those who have bouglit the Pearl and also those who expect to the Mcxt time they want Shirts, wc would say that the Pearl Shirt cannot be bought in any other house in Ann Arbor, but ours. We are not snrprised that other merchants try tosell their Shirts for the Pearl, as this Shirt without doubt is the best mij launUried shirt in America to-day retailed at one dollar. We have sold this shirt for six years, selling on an average of oOO doz. per year and we have yet to hear of a single person who was dissatislied with the Pearl Shirt in any waj', shape or nianner. We claim that the Pearl Shirt excellsall other shirts in quallty, workmanship and fit. BACH & ABEL. We havo decided this week to give you asinall benelitin Underwear. Uudenvear is low, but not so low is we (hall sell it beginning to-day. We cannot give all of the partlculare. Wnile we write the underwear is being displayed. We know whatitcost. We know how little it is going to bring. First comes a very haiulsoine ladies' vest in all sizes, half reu ular seanis at 40 c Such underwear is not made for any such money. Next comes a ladies' vest flnlshed with silk arouud the neck, pearl buttons, half regulara, all sizes at 50c. This vest without doubt is the ehflapeat ever seen in Ann Arbor at the price. Ladies' vests at CO, 75, 80, SI. 00 and $1.25 are equally clienp. We have hastily given you the earliest imperfect news (true as fir as it goes) of underwear. There are others. We shall turn to the subject again. The quantitics to be sold at these prices are not so large that you can a fiord to walt. BACH & ABEL. DIPHTHERIA! rpHE PKOSTKATION which follows I Diphtheria, and the persistenoy with which it clings to the patiënt, are well known to all who have had any experieuce with this terrible disease. The iollowing letter shows how the restoring and invigoratlng properties of IJ J' overeóme it, and ilOOU S how by vitaliz... ing and enrichSarsaparilla2Z0ll eradicates the poisoned matter from it, bringing to the convalescent the color, liLe and vigor oí robust health. Loweix, Mass. Messrs. C. I. Hood&Co.: Gentlemen- My little girl had the diphtheria last April. The disease left her very weak, blood pooi', with no appetite, and slie could not seem to rally f rom lts eff ects. Hood's Sarsapaiu lla was recommended by a neighbor. After she had been taking it a íew days we noticed a change for the better - she began to eat with a relish. It seemed to take out the poison the disease had left in her blood, tha change being very noticeable in her face. She took it two inonths and fully regained lier health, much to our delight. AVe now reeommend Hood's Sarsaparilla with a great deal of pleasuie. Very truly yours, J. 11. SMITH, 19 Butterfield Street. "That Extreme Tired Feeling." " The first bottle has done my daughter a freat deal of good; her food does not disress her now, nor does she suffer trom tiiat extreme tired feeling vhich she did before taking Hood'8 Saksai'AEII-la." Sold by all druggists. Trice SI a bottle or six bottles for $5. Trepared by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, I.owell, Mass. Hood's Tooth-Powder, Only 25 Cents. fnviiki Th? feehle srow (nl tl IITES'm -t""v -i.fii 11.1-tftIII m I C Kr tei'sstomach Bitters 11" CELEBRATED ' ned to promote P assimilatiou of the Z$k tfrj&jfo ,¦ is an ailment which SraWtí ffl leep, and growiug fe STOM ACH . f speedily counteractB ITT Rd vigcirant,6 "w h i ch ¦ 1 M t bruces up tho physIcal cnergies and fortifles the coni tilution aeain?t disease. For s,ile by all DrujjgUta uud Dealers gcuerally. Mortg-ajje Sale. DEFAÜLT HAV1NG BEEN MADE IN THE conrtitlons of a certain mortgaKe execured by Lyilia Kirchhofer.of Mancbester, 1d the County of Washtecaw, and State of Michigan, to Jared S. Lapham, of Northville, Wayne Oounty, ín sald State, beariüg date the öeventeenth day of Apiil A. D. 1879, and recorded in the office of the Keeister of deed for eaid County of Washtenaw, in Iiber55 of inortgag:i:8, on pageó96, and by which default the power of eale contained iu said mortgage having become operative, and no nuit or proceedlng at law or in chancery bavlng been instttuted to recover the amount due on sald mortgage, or the note accompanying the eame, and there beint; now claimed to be due on Haid note and mortgaire, the num of Two Thougand Two Hundred and Heventy Dollars and Seventy cents [$2,27Ü 70J. Notice is therefore hereby glven that said mortgage will be forecloeed on b riday the Nineteenth day of September, 1S84, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, by Bale at public auction to the bifFhi-st bidder at the south front door of the Oourt House in the city of Ann Arbor in said county of Washtenaw, (said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county) of the raortgaged premises described in said mortgage, or so mucb thereof as may be necesary to satisfy the amount due on said note and mortgage with reasouable costo and expenses; which said mortuaged premises are described iu said mortgage, as fbllows : All those certain pareéis or laúd sitúate and being in the Village of Mancheeter, iu the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, known and described as lote four (4), Ove (5), six (6), Beven (7) and eight (8) in block one (1) in Granger and Morgan's addition to the Village of .Manchester, according to the recordi d plat of said addition. Dated, June 17ih, A. D., 1884. JAKED 8. LAPHAM E. D. Kf NNE. Mnrtsayee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1201-1213 OPIUM HABIT! Suirerpra from llii tgllMim klM will .lo M0 lo Ttn 11 1R. 11KMI, of bullir), JlirL., lm WorM Wiit . -tl M the cureí lie lias nimio dunng tli" past twelva ean.. Tlie niuin pointe to l'ccoiiiiiiuiiiriilcd are tlie jircwiit state of healtti, lenth of time used, umï prevent omount of dtnit d j.or w.-.k. Sanltariiitn Troatnirnt rfam dtir.-1. S-i.l lof trum leadilik' 1'iostLi.iii-. and nfnMQttttn iitcii nj wuiuca cured. Cure for Piles. 'J'he lirst synijitom of Piles is an intense itching at nifrht aftergetting warm. This unpleasant sensation is inimediately reliered by an appilcatlon of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Reniedy. Piles in all forras, Itch, Salt Hliettm and Ringworm can be ermaiu'iitly cuicd by the use of this great recaed J, Price 50 cents. Manufactured by the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Couipany, Piqua, O. Sold by Kberbach & Son. 1MS-1358.


Ann Arbor Courier
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