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nnnmuiinnnHniinmmniiiHT &0mT f D Think, jtist because you ' have been uSBrlng terrtöly ON F wl111 Klieumalism or you must always ' continue to fDlter. Nor think just becauM nobody lias ]een able to cure you or your frlends, that Neuralgia afid HheumutUinarn Incurable. D, Think tliut a cure is niC K I X posslble Just because i be U N I physlelans have been unable to accompllsh lt. Nor think that hecause Athi.oi'Horos husnot been knownever slnco the foundation of the worhj, lt will not cure líUeumatlsm and Neuralgia. DNeglert tlie testimony of C M T" thehundredsofsufiererswho UÍN I have uled atiilofiiohos and are now sound and heai'ly. Nor think that because you have tried flfty other thlngs that falled, that atuloi-uobos Is llke them. Don't be discour aged I The very thing that will cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia is ATHLOPHOROS. DontbeSkepticall ATHLOPHOROS hens cured others. lt wilt Cure YOU. Ilf yotlcnnnotKrt .ViHLoraoiioKof your driiL-tdrt. we wlll neud it expnaa lmil, on reuolpt ot ruiruliir urtae-one dollar per botfie. . V. Pter that yo . hay parxuaded tn try íonutbln fine, bat ordsr at once from u.s au directed. tTHLOPHOrWS CO., 112 WALL ST„ NEW YORK. iiiniiiiiiiii 11 n n. lüiiiiilitnuiHtl Woog Cliin Föo says the principal (iualiües requisite fora GblneM b( l!e are chec! and nervc. '1 his is a vevy fortuiiiite thing for the Chinese belle. If beauty wis the leadlng charocterlatlc detired, the woukl be a glarinr failure asa Non stowii ITcrald. Beware f Frauus. - Beurc yooget the gennine Dr. Thomas" Ecletrlc Oil. lt cures Cold, Croup, Asthrua, Deafnera and RlieumntUm. The banana skin, thoiigh erushe.l to earth h:is the power to taUe somebcxly with it.- Oil Cily Derrtck. Dr. Rosanko. This name bas beeome so familiar witli the most of people throughout the United States that it is haidly necessary to state that be is the originator of the wreat Dr. Bosanko Cougli and Luojr Syrip, the peo ple's favorite lemeOy, herever known, for Conghs, Colds. Consumptlon and all atfectionsof the Throat and Lungs. Price óü cents and Jl 00. Bold liy Kberbacb & Sou, druggists. It is stranjre hut true that a lady beving r ]inlty foot and ankle eau always get up stares easily. - Evansville Argll. Motlier Swan's Worm Sjiiip." Infalllble, tast el es, harmleis. catliarttc, for fever:hness, restleasneSS, wurms, con¦tipatlon. 25c. The man who runs for Congress ofteu flnds that he mlght as well have walked, and aaved his wind. - Boston Times. M. Ii. Blftir, Aldennan 5tl) w:i-d, Perantón, Pu., stated Nov, !l. '3, he had iised Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil tor sprains, burns, cuts and rheumatisni. Sbips now-.'i-days are steeled by l nulder; but the flret ark was ffuiiled by au Nou h. - Marathon Indedendent. Skiuny Men. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores licalth and vior, cures Dyspepsia, linnotence, Sexual De'Dility. $1. " J'll be blowed If he buys me," Bilid the coronet, as a man asked the price of the instrument. - Boston Times. %W Well Dressed Pooi'.lc don't wear dillicy or faded tliinirs when the 10c aml guaranteed Diamond Dye will make them good as new. They are perfect. Oet at druygists and be económica!. Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. " One thing at a time," said the man, on being informed that he was the fatlier of twins. - Pretzel's Weekly. Free Bistrlbntion. ' What causes the great rush at Eberbaeh St Son's dru!; store?" The free distrllnition of sample bottles of Dr. Bosanko's Cougli and LunarSynip, tlie most popular remedy for Coóght, Colds, Cousumption. and Bronchitis, now on tlie market, Regular size Í50 cents and $1.00. " Erastus"'- No, a "literary bureau'1 is not made of mahogony. It is a headquarters for campaign tally. - New York Journal. Bad DitAiNoE causes sickness; bad blood and improper aotion of tbclivorand kidneys is bad drainage to the human system, which Burdock Blood Bitters remedy. We have at last discovered the rcason our Kas bill is so high. The metor is sick - it must llave gas-trick fever. - Evansville Argus. Don't Die in the House. " {UULb on Kats.'1 Clears out rats, inice, roaches, bed-bugs, flies, ants, moles, chlpmonks, gopher.s. 15c. "Gentlemen," said thedoomed man on the scallbld, "you all must admit that I have worked my way up in the world."- Scissors. No molasses and water mixture, but a concentrated extract of the active medicinal properties of roots, barks, etc, isHood's Sarsaparilla. Never teil a lady that she is plomp as a patridge, for she will be certain to think that you are making game of her. - I'retzel's Weekly. "Kuugïi on Itats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, ehipniuuks. gophers, 15c. Druggists. Aestheticism is nothing new to the goat Fiom bis earliest bistory is kuown (o have been just so awfully all butt. - Vonkcrs Gazette. "Buchiipaiba." Qtllck, complete, cures all aunoying Kiuuey, Bladder and Urinary Ulseases. 1. Driifigist. BlllowH tells one on himself. He says that when he was out west he encounteied a severe wind storm, but his dwelling witlistood the tempest, and the only rcason he can "five for It8 doing so is that there was ii heavy mortgage on it. - Warsaw Wasp. When Doctors Disasree lt will be time enough to doubt the rollability of Kidney-Wort. Doctors all Bgree that it is a most valuable medicine In all disorders of the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels, and frequcntly prescribe it. Dr. P. C. Ballou of Moiiktou says : "The past year l have used it more than ever, and with best results. It is the most successful remedy I have ever used." Such a recommeiuíatiiin speaks for itself. Solil by all druggists. See advertisement. Thousandsof painted tparrows are sold in London forcanaries. Wonder f John Buil will make fun of wooden nutmegs nny more. - Brooklyn Timet, SritiNOFiELD, Mass., April 10, 18:i. " For diseases of the kidueys, liver,blailder, and urinary OfftaiM I received graat tienclit from IÍint's [Kidney and Liver] Kkmedv. I pronounce it the best." - II. W. Payne, Maunfacturer of Harnesses, Trunks, etc, 447 Main street.


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