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¦ ¦ - ¦ I Michigan Central The Miagara Falls (Route. Ostral L Timo. Mu; 1. lttxlKARTWAHD' i ii i : 1 11 STATION. g. . Sg-Sv tí" 5 8 ¦ L_ _li z_ OH fcaaí ¦ B 8r.!5 9 -?::¦: Unmmmid.... II' ïgj New Huir-lío... nao ii :'? ' rhreeOaku ... 9 37 í? j# " Bie=:EMaS'a ü lSf.::: te::::::: HS :::¦:::"": AMB.-mw::: $) í'8íóww i i íí Marshall }ft; [f, BM'ÏOJ jtj'ji fa JO Albion 2 15 826 -fu áBtüisft I il w tt.vue .1 nnc. 5 15 5 46 8 1 61! 7 3 11 07 s,ï„miï :::::ni6 8 26iii ioob s Wellaud 2 03 6W6 isa 5 5 KllBVÍew 988 .... 1 i -' ¦¦ 28 888-... 15H 628 gatfrEïggsFi-i i" ?"¦:: W t T W'AH. lí s Já = TAT1ON. a t ? =L u ; '¦ I o ó_ . " ' ': ': V.ií. P.M. A.M .M. A M Boffalo 8401130 -t Ul Su-p. Bridge. 9 40 12io7 30 2. Niágara PÍfi1 950128874I 1289 nand?. ::: 101212a , -. a 1 Bt-ThOBU...: 125 8 60 104 U W Detroit... A r. 580 7 &" 26UP.M. P.M. 8.) Detroit I.v. VSÓ' M 4UÓ 6Ó0 'íW j'ÓÓ !.:;. Spriíiweil..: 10 10 4 10 12 8 10 ÍI10.... Wavne 6 41 ' 4á Waynejnnc. 4:i 988 4 88 6 44 8 40 9 4q Vn-ilunti 716 7 4 58 7 07 9 OS 10 (tí AimAríoí I! 780 10 12 5 12 7í íl 20 10 1 Delhi Mills. 742 ..... 37 D.'Xtir 755 o 30 7 43 9 oO übelwa 84" 542 00..... Franelsoo.... f25 8 lo 10 10 (JrassLake... 888P.M. 6 07 825 .... Jackí'n Judc. 8 83 8481082.. JaClMOD. ... 'J 03 U 30 6 50 8 50 10 íü U 66 Puma 926 7 ir o 1100 Albim,:..:..: 47105 78S I 11221241 „ . ,, m 122.I .... 1148 Murshiill.. L 01:Jla J5 so; cfc H48 10K Hiittle Craak., 10 48 lo. 8 4. -g 13 ÍS 142.... Gdlesbnrg.... 1116 0 a 12 4-í ...„ üaiama.vo. .. 11 3S lió si W I IJ HIT 2 21 P.M Matiawan.... 1207 5 10 +1 S5 Lawton 115 518 145 Uowaüiac 12 57 5 58 t2 í2 Niles 140 310 640 8UU IOS Buchanan.... 1! ........ B6J 818 Thri-eOaks.. 2 21 7 22 3 4ri New Búllalo.. 2 37J4 01 7 35 4 12[ MichigaiX'ity 3 03 4 27 81 8 4 3S 5 ÍS L„k . 845 525 8.5D 587 607 TolleítOO .... 357 905+5M 1 Hammond... 4 15 97+620.. Keiir-itiirtou.. 485 6 00 j 9 45 l W -0i!.... Tw'ty-sec.81. SU 688 10 ?3 7 18,7 43... ChiCat;"-.-Ar. 6) 6 Hl Ilo:í5 7 30.7 55 + Stops only to let off paweogera. } Stops only ou eiiínulí. O. W. RUGÓLES, D. W. HAYKS. C. P.&T. Agent A,;t.. Anu Albor. Chicago. Detroit, Mackinac & Marqnette B. U. Juxi: 15, 188-1. Pioneer Eiist and West I.ine tlirnugli the Upper Peninsula of Micliigan. KAST. STATIONS WKST. 1 fiI sL! j feL f a.M P.MJP.M Le. Air A.M P.M. P, M7 00 2 15 9 00 Mnrquette 6 m i 50 8 00 A.M 11 50 5 40 1 35 Seney. 3 03 1 30 2 03 Pl 50 I 2 56 Newberry. 1 40 12 20 12 20 Arr. Lve P.M. A.M A.M. ttil ao 5 45 3t. Ignace. 10 1010 00 7 35 Trains run by Central Standard Time. D. McCOOL, F. MILLIQAN. Geni Hup't. Geni Krt & raas. Agt Marquette, Micli. M arqoette. Mioh. JOSEPH BEKRV, The Practical TAILÜR AND (JUTTER, OÍ the late flrm of WINANS & BERRY, has located his place of business at NO. 7 HURÓN STREET, WITII A nrtX I.1NE OÍ' Suitings and Trouserings, And wonld say to his oíd frieuds and new ores that If they want a ÜOO1 FIT and a NOBBY FIT at REASONABLE PK1CES, cali on him and Ihey will be Bure to get one. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 'I Soutll Main St., Aun Arbor. Theolilest agency in the city. Establlshei) a quarter of a century ago. HepreseutiDg the following flrst-class companies : Home Ins. Co. of N. Y 7, 488,645 Continental Ins. Co.ofN. Y.... 4,807,442 Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y 1,874,034 Oirunl Ins. Co. of Phüadelphia. 1,259,967 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford 1,419,523 Conimereúil Union of Lnndon. .11,048,948 Liverpool, Loiulon and Globe. .34,403,085 Hales Low. l-osses Liberally Adjnstinl and Prompt ly Paid. C. II. MILLEN. B. F. BOYLAN, PAINTER, And Dealer in French, Americau anfl Píate Glass. Slgn Wrlttaft Papw Hanginí?, Dccoratlui?, Frescoing, Etc. i 6S.WAINST.,SEC0NDFL00R W. TREMAIN, GENERAL liMI IGBRICY f O7FTOXC i Over Caspcr Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HURÓN AND FOURTU tSTS., North British Insurance Co., Of Lonilon aiul Bdtnburg. Cipital, 118,000,800, Ciold. Detroit Firc and Marine Insurance Co., Cub Aese' 600,(KHI. Springllt'ld Ins. Co. of Massacliiiscüs, Cauh Asxeta 1 1 ,StM.IHM. Howard Ihs. Couipany of New York, C86B A88Ot8 !fl, 000,000. Ajíiiciiltnral Ins. Co., Watertown, N.T., Cash AeBCts 1 ,'00,000. [mM I.lberally Ailiixti'il and Promjitly l'n'.il.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News