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Nottawa has a female centenarlan. A new bank hasbeen started at Gladwin. Newijgo has let contracts to put in water works. Blissfield liad a f 10,000 blnze last week Wcdnesday. State veterinary association, Kalumazoo, Sept. lTth. The Saginaw Zeitung, a Germán daily paper has "busted." The Cedar Springg Clipper man lias a corn stalk 13 feet long. Bishop Vm. X. Nimle is to preside at tlie M. E. conference this fall. The 18th Michigan Infantry holds its reunión at Flushing, Sept. 4th. Charlotte struts terrible over a $4,000 clock in the couit house tower. Winnie Fenton, of Mackiimw Islapd, has been appointed to West l'oint. There are 42 lawyens living o IV the legal business of Bay county people. The Bay City rifle team outshot the Jacksou team at u coutest at Jackson Mouday. There are 808 patients in the Kalamazoo insane asyUini, and G58 in the l'ontiac asylum. Port Hurón is happy over the íact tliat oil has been struck there 515 leet below the suiface. Dr. Swart, of Hiulson, has been ap pointed on the pension boaid to Hieceed the late Dr. líynd. You need not go to Italy to visit Pompeii. Gratiot couuty will do jiut as well, loi' Pompeii is locateü there. A girl 14 years oíd, who lives up Id Claire county, propoíes to beat any one living in a toot race. One man at Lawton realized $1,025 from 8} acres of ground on which currants and cherries grew. Several gas wollshave beei: struck near Ro3'al Oak, and they are said to be txcellent for illuminating purposes. The woolen milis at Vassar will furniih the state piison at Jacksou with clolh for the convicts clotlies this year. At Hastings, Stephen Dnrfee, hasbeen sentenced to Jacksou for lite for shooting UnderSheritt' Wm Scudder in May Hit. The Adrián savinjrs bank suspended payinent last Thursday, but the ofticers claim tliat depositors will be paid in full. The banking house of Jas. Dockeray, of Rocfeford, was vietimized to the tune of $400, by a forged check, a few days since. Tlie colored votéis of Detroit have organlzed an immense political club, callecl the "Blaine, Logan and Atjfer (uard of Honor." The recent meeting of the soldiers' and sailors' veteran association at Midland, was one of the jraiulest affairs ever held atthat place. The Flint school board have sluit down on whippin In school unless the board know all about t. There are tliree woinen on that board. There must be B "heap" of pumping doneoutside the newspaper men, as oie Kal.ima.oo flrm bas manufactured 1,500 wni'i ¦milis since Jan. lst. The aereare of wheat grown this fall will eclipse that of other years, notwithstandinjr the low price and re-appearance of the old fas-hioned weavel. Hoiner burglars use railroad velocipedes with wbich to escape with iheir plunder. This is au age of progresa, as Las been remarked heretofore. Grand Rapids aUlermen propose to make a big fisht on the tower system of electric ligliting. Some want more light and some don't want so mucb. AtWliitehall Saturdiiy niglit, one Joe. Wilder got drunk- started home- feil out of the wagon, - broke bis neck - died. Moral - dou't ride when drunk. The foundations for the newjail and sherilFs icsidoiice at Port Hurón are nearly completed, andnow work has begun 011 the lire-proof county ollices. The cattle up in Isabella county are dying off with the blaekleg. Some commuuities are aWicted with the same tliing, but they keep quiet about it usuullj. The Isabella Enterprise says that it is reported that the T. A. A & X. M. railroad will be continued to Frankfort on Lake Michigan, and will tlien be used as a Grand Trunk feederr The Adrián artesian well, 880 feetdeep, has all at once burst out with a stream of vilesmellingso-called mineral water. The Adrianites better look out. Perhaps "Kid Navin" ha3 got hold of the other end of the hole. Col. John Atkinson, of Detroit, has been petitioned by iïOO citizens of 'ayne county to become the republican nominee for congress in tbat district, the first. If he does, Mr. Maybury will not liud a path of roses to walk over. At Brighton the other day, $15 in couflterfult nickles was found while tearing down an old bulding. together with a complete set ef dies. Ábout tifteen years ago these coins were iuimerous in the locality, but no one was detected. Mr. Ashley, of the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad, States that he will be able to make a irod report for the Bellalre route to Charlevoix. It is stated that road will be completed to Charlevoix or Frankfort within two years.- Charlevoix Journal. Host of the Indians who have lived near MuntstDif. Scboolcraft county. have removed to "Hellenville," a settlement tliree miles distant, where they will enrajre in farmins and other pursuits. Captain E. P. Allen. Indian aent, has éstabliahed a school for their benefit. During the past few months 21 families have taken up jiovernroent land on Hois Blauc Island, Mackinaw county. Next ! year !,000 acres are to be sold by the Government to the blghect bidder. The island will then have been all taken up Tlie purchase money is to be used to iniprove Mackinaw Island. The largest wooden vessel ever built on the lakes has just been launched at Baj i City. BW a doublé decker, Beven I hatched (150,000 craft, 'iOö feet lonr, 40 fect beam, 22 teet hold, with twelve feei lower hold. It has taken the work of frum ".¦ to l"0 men constaiitly from Xov. I 'S3 tobuild her. Name - Australasia. The soldier boys were not strong-ly Impressed with the greatness of Gov. Bogóle at their reeent enciunpment, judgÏDX fiom the way tlicv talk. One of tlie Buy City boys wbo voted for hiin two yeaio ago declares that, in liis opinioD, he will not jcet 10ü votes froni the eutiie mi Htia of the state if he is lenoinhiated this fa.ll. - Montoalm Ilerald.


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