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BACH & ABEL S COLUMN. '- il A ABEL. VVe have been asked a nuraber of times lately if we were the sole agents tor the Celebrated Pearl Shirt in Ann Arbor. It seems that there are some partles in town who are sellingan inferior Shirt for one dollar and claim that it is the Pearl. For the benefit of those who have bouglit the Pearl and also those who expect to the neït time tliey want Shirts, we woukl say that the Pearl Shirt cannot be bonght in any other house in Ann Arbor, but ours. We are not surprised that other merchants try to sell tlieir Shirts for the Pearl, as this Shirt Without doubt is the best uu laundried shirt iu America to-day retailed at one dollar. We liave sold tiiis shirt for six years, selling on au average of ÜOO doz. per year and we have yet to hear of a single persou who was dissatistied with the Pearl Shirt in any way, shapeor manner. We claim that the Pearl Shirt excellsall other shirts In quality, workmansliip and fit. BACII ï ABEL. We have deeided this week to give you a small benefit in Underwear. Underwear is low, but not so low as we shall sell it beginning to-day. We cannot give all of the partieulars. Wnile we write the underwear is beingdisplayed. We know wliat it cost. We know aow little it is going to bring. First comes a very liandsomc ladies'vest In all sizes, half recular sea nis at 40 c. Sueh underwear is not made for any sueh money. Next comes a ladies' vest linislicd with silk around the neck, pearl buttons, half regalare, all sies at 50e. This vest without doubt is the cheapest ever seen in Ann Arbor at the price. Ladies' vests at GO, 75, 80, $1.00 and $1.25 are equally cheup. We have hastily given you the earliest Imperfect news (truc as fir as it goes) of underwear. There are others. We shall turn to the subject igain. The quantities to be sold at these prices are not so large that you can afford to wait. BACII & ABEL. WE DO NOT CLAnvT tliat Hood's Sarsaparilla wIU cure everything, but the lact that on the purity and vitality oL the blood depend the vigor and health of the whole system, and that disease of various kinds is often only the sign that nature is trying to remove the distmbing cause, we are naturally led to the conclusión that a remedy that gives Ufe and vigor to the blood, eradicates scrofula and other impurities from it, as Hood's Sarsaparilla undoubtedly does, must be the means of preventing many diseases that would occur without lts use; henee the field of its usefulness is quite an extended one, and we are warranted in recommending it for all . rangements of the system which are caused by au unnatural state of the blood. Why Suffer whh Salt-Rheum ? Messrs. C. I. Hoon & Co., Lowell, Mass. Gentlemen- I was a great suftcrer from Ralt-ltheum on ray linibs, for a dozen years prevlous to the suminer of 1876, at which time I was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. The skin would become dry, chap, crack open. bleed and itcli intensely. so that I could not help scratching, which of course made them worse ' At the time I comnienced taking Hood's Sarsaparilla (in the sumnier of 1876) they were so Dad that they discharged, and I was obliged to keep them bandaged with linen cloths. The skin was drawn so tight by the heat of the disease that if I stooped over they would crack open and actually bring tears into nvy eyes. The lirst bottle benefited me so niucn that I continued taking it till I was cured I used one box of Hood's Olive Ointment, to relieve the itching. Hoping many others mayleain the value of Hood's Sarsaparilla and receive as much benefit as I have, I am, Yery truly yours, MKS. S. 8. MOODY. No. 75 Broadway. Lowell, Mass., Jan. 15, 1878. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by druggists. Price $1, or six for $5. Prepared by C. I. HOOD & Co., Lowell, Mass. GET THE BEST ! LEAJ ALL OTHERS ! EveryStyle&Price. Guaranteed TJneqiialed for OPERATION. ECONOMY, PURABIUTY and WORKMANSHIP. Impreremeutj and Conveniences fbund la ]ï9 ethers. AlwaystReliable, POPULAR JEVERYWHERE. For ¦ SalejbTEvery City and Town "in the United States. For f al e by JOHN PFISTERER, Ann Arbor, Mïeh. 1211-1-223 Mortgage Snle. DKFAULT HA VING BEEN MADE IN THE conditlonp of a certain inortgage executed by Lydia Kirchhofcr, of Manchester, 1d the County of VVasiitenaw, and State of Mlohigau, to Jared S. Ltipham, of Northville, Wayne County, In eaid State, bearing date the Sevt-nteenth day of Apiit A. D. 1879, and recorded in the office of the Reöiater of deed e for eaid County of Waehtenaw, in Uber 55 of mortgages, on pageöiMi, and by which default the power of eale contained in Baid mortgage hnving become operative, and no guit or proceeding at law or in chancery havlng been ïnstituted to recover the amount due od said mortgage, or the note accompanying the eame, and there beini: dow claimed t be due on aald note and mortgatfc, the eum of Two Thoueand Two Ilundred and öeventy Dollars iiud Seventy cents {.#2,270 70]. Notice is tberolore hereby eiven that i-.ud morïjïflgt; will bc forecloaed on Friday the Nineteenth day of September, lxi, at 10 q'clock in the foreuoon of that dy, by eale at public auctioo to the hiuht'Bt bidder at the unuth front door ol the Court Iltiusc in the city of Ann Arbor in uid county of Washteuaw, (said Cimrt House being the place oí holding the Circuit Conit for fald conniy) of the mortgaged premies describert In said inortyajie, or o mach thereof a raay be necessary to srttiety the amount due on ettid note and mortgage with reasoimbie costu and expen-ee; whicn said mortaged premises are duücrihed iu eaid mortgAge, as followt: All those certain parcela of Und sitúate aiid being in the ViMagu of Manchester, in the County of Waabtenaw, and State n( Michigan, known and deecribed Iota four (4), fivu (5j, 8Íx 0), eeven (7) and eight (8J in block one (1) in Granger and Morgan't addition to the Village of Manchester, according to the recordad plat of naid addition. Dated, Juue 17tht A. D.( 1884. JAKEÜ B. LAPIIAM K. D. KINNE, Mirtaeee. Att'y for Mortgagee. ¦ 1201 IJ l::


Ann Arbor Courier
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