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QtüA clS i WhenamanbMMifibred (rom Rheumatúm oulya llttlewhlle, anilla relleved frnm hlspiiln, he 1 happy and delltfhtcd. Jf ut iuppOBB he luis Suffcrod for more than a thlrdof a century. Alvln Grlra, of Vale, Iowa, wrltes : # "Athlophoiios haBhtíliwl mo inuch. Tlie# pain iu jny limba íb all kou", but nomo %b nona iít lef t yot, and well turre jnÍKlit bé, for I have been troubled for thirty-nve ycanti with Rlioumatisüi." 9 Mrs. A. B. Baker, of Chicago, Had rheumatic palns In her back for fífteen years, and Mr. Baker had tteen thevtctlm of Iilieumatlsm untU hls liraü was drawn down ove hls left shoulder. Mr. Jiaker wrltes: " Half a bottlo of Atiilophohoh made ü me aa good oh uew. ,1 y wifo han taken # the otbor half, and han not eomplaiuud of # her back since. öhe aya her back nevcr waB mo free froin pain and ache a it haa iH'ün 0 aiuce she haa taken the Atiu-ophobos." There are many people who tliink that because they have suíléred so long, and have tried so many medicines in vain, they must "suffer on their tliree score ycar.s." But j'ou see what Atiii.opiioiios lias done. Ilowever Old your Case; Howevcr Severe your ruin; Ilovfevfir 4 - r-n i your Dfaxippolntinrntg, ülf Try Athlophoros P02 If you cannotwt ATHLOFHOllOHof your drujofiBt, ve wiU BOlid it oxpreau paid, on reccipt of recular prn-1 m JlUur ior bottle. Wo pretor that you buy it froua PV dvvwiBt, butif be httHti't it, rio DOt be iicrmiiidcdto kv Bomcthtn elae, but order ut onco f 1 1 ii m un aa 4kMto iTMLtrmmt m-, U2 wall it., new york. ¦hm- mi I. R. luitimuuimin A piayer-iiicelin); bas been establisbfd in i loft iiljoiniii a plumber nul {iis litter's shop in (iiinlii idifc. It would seeni as it' tlx'ie was to be a pionoiinceil efibrt to save even a plmnlicr's soul. - Konicrville Jonraiil. 'Motlier Swaii's Worm Syrnp." Intiillible, tnateiem, barmleu, catbaitic, for feverisbness, restlesalieiii, woiins. conslipalion. 25o. Poveify flevelopa genius, T sperity utillzeg fools. sKiinii Men. "Wells' Health Renewer" restoi'e liealtli and vijror, cures Drípepsia-, Imootence, Sexual üebility. f 1. An Inn-dependent - The hotel waltcr, - X. Y. Journal. A Wkak Back, with a weary acbing laniencss over the hips is a sign of diseased kidney.=. Use the best kidney ciirnlive, wJiiob is Burdock Blood Bitters. ¦¦Miii-lnipitiliii." Quiok, complete, CO re all annoyin Kidney. Bladder and Urinary Ulseasei $1. DruygUt A seer-sucker - the bogus weather pr pl et. - Boston lJost. "Uoujfli oii Rats." Clears out rats, inc, ronches, flies auts, bed-biigs, skunks, cliipinunks gophers, 15c. Drugjiists. Appropviate dessert for diii'es- sill bubs.- Philadelphia Cali. Von't Uie in the House. " Koiijrli on Uats." Clears out lal s. iniee roacbes, bed-bu;s, tlies, ants, moles, eWp munks, gophers. 15c. The unit rule - every man tut úmm It - New York Journal. Try It Yourseir. Tlie proof of the pudding is not in ehew ing the strinr, but in lmving anopportu nity to try the arücle yourself. Eberbaci & Son, the Druggists, llave a free trial bot tle of Dr. Bosanko's Cougli and Lun Syrup ior eaeli and every one who is at flicted with Coughs, Oolds, Asthma, Cou sumplion or any Lung affectlon. " Time is money," said the neeily mal whcn he spouted his watuh. Tliis Iüea of Going West to Colorado or New Mexico, for pure li to relieve Consumption, is all a mistake Any rensonable man would use Dr. Bo sanko's Cough and Lunj; Syrup for ('on suniption in all its fust stages. Jt jieve fails to give relief in all cases of Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, Pain in the Cheet inc all iffections that are considered primir to Consumption. Price, 50 cents and $1.00 Sold by Kberbiich ifc Son. Churches liave their naves, as well a other tliings. - Lowell Courier. Curk for OROur.- Use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It is the best remedy for al sudden attacks of cold?, pain and inlliun matton, and injuries. A sound reasoner- the inventor of the telcphoue. - l'hiladclphia Cali. EDecorative irt. Explicit dirèc tious for every use are giren witu the Dia raonU Dyes. For dyeing Mosses, Grasses Eggs, Ivory, Hair, etc, 10 c. DruggisU keep theni. Welli, Richardsou & Co. Burlington, Vt. To the man hoeing his owi: row the world hoes a living.- Wtiitehall Times. II iiinor in the siiiinai'li. Much of tle distress and sickness attrlb uted to dyspepsia, chronic diarhoea and other causes is occasioned by humor in the stomach. Severa] cases, with all the characteristics of these complaints, llave been cured by Hood's Sarsapsrllla. Other cures eö'ected by this medicine are so wonderful tliat the simplest statement oftheni aifords the best proof that It combines rare curatrve agents and when once used secures the confidence of the people. " Soled again !" exclaimed the youug man as he went ilying down the front steps for the third time inside of a week, propelled by the vi"orous loot of liis eharnier's papa.- Bui lington Free Press. OlliceliolUers. The oftke held by the Kidneys la one oí importune?. Tliey act as nature's lluiceway to carry off tlie extra liqulds trom the i-ystem anU with thein the inipurkics botii tuose tlitit are taken into the sto:nach and thoe that aie iorined in the blood. Any clogiug or inaction of these orgaus is therefore iiupoi 'tuut. Kiduey-wort is nature's eflicient assiotant in keeping the kidneys in good working order, strenthening them and iudncing healthy aotion. Ifyou would jtet well and keep well, take Kiclney-wort. A bankrupt man Bever write9 to the bank "stop niy imper."- Clnclniiati S.itnrday Nigüt. One reason why diseases of the bladder and urinary organs are so áifflcult to cure is that they frequenlly llave no pronouneedsyniptoms. llt'NT's [Kidiify and LiverJ Itemedy is pocuüarly adapted to the cure of these compluints, and goes at once to the seat of trouble iving relief at once. The dude wears a full snit on the hottest day. Tlie other kind ot a puppy only palito. There ia nothing like Dr. Thomas's Eolectric Oil to quickly cure a cold or relieve hoarseness. Written by Mrs. M. J. Fellows, BUIT Oak, St. Joscph Co , Midi. About the only force some people huve is the force of luiblt.- Americim Queen.


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