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Polish the Yonngsters' Teeth With SOZODONT, and when they grow up their inouths will be garnished with sound and handsome ones. Tlie foundation of many a tootlmclie is laid in childliood by neglect, and it is yery important to the well-being of either cliild or adult tliat the teeth sliould be well tsken care of. Bad teeth are no iit masticators of the food, and breed dyspepsia. Make them white and strong, tlierefore, with SOZODONT, a preservative of suprema excellence and purity. Use it without delay. fr m 1211-1214. When a bad actor is pelted with aged eggs, doeslie receivean OM-tion - Drake's Travelers' Magazine. A country postmaster had an heir born at 1 o'clock a. m. He afterward remarkd to a friend who was congratulatlng hini that it was tlie earliest male he hud ever received.- Boston Times. 'Motlier Swan's Worm Syrup." Infallible, tasteless, harmless. cathartie, for feverïsliness, restlessness, worius, constipatlon. 23c. The Prince of Wales is said to be loslug nearly all his liair. This makes hhn both au heir apparent and a hairless paren t. - Philudelphia Chronicle. One of the curiosities to be exlnbited at New Orleans Exposltlon is a palmetto stutiip completely petrified. It was dus up recently from the sand on tlie beach at Mouut Pleasaut, S C., and weighs 40 pounds. It is solid stone, and the grain ot the palmetto wood is easily discerned. It is suid to lie the only instance on record In wlilch palmetto wood has ever become petnüed. DüLand's Chemical Bakino Po wek. - The statement made on each label "Made from Grape Cream Tartar and BiCarb. Soda only. No filling whatever." It cannot be disproved. Test it, try it, and you will use uo other. It wül make the most delicious pastry, is alwaj-s nare, full welght, bealtbful and ecouomical. "Yes," said the broken-down merchant, "ItbinkI have been too fond of drink, but I can't say that Tin pleased with this last boverage - iheriff'a ale." - Oincinnati Saturday Night. Beware of Frauijs.- Besure yougct the genuine Dr. Thomas' Ecletric Oil. It cures Colds, Croup, Astlima, Deafness and Illicumatism. A French Chemltt distils brandy from waternielon, and a Swede manufactures alcohol from reindeer moss. As Sliakspcare says, " there's good lu evtrything." - Uoston Transcript. " I have been dreaitfully troubled with disease of the kidneysand liver daring the paal six inoTitlis. Hint's [Kidney and Liver] REKEDT has made loe a ncv,r man." Is;uiu W. Fairbrother, Providence, R. I. Business Notlces. Scliool JJooks at bargains, new and second hand, at Sheelian ifc Co.'s, State street. I'arents, save bult yoiir money and buy second hand books of Sheehan & Co., opposite the college. HI1OKT-1IAM. At the earnest request of a number of atudenU who wish to take a course of initruction in the reporting style of Snortlumd. I have decided to give a conrse of lessons in this art wliile aütendtng Michigan Uiiiverjiity the coming ytar. Only a íitiall portion of the students time will be required to take the complete course. This will bean excellent opportunity foryoung people in town to ncqalre a knowleilgeof Stenography. Por full particular, address me at iowa City, Ia., until Sept.lSth. S. A. Moran, manager, school of Shorthand, Iowa City, Iowa. 1210-1213.


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