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The McGiüeny Family AT THE BAPTIST CHÜRCH FRMEHIUEMBER12 Tickets - - DO Cts. Cliiklren - - 85 ets. Por wie t Andrews je Wltherby'a, reaerved seuls without extra ofcarge. Estafe of Sarah Aun McCollum. OTATE ÜP MICHIGAN, Coumy of WubtWMW, At a seaslon of the Probate Court for the Oonnty ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probtti Oftlce In the City of Ann Arhor, on Wednescluy, th'e i7ih day ol AukukI, in the ycar One thousan'd e.-ht huudred aud eiKhtyfour. Present, Wiliium 1). BUrrlman. Jadfte of Troliate, Inthcmatterof theentaleofSara'i Ann HcCollum deceaped. Thomas B. McCollmn the admlnlatrtlor of Bnid estáte, oomfll into cuurt and repressnti that he now prepared to render hla ilual account uch Adminltilrntor Therenpon lt is ordired, that Batnrd,tho twentlelh day of September m-xt, ut teno'clock in the forenoon, he uilgned lorezMolntng and tllowlns Huch account, and that the lirir :it Ihw of said dsceaied, tnaallother pereom Interested in uld estáte, are required to appear at a Beeslon ol said court, then to he holden ,it the Probate Offlce, In the city of Ann Arlior, in said couul v, and sliow cause, il' eny there be, w.iy the snld account ihould I DOt be allowed. And it 1 ordcred, thal said adminiitritor give notice to the persona interested in ald estatii ol the pendency ol' sald account, and the hearing therent, hv caoalDg a copy of ihis order to be publinhed in tbeAimArbor(7ürí',anewspaH'i prinied and olreolattug in said couniy, three successive week prevlous to said day of hearing, (Atruocopy.) WILLIAM 1). HARRTMAN, JudKe of l'r)l)ate. WM. O. DOTY. Probate Re-later.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News