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TO s ti iu i: lts. Cirrs at Grooers Prorits. "We seU the following brands : "Can't be Beat," @ SI -00 per boy. "Ahead of All," g .00 " " "Kich and Kare," @ .05 " " These Cijrars are all Tobacco, not dru;ed or doctered, and tliey will compare favorably wlth goode sold at th ree times their price. We carry a full line of Choice Cigars and Cijtarettes, and sell them at eorrespondlngly low prices. Dean ifc Co., 44 Main Street, south. SCROFULA. A remedy that can destroy tho germs of scroiula, and when once scttled lias the power to root t out, must be appreciated by those affüctcd. The remarkable cures of. ; youngchildren and the more wonderful cures oL those of middle age and late in Ufe, as illustratedbyourprinted testimoniáis, prove Hood'S Sarsaparilla to be a reliable remedy, containing remedial agents whlch do positivelT cure scrorula and eradicate it irom the bloou. Wauner, K. Ff., Jan. 21, 1879. Messrs. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: Gentlemen- For ten years prcvioiis to the early part of 1877 I had heen a constant suflerer irom scrolulous ulccrs or sores, wlnch had flnally reduced me to a helpless condition, as described In my letter to yomn , tember of that year. The continued excellent health which cnables me to keep house for my aged f ather and to enjoy life, keeps ativemylntense personal interest in Houd 3 SARSAPAKiLLA.and I cannot refraln f rom expressing my platitude for the permanent cure this wondertul medicine effected in my casenearly two years at;o. while living in Lowell, wnen all my pliysicians cave me up as beinc In an incurable condition. One thing before I close. I have recommencled your Sarsaparilla to liundreds, and ITuinK inore than a thousand cases, and my f aith in its invincibility in curing scrofula has i become absolute by the wonderful cures it ha3 effected aside froin my own. I trust ; you will not be slow in making the mer ts of Hood'8 Sarsaparilla known eyerywhere foritisaduty you owe to mankind. Vith best wishes lrengn.ryt,:1UyyouY.ER_ HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Is a skilfully-prcparcd composnd, concentrated extract, by a process pcculiarly out ou-n, of the best remedies of the vegetable kingdom knownto medical science as alteratives, blood-purifiers, diuretics.aml tonics. Sold by all druggists. Trice $1 , or six ior $5. C. I. UOOD & CO-, Lowell, Jlass. Cure for Piles. The lirst syniptom of Piles is an Intense itchlng at niglit after ann. Tliis unpleiisant sensation is ïniiiiediately relie ved by an application of Dr. Bnanko s Pile Keinedy. PH In U tottoM, Itoh, Salt Bbeum and Uingwonn can be perinanently curcd by the use of th.s great remedy. Price 50 cents. Manufacturad by the'Or. Bofanko Medicine Coinpany, Pi.ina, O. Sold by Kberbach & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News