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Coinpiled from Late Dispatches DOMESTIC. Vp to the 2d the produce exports frora New York during the year were valued a í'Jir,4(!),132, against $240,999,000 for tb oorresponding perlod in 1888, Reports on the 2.1 from the mining regions in the Hocking Valley, in Ohio stated that everything was quiet. Wit the presence of the miiitia no trouble wa nnticipated. Jln. Nash callnd npon his flanee Alice McCiban, the other evening a Cadis, O., and when parting jocularly in fonned her that he had decided to seve their relations. The girl immodiately swnoiied, and remained unconscious unti lier death two days aften At times sh was seized wlth spasnis, when it requirer the efforts of three men to control her Nash was likely to lose his reason. At Mltchell on the 3d the corner-ston nfthenew Dakota University, a Metho dist ioslltutton, was laid. Durixg a recent storm at Lemond, Mïnn. a Bon of Berger I.arson was struck by lightning-bolt and killed while plowing i the field. The team was killed, the plow melted, and three wheat-stacks in the sam iield were s ruck and burneil. A FAMiLT of five persons at Baltimore Md., wore taken wilU cramps on the 3. altrr mting sardines, and two childrei would not survive. They were poisonet by the tin covering the sardines. Mks. W. Kkelek, who begau fasting forty-eight days ago at Pittsburgh, dior en the 3d. The corpse weighed only 10 ponnds, but lief ore she began the starva tion procesa her woight was 273 pouuds. Fha.nk Fr.isBEK, eniployed in the Firs National Bank at Portland, O'e., recentl; stole $7,0011 and fled to New York, where he was arrested on the 3i on a steamer ly ing at quarantine. The (Jeorge Woods Organ Company, o Middleser, Mass., is insolvent. lts liabil ities ara $00,000, with nominal assets o $65,000. The Minnesota Elevator Company, wit] warehouses at thirty points in that State made an assignnient on the 3d. lts liabil ities were nearly $240,00!), chiefly due fo borrowed money. Tiie spark from a hainmer prematurel exploded a blast at Sliaron, Pa., the othe evening, one man being fatally injured and four others were mangled and burned Os reports of the State Veterinarian the Governor of Illinois on the 3d declaret pleuro-pneumonia epidemie among cattle in nine herds, and enjoined their owner. trom transporting them without a certifi cate of good health. It was nnderstood in New York City on the 3d that Pinkerton's detectives hai positively learned of eighteen Aldermen who received bribes in the Broadway Rail way-franchise steal, and that the mai who gave the money and the men who re ceived it were known. Each Alderman received $10,000 cash and $10,000 in stock nt par. the sham battle on the 4th at the Soldiers' Reunión at Fremont, Neb., a stand collapsed, and forty persons were injured, some seriously. A HUBDEROUS Hungarian was lynched by his country men tlio other moiíRng near AVilkesbarre, Pa. Raix feil on the 4th at Gïlveston, Tex. for the first time in twelve weeks. Ii some sections of the city water had beai an article of commerce for two weeks. A frame house which was being: raised nt Pittsburgh feil the other evening, a young man being killed and his father fatally hurt. A woman and several children who occupied the structure escaped unhurt. Charles Hill, who had been Cashier of the National Bank of New Brunswick, N. J., for twenty years, was found dead in bed on the morning of the 4th, caused by inhaling gas. A gang of highwaymen, headed by the notorious Bill Ostrander, committed three brutal highway robberies on the 4th on the road between St. Charles and Ferguson, two suburbs of 8t. Louis. The victims were three farmers named Riley, Dunlap and Glossner. After robbing the farmers the scoundrels beat thein into insensibility. Two unknown' men tried to shoot Sitting Buil in St. Paul the other night as he came out of a theater. His companion knecked the weapon down and his assailants fled. William Dowxies, a member of the Chicago Board of Trade, was shot arti killed on the night of the 5th by his brother Charles, with whom, some days previous, he bad quarreled over the división of some property. The murderer was arrested and confessed his crime. Seven deaths occurred recently in a mining village near Ashland, Pa., as a result of eating cannod meats and pork, and twenty-four Dersons were ill on the 5th. Two caves of the Enterprise mine, near ¦Port Bowkley, Pa., took place on the 5th, 250 acres of land settling about six feet, and the ground was full of searas and cracks. The mina was being flooded by water raahing through the fissures, and could not be worked for at least a year. The loss was placed at $500,000. FiTe houses were wrecked, and six mules were küled by falling rocks. Five hundred persona werettarown out of employment. Thomas J. Libby, proprietor of a summer resort at Scarborough, Me., shot and killed one of his female employés and then fatally shot himself. lx one night recently twentyfour stores and houses were entered by burglars at Duluth, Minn., but not much property was stolen. Gbetchen Zeiling, a beautiful Germán girl employed as a domestic in the house of Colonel Charles Parrot, of Columbus, O., was shot dead the other morning by her jealous lover, James Greiner. A forest lire wbioh broke out in Talbot County, Md., had on the 5th burned over ],000 acres of tiruber lands, and, aided by a prevailing drought, was still burning fiercely. The loss would be heavy. Dr. L. Watson Lyle, charged with pension frauds in Illinois and Iowa to the extent of $75,000, was arrested at Louisville, Ky., on tho 5th. Offlcers had been searching for him for two years. An unknown man, who had been arrested for burjlary, hanged himself the other night in the Avondale (O.) Jail. United States Minister Morton at Paris intimatïd to the State Departmont ut Washington on the 5th that the time was opportune for American mediation between Franco and China. Measures were being taken in Philadelphia on the 5th to prevent the landing of "assisted emigrants" from Hamburg. Theee were 178 business failuree in tho U.'iited States aml Canada daring tho seven days ended on tlie 5th, against 18Í1 the previous seven days. Tlie distribution was as follows: Middle States, 47; New England States, 29; Western, 68; South ¦i-n, 18; Paciüc Stutes and Territories, 19; Canada, 18. PERSONAL AÑD POLITICA!. The following Congressional nominations were made on the 2d: Republican - Mic-higan, Seventh District, Edgar Weeks; Wiseonjin, Kighth DUtrict, William T. Price.l (renominated); Pennsylvania, Sixtii District, James B. Evnrhart, (ronoininatud). Democratie - Iowa, Second District, J. H. llurphy, (renominated) ; Mis-niin, ElRhth District, John J. O'Neil, (renominated); Micliigan, Eighth District, Timothy E. Tarnsey; Pennsylvania, Eighth District, Danifil Ermentrout, (renominated); Illinois, Eighteenth District, V". R. Morrigon, (renominated). The Connecticut Democrats met in State Convention at Hartford on the 2d and renominatod Governor Waller by acclamatlon. The platform adopted indorses Cleveland and Hcndriuks, protests against sumptuary laws, and favoi-s the abolition of contract piison labor. The Massachusetts Republican State Convention mot at Boston on the 3d and renominated Georuu D. Robiusou for örnor by uuanlmou% vote, .The pi:v adopted indorses th Natjjuil platform and candidatesj favors a (jtecrlmlnatlng tárlffj the regulatlon of the boura of Labor; opposes the fuither colnag of the silvei dollar, and favors clvil-rvlc reform. Thk lowa Damooratlo Htato Coiiveiitlon met at Davenport on the Oil and nomitiatod K. L. Bruten, of Wapello Couiity, tor Judge of the Supreme Court, and ratifled the Greenback nominal ons for Secretary of State and for Treasurer. The ticket is as follows: Secrotary of State, James Dooley, Keokuk; Treasurer, Georgo Derr, Uninn; Auditor, J. E. Hénriques, Marshalltown; Attorney-Ueneral, M. '. Gannon, Scott; Electors-at-Large, D. O. Finuk and Daniel Campbell. The Texas Ilepubliean State Convention met at Houston on the 3d and adopted a resolution that it was injudieious to placa a State ticket in the fiold, and recommended the Republicaus to aid in the election of all independent candidatos. The Massaehusetts Democratie Convention met at Worcester on the 3d and nominated VVilliam C. Endicott for Governor. The platform adopted demands war taxes in time of war and peace tnxes in time of peace; demaiids the restoration of American shipping, and advocates the rights of labor and extended suffrage. General B. F. Butler, the Anti-Monopoly and Greonback oandidate for President, addressed a large assemblage in Chicago on the evening of the 3d. The demurrer of the ïndianapolis Sentinel in the Blaine libel snit was overruled by Judge Woods on the 3d at ïndianapolis, and the defendants would answer on the 4th. The Sentinel people claimed that they would not be ready for trial befora November, because their wituosses all live at a distance. Coxgressmen were nominated as follows on the 3d: Itopublican - Illinois, Third District, VVilliam E. Mason, (in opposition to George R. Davis); lowa, First District, John S. Woolson; New Jersey, Sixth District, George H. Halsey; New York, Thirty-third District, John B. We her. Democratie - Alabama, Seventh District, W. H. Torney; Texas, Second District, J. II. Regau; Pennsyl vauia, Twenty-seeond District, J. H. Hopkins; Twenty-third, M. Foster; Ruode Island, First District, S. O. Slocnm. Greenbacker- Michigan, Third District, H. F. Pen nington. Bishop Pikuck, of the M. E. Church South, died a few marnings ago at Augusta, Ga. The following Coiigressional nominations were made on the 4ih: Republicfui - ¦ Missouri, Sixth District, W. S. Shirk. Texas, Seventh District, R. B. Rentfrow. Michigan, Tenth District, Charles F. Gibson. ]Sew Jersey, Fifth District, William Walter Phelps (renominated). Massachusetts, Twelfth District, Franeis W. Hockwell (renominated.) Democratie- Georgia, Fifth District, N. J. Hammond (renominated) ; Sixth, James H. Blount (renominated). Illinois, Eighth District, P. C. Haley. Texas, Sixth District, Olin Wellborn (renominated). Minnesota, Second District, J. J. Thornton. Virginia, First District, Thomas Croxton. Wisconsin, Seventh District, G. M. Woodward (renoinitiate.1). Pennsylvania, Third District, Samuel J. Randall (renominated). Prohibitionists - Indiana, ÍSeventh District, Rev. Isaac Tomlinson. Wisconsin, Second District, T. J. Patchin; Third, J. M. ülin; Fifth, D. J. Miller; Sixth, J. J. Sutton; Seventh, L. B. Loomis. Ch arlks J. Folger, Secretary of theTreasury, died at his home in Geneva, N. Y., at 4:55 o'clock on the afternoon of the 4th. He had been in failiug health for some time, his lungs and kidneys being affected. Judge Folger was boni in Nantucket, Mass., April 10, ISIS, and removed to j neva, N. Y., when twelve years old. Ho was made Secretary of the Treasury October 27, 1881. The Secretary leaves me son and two daughters, his wife having died seven years ago. The Wisconsin Prohibitionists met in State Convention at Madison on the 4th and nominated the following ticket: For Governor, S. D. Hastings, of Dane County; Lieutenant-Governor, A. A. Kelly, St. Croix; Secretary of State, E. G. Durant, Racine; Treasurer, C. M. Blackman, Walworth; Attorney-General, F. M. Anael, Barron; Superintendent of Public Instruction, Robert Graham, Winnebago; Railroad Commissioner, Henry Sanford, Manitowoe; Insurance Commissioner, Nelson Ladue, Lafayette. A full electoral ticket was appointed. A platform was adopted indorsing the action of I the Pittsburgh Convention; demanding the submission, adoption and enforcement of a Prohibitory amendmeut, and favoring woman suffrage. Fayettb Lodawick Robixso.v, better knownas "Yankee" Robinson, the iamous circus and theatrical showman,died at New Jefferson, Ia., on the 4tb, ascd sixty-six years. He had devoted nearly fifty years to the show business. Mns. Belva A. Lockwood on the 4th formally accepted a nomination for the Presidency of the United States by the Woman's National Equal Rights party of California, promising, if elected, to recomniend a uniform system of laws in regard to marriage and divorce. Tiie demurrer of the Indianapolis Sentinel in the Blaine libel suit case having been overruled, the Sentincl Cotnpany on the 4th filed its answer admitting publication and pleading juatifleation. oír. Blaine's attorneys tiled w!i answer denying the truth of thedefendant's allegation. Returns on the 4th trom 221 towns iu Vermont gave Pin;ree (Rep.) for Goveruor, 41,183; Redington (Dem.), 19,197; Independent, Greenback and scattering, 733. Pingree'splurality, 21,991; Pingree's majority, 21,218. There were only thirteen towns to be heard from, and these four years aeo cast an aggregated vote of 99ö. They would probably add 4J3 to the Rapublican majority. Congressmen were nominated as follows on the öth: Democratie - Illinois, Seoond District, Frank Lawler. Missouri, Ninth District, John M. Glover. Alabama, Fifth District, Thomas W. Sadler. Pvepublican -Illinois, Sixth District, Robert R. Hitt (renominated). By order of President Arthur the Treasury building at Washington was draped in inourning on the öth out of respect to the memory of Secretary Folger, and on all Government buildings in the couutry the national flag was directed to bo placed at hall-mast on the day of the funeral. The New Hampshire Greenback State Convention met at Manchester on the 5th and lndoned General Butler, üoorge W. Carjjenter was nominated for Oovernor, and John F. Woodbury and J. E. Williams for Congressmen. The platform of the National Convention at Indianapolis was indorsed. Mrs. Harlan, wife of ex Senator James Harían, of Iowa, and mother-in-law of Secretary Lincoln, diel at Fortress Monroe, Va,, a few nightf ago. The Republioan majority in the State election iu Vermont was on the 5th set at 22,000 in round numhurs. The complexión of the House of Representativos is: Republicans, !S; Djmocrats, 31; Greenbackers, 4; Independent, 81; no choice, 1. The next Senate will consist of 27 Kepubllcaiu and 3 Democrats. FOREIGÏï. At Cliatau and Henly Harbor, on the Labrador coast, rioting was reportad on he 2d between Orangemnn and Catholics, u which iire-arms were freely used, many ersous being killed anti wounjed on both sides. It was reported on the 2d that the Mehdi's troops at Berber were selling the eople of that city as slaves and were ecting the women to horrible atrocities. A cable message on the 4th to P. W. allmadae, of Milwaukee, stated that the Snglish wheat erop this haivest was about 2,000,000 bushels - an increasoof lti,000,0l)0 bushels over last year. Theyield iu France romised to be large. At Nicosia, Sicily, a flre occurred in a ulphur mine on the 4th, and twenty perons perished. Throughout Italy eighty-five deaths rom cholera occurred during the twentyour hours ended at nine p. m. on the 4th, and at Naples Roman candles were being burned in the streets to purify tue air. Cacti tivn wa tasin ijiwasurca ijt prutection regardhsá of the Government, At Rlarsoillos ihi's doaths oocurred. Durinu tto twenty-four bours ended at niuep. ni. om the ")th there were live deaths from cholera nt Marseilles. Jt was ofticialj ly nniioiinced that three deaths from chol - ei'a occarred at Bordeaux. In Italy 125 deaths wcreieported. Thepeopleat Naples were cxcitiiiR themselvea with the suspioion that the Archbishop was incomplicily with the physieians to poison them. A schooner capsized in Newfoundland waters a few days ago, and of the seven persons on board not one was saved. Sixty-four persons suspected of plotting against the Czar were arrestad at Warsaw on the 5th. A nuniber of woinen were includeJ. The pólice had ordered all warehouses, shops and taverns closed I at nine each night during the Czai's visit. Kach polics agent was charged to watch ' five houses. LATER NEWS. A sekious conflagration was stated tu the flats in Cleveland. O., m the evening of the 7th, by sparks from a tug lodging in a pile of shavings in the lumber-yard of Woods, Perry & Co. Ten acres covered with lumber or frame buildings were in (lames simultaneously. Engines were summoned from Erie, Toledo and the nearest Uhio towns. The loss would certainly reach fri',000,000. The funeral servicos over the romnim of Senator Anthony toóle place at Providence, R. I., on the (th, President Arthur and other títate and National olficials being presant. There were four deaths from cholera in Marsoilles during the twonty-four hours ended at nine p. m. on the T'h. At Novelda, Spain, there were six fresh cases and five deaths in the same period. At Naples, Italy, 348 new cases and 117 doatns were reported. The Molino milis, twenty-three miles from i'ensacola, Fia., wore burned a Lew days ago. Loss, $100,000. A KUN on the First National Bank of New Brunswick, N. J., comp:4,lleil it to susjiend i)ayments on tlie (j;h. The defalcation of the cashier, H.ll, who committed suicide, was said to be about $:M'),U00. Sales of No. 2 red wheat weroinade in St. Louis on the ( h at seventy-nine cents for September, the lovvest price for twolve years. The Democrats made the following Congressional nominations on the tíih: Kentucky, Eightli District, James B. MeCreary; Iowa, Fourth District, L. H. Weller (renominated); Louisiana, First District, Carleton Hunt (renominated). A GREat drought was on the ïth afflicting Eastern Uhio and Western West Virginia. Crops were perishing, and stock was being suld at almost any sacriüce, for lack of food for them. Uhixa, in onticipation of a French invasión, cal led for 5,000 men on the Gth to defend Pekín. A grant of 12,000,0 M francs had been made by the Secretary of War. A fikk which had boen raging for three days in the forest in Talbot County, Ml., on the eastern shore, had on the (ith destmyed lipwards of two hundred acros of tiinber. The Corporation Couasel of the city of New York on the (ith declarad nuil and void the Broadway Hailrcuil franchise because the special meeting of AlJermen was illegal. Seven hoi ses and seven malea lost thoir lives by the burningof Benjamin Bi-ower's stable at Denver Col., a föw days ago. Noticks were posted in various parta of L(;vis County, Tonn., on the 7th warning the Mormons now residing there to leave witliiu tliiity days under pain of death. The Hormons were frighteaed, and so:n,i wereieaving and others would follow.


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