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A Glorious Result.

A Glorious Result. image
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In last week'a issue tlie inajorlty for the republican ticket "given in Maine was placed at 10,000, btit as the more remóte t0WH8 kept conuna: in, the returns kept getting bctter and better. Complete returns now put Gov. Robie's majority at 20,6151 The largest ever given in the state with one exception. Will tlie Xew Vork World, and otlier papers that said the republicana had nothing to crow over admit the f act now, that they have? Beside that, the republicans have carried cvery county in the state ! Tlicy have elected every member of the state senate ! They liave elected every county oflicer in tlie state except one ! They have elected fouf-flfths of the atate house ot' represen tatlyes! Tüey have elected all Cour of the nieinbers of congress! Kennebec county, Mr. Blaine"s home, shows a republican gain of over 1,600 since the last clection ! A more complete victory was never won at the polls. Oh, yes, Cleveland s "very popular down cast, wherehe is known. A goos Malue so ííJts the Union : Tlio fóüowiog, from tin; Pontiac Ga" zette, tells ;v true story : "Two years a#o gome of the disgmntled Adrlanitesfell iuto tho democratie trap, and defeated tlie eleclion to conress of tliat grand statesman nnd orator, Hon. J. K. Boise of Hudeon nuil elected a man who was a free trader upon everything but wool, and only a protectloolat on that subject " because some of .my constiiucnts raise wool." The republican convention, for the second district,met at Adrián, andón tlie second ballot nominatcd C.i!. Edward 1'. Allen so veil Itnown in our city and oounty as an eloquent and able speaker, 'l'liis is a splenüld notnlnatlon, suits all arouod, and Capt. Ed. wlll represent the old seoond n congroia."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News