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Where Prohimtion Measlkes Sut'ceel).

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The question of proliibltion Wha resubmitteil to the people of Maine al tlie recent electioD, aud the voto upon the same stood, at our lalcstadvices, 64,607 in favor, and 20,224against; leavinga hand. soine majority ot' 44,383 in its favor. As Maiue is strongly rcpublican tbat result was possiblc. Wc ask our prohibitory friwid.s if a like result vvould be possible In Kentucky, ISIissouri, New Jersey, Delaware, Te.xas, or any otlier strong democratie state? Does not tliis very result piove conchisiveJy to all fiiir uiinded men, where tlie fi-iends of tcmpcrancc are to be found? Bccause Robert E. Frazer prored too imicli for the fellow named Mikc Fanalng and his alleged "open letter," botli Faiuiing' aiul Uio uarrow gect lic represente have jonc to abusing tliat gentlenmn. bccause l:e darc stand by his convictlonsand take u course lic bel i uves to be ri;ht. Such men as FunnLtig lead tliiukinx people to belle ve thnt the democratie corruptton fund bas found a place where t will do the most good. Ttere in not a democratie paper in the state of Michigan tliat dare suy one voord in favor of lemperance mensure and temperance men, and yet every democratie paper s patting evcry prohibitionlst on liis back or stroking his heart and calliiig hlm a noble fellow. And if' these prohlbltlonists succeed in pulllng their chestnnts out of tlie flre, these sume papers will turn around and kick theni, with their poor burned paws, out into the street, without even giving tliem the scliuck tbnt wrnpiipil rlip kfirnpl tn cmol] of In looking oyrr the Michigan Proliibitionist, the new paper Btarted by Rev. John Russell, iit first we thought it dlfflcult to teil whether it favored prohibition or democracy. But a closer inspectio-n proveí the problem an easy onc, af ter all. It most assuredly favors democraoy. All of its diatribes are aimed against the republican party and republicau candldates; all of its political quotations are trom democratie jouruals, all of its lies are in the interest of the democratie party; and the tenor of all its articles are bitter aguinstthe repubfcans and very soft on the democrats. Among the men hom it quotes as authority is the "Ilon."' A. C' Mawxell, of Bay City- and any one who knows Maxwell, knows what pure, elean sweet-breathed, températe, honest authority be is. What an exquisito, whnt an eftecting scène it would be to see the Kev Johu with hisglasses over his nose, and the Hon. Andrew with his glasses under his uose, marcli up to the polls arm in arm and cast their ballots - both for the same cause, though reading different!! We pause to wipe our - nose. Commenil us to the republicun party ol Michigan for genalne stupidity. Xwo yenn ago the party in tliis Étate promlsed to subinit thequestion of prohlbilion tothe people. It had votes euough in the legislatura to tlo it, but In obedienee to the díctales of the li]uor trafflc it refused to do it. Now Jt has made precisely tbe Name proinise over ag:iin to the people. That won't work. ÉCavlng broken the pronslso once It is reMonable to presume that it wil 1 do it asruin ir ii gcts th opportunity. Itouglit to have Lried some newscheme. It was exceedingly stupid to make precisely the saine promlse tliat it made two years ago.- Coldwater Sun. For square up and down lying coinmeml us to some of [lie oppoaltion newspaper?, ind the Sun is not an exception. Thero were not enough republicana to pass that measure, without the akl of the democrats. It takes a two-thhds vote to tnbmit a eonsUtutiona! ameiidment to the people, and the democratie party held in ts hands the power to carry or defeat the Blessure, and true to its instincts it defeated t. And now its papers try to make the black lecord of that party still blacker by telling falsehoods about it. A recent issue of the Grand Rápida Democrat has a display neading iu black faced type: "A Mastodon Found!" Yes, the democratie party found it in Ei ie coutity. It is of the üuflalo species, and is so very heavy tlmt it is rapidly knocking tlie wind out of tliat party to carry it. The skcleton (In the famlly closet) is an enormor.s onc. The questlon naturally suggests tself : Has tliat "young lion of the Saglnaw demacracy," done any roarinj? over the Vermont and Maine elections t Tlicy are Horr-ible Timothy, In the extreme. Dut tlie fact is the people are very particular yet as to wlio tliey trust with affaire of si ate. There s still a possiluüiy of tlie greenbacken meeting and putting up a candidate of tlieir own for congress in tliis district. As one of thein said Tuesday : "If Col. Eldredge is elected, liow iniicli betteroffwtll we bef Isn't Itbetter to stand by your principies and pat up n man of oor own 't" The opposition wlll liave to liht tlieir battle tor Cleveland without the Bid of any of the religious papers. Thcy ïmve all "flopped over,'1 nul not only rcfuse to support him, but claim that Ihc; president of the United States should bu :i Daan of' pure mornls. Une whom any man wouW not Ceel afrald to invite to his home and aiBoclate with his famlly.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News