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IfOQD'S $ ARS APAR ILLA Is designed to meet the wants oL a large portion of our pcople who are cither too poor to employ a physician, or are too lar removed to easily cali one, and a still larger class who are not sick enough to require medical advice, and yet are out oL sorts and need a medicine to build them up, give them an appetite, purify their Wood, and oil up the machiiiery ol their bodies so it will do lts duty willingly. No other article takes hold ol the systein and hits exactly the spot like HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Itworks likc magie, rcaching every part of the human body through the blood, giving to all renewed life and cnergy. My friend, you need not take our word. Ask your neighbor, who has iust taken olie botHe. He wi)l teil you that ¦ It 's the best dollar I ever iuvested." LEBANOÑTÑ. H., Feb. 19, 1879 MFSsrts C. I. Hood Sc Co.: Dear Sirs - for dyspepsia and general nrostration, and I have rec'ived very pati ymg : resi lts from Hs use. I am now uslng the second bottie, and consider it a very valuable remedy lor indigestión and its attendant troubles. VUUrstrulv.coHulïCHILLi (Firm of Carter & Cliurchill.) PT A gentleman who Qnped lias been suflcring from tho DebilUy and Languor Ifí P(nnrjs peculiar to this ceason, 'v Z_Z "Hood's Saesai-auilla is putting new life right into me. I have gained ten pounds since I bega to take it." Has taken two bottles. HooD's Sarsapabilla is sold by all drugEists Trice $1 per bottle; sixforSS. Trepared by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. Ii ca II nu and Vcutilatioo. Partios wanting a tirst class job of heat In" and ventilation eau obtain the same bv'anplicution to Andrew Cliniie. Int tín work and unisón work will be done bv local workmen ; the plans wul b(ftirnisheil by experts of the Gold Manu factunng Co., New York city. Cure for Piles. The lhst symptoin of Piles is an intense Helling at night aftergettinS warm. Thi unpleasant sensation is Inimedlately re lievetl by an appiication of Dr. Bosanko Pile Remedy. Piles in all forms, Itcli Salt Rheum and Ringworm can be per manently cured by the use of this groa remedy. Priee 50 cents. Manufacturen bv the Dr Bosanko Medicine Companj Piqua, O. Sold by Ebeibach & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News