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FAC-SIMILES OF ü. S. TREASURY I AD NATIONAL. BANK Itl I.l.s. Conslating of nine exact lmitations of Unied States TVeas'jry Notea, and nine of Naional Bank Bills, elghteen in all, of various enomiuatlons. Asa rare means of deteetng counterfei'. money they are invaluable. I 'ostal carda not auswered. A. LANSING, 381 Bowery, New-York City. 1207-19 _ RUFTUREI! EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRU3S. WMPft Tlii-. 1 russ hm tpiral ipring and DSADUHiBg iTiD i-RiMi'Ri ; vieldsto every motioii, rttólnliig I ter-" the min alwavs. Wom day an.l nüjht with .mOB fort. ScntonTrUl. Enclow Stnuip fur Circular. Used in both University HospiUils. ' EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRUSS CO., Box 2288, Ann Arbor, Mich. Office, HamUton Bïock. Ann Arbor. A FINE SUITE OF Booms fop Olees OVER THE NEW POST-OFFICE. Sl PPUED WITH WATKR AND S TEM. Those recently occupied by Pa. Wii.hon enn qow he rented by lnqulring at the COURIER OFFICE. LITMBÏ3RÏ LUMBER! LUMBEE! It yon contémplate building, cali at FERDON Ij'iui lm! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our ovvn Lumber and guarautee VERY LOW PRICES S"Give us a cali and we wfll make it to your riterest, as our large and wcll (raded stock fully ustains our assertion. Tclephone Conncctions with Office. T. J. KEKCH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, PropD EPORT OF THE COXDITIOX IV -OP THE - FARMERS' Si MECMIK' M AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, On Momlay July. 7, 1884. Made in accordance with the General Banking Ijv of Michigan. IIKSOUIU'EÜ. Tioans and Discount $133,243 76 Overdraft 68 611 Furnitureand Fixtures 3.4U7 00 C'hecksand ot her Cash Items 1,172 07 Dae from Banks and Bankers 10,960 88 jegal Tender and Bank Jiotes li.titíO 00 Gold .! 0 Silver, Nickels, etc 1,42109 Bonds, U. 8 .800 00 School bonds ÍM 31 rreniliim ou U. S. Bonds 502 25 $n8,t68 57 I.1ABIL1TIE. Capital paid In 8 50.000 00 Surplus Kund l,3f)3 77 Profil and Loss 43 05 Due Depositors 12o.riil 76 Divideuds unpaid 1,760 00 $174,663 57 I do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the beat of my kuowledge and belief. William A. Tolchard, Cashipr. Subscribed and sworn to before me, tbis seventh day of July, 1881. W.ti. W. Wjiedon, Notary Public.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News