County felr eommencea Tuesday. The days and tUe'nlghts balance each otlier aoW. . . - Tba roller skating rlnk is lighted by tl, ree electric tamps. Korty Ann Arbor people were at Charevoix one time this sumnier. Win. Buike is building a large barn on liis farm on the south Ypsilanti road. As the weather becomes coolor politics grows warmer. Nature lias tta cornpensations you see. The earriage Works on Detroit street have been BoW by Ben. F. Ai-ksey, who wUl remove to Dexter soon. Jonathan Sprague is president, J. M. Martin, sccretary, and Edward Walker, treasurer of the Ann Arbor Butler club. V. Allison Sweeney, well known among the coloree! people of this place, is making politlcal speeches down in Indiana. . ?- Dark and lowry Mondey, with just enough rain to let the Street sprinklers have a vacation for the day. Tuesday Jitto. Same to-day. A fine white mink was killed by Mr. Coddingtou last week and giveu to Prof. J. B. Stoere who will put it in the museum. It is a regular albino and very rare. Last Monday there was received at the T. A. A. & N. M. R. B. station in this city 10Ü car loads of merchandise, inostly coal, within 24 tours. Pretty good record. The October meetina; of the Washtenaw jiomoloical society will be omitted on account of Uie county fair. A line display of fruit, farm and garden produce is expected at the fair. Judge Joslin carne up to the court house Satuiday, had the bell rung, and put on iiis spectacle?, ascertained lie had made a mistake in the date and then put up his spectacles and went away Bgain. Myron G. Still wouldn't keep still Satarday night. Had too niuch budge on board- was ugly. He had a chance to retlect upon his conduct over Sunday in the cooler. But no one appearing against h'un Monday he was let off. A new school house is being built in district No. 4. Webster, on the Boyden plains. Work on the building was commenced Monday last. It will be 28x32, frame, and is to be linished by Nov. lst. Hussell & Sackett of this city are the contractors, and aio to receive $750 for the job. The Wilkinson preparatory school, once the pride of Ann Arbor, in which Keuben Kempf received the gieater portion of his telueation, used to be located over whatis now Eberbach's hardware store, and still later was removed to Bucho. block.on Detroit street, when that building was in its glory. Tliere comes to the ears of ye reporter a strange taleof jealousy, with alinost fatal results. It was Baturday night - she smiled upon anotlier fellow - he invested ten cents in chloroform- to kill cats with, he told the drug clerk- but he administered the dose to himself, and then went and laid down to die, was found and rescued. Rufus Waples, Jr., was married in Xew York City last Saturday.to Miss Christine Jsham. The gentleman is the son of Judge Waples ofthis city, aud a gradúate of the U. of M. in 1882. Many congratulations attend tlie newly married couple to their home in Minneapolis, where he is engaged in the milling business. Gen. R. A. Alger, republican candidate for governor; State Treasurer Edward H. Butler, of Detroit; Capt. Edward P. Allen, candidate for congress in tliis district, are all expected at the county fair on Wedneseay, Oct. lst. Gov. Begole, Col. Geo. P. Sanford and Congressman Eldrklge are expected the day following, Oct. ad. The ladies of the Charitable Union have by the kimlness of Messrs. Bach and Abel, placed a tablet at that store, where they will take the name and address of ladies wishing to have work done by the lay or week. They will also place there tlie names of working poor who are seeking employment througli the Ladies' Cliaritable Union. Work has been commenced on the foundation for the new Catbolic school building on North st., corner of State st. ïlie plans were furnUhed by Arthur Marshall. The land costin-r 2,900, the plans, and all incidental expenses so far, have been paid for and there is about $1,000 still in the treasury. The building will cost about 810,000 when üuished. Tlie great contest over the right to possess tbe Detroit Evening Journal has been settlcd. Tlie stock of Breeze, Hubbard and ('rittenden has been purchased by S. J. Tomlinson, Esq., of Lapeer, one of the most successfnl journalistsin Michigan, together with other capitaüsts. If Tomlinson doesn't make a success out of the Journal it will be the lirsttime he ever failed in anvtliing he nndertook. To-night, at the roller, rink there will ''e agathering of the youth and beautj f Ann Arbor, and anyone intcicsted in flndlng out how said youth and beauty looks on wheels can have their cmiositj gratifled by attending. The Chequamegon orchestra will furnlsh the uiusic efectricity furnish the light, gay spirits and good skaters furnish the entertaininent, fine decorations please the eye, auc veryiliing will be done to please the amusement loving public. To-night at The baggage mau's harvcst is hcre. Gen. R. A. Alger will speak at Ypsianti to-morrow evening. Itev. Dr. Haskell will speak at the tcmicrance meeting next Sumlay. Hou. R. Frazer will speak at Sill's ïall, Dextcr, Suturday night, the 27thGrazer knows how to niake a good speech. Attend the eounty fair and bring all he fainily. There will be plenty to see, )lenty to amuse, plenty to keep you busy. Rev. A. D. Mayo, the eminent lecturer on education, is to fill the pulpit of the Jnitarian church of this cily through the nonth of October. Officer Fred Wallace returned Tuesday night with a man nained Conrod, who is chaiged with obtaining money from Henry Binder, of this city, under false pre;enses. Edward A. Gott, administrator of the estáte of James B. Gott, has taken an appeal to the circuit court from a decisión of the commissioners on claims against said deceased. Wm. McCoy, the Ypsilanti colored man connected with the Michael Braun fracas, md his examination this morning before Justice Freauff, and was bound over to the circuit court. Fred Schleicher found a pocket book u few days ago containing a railroad ticket from Grand Rapids to New York, and some small change. The ticket had been used from Grand Rapids to Jackson. Jacob Haselscliwardt, of Sitaron, liad a horse stolen on the 13th of September, and on the lGth Lewis FaJkner, of the same township had one stolen also. It h:is been ascertained tliat the thief came throiigh Ann Arbor, putting up at the St. James. Ollicers are on his track. The Germán M. E. conference which bas been in session at Newport Ky., has sent Rev. H. Buddenbaum, formerly of Bay City, as pastor of the Germán M. Echurch of this city for the coming conference year. He is expected here to-morrow, and will commence his pastorate next Sunday. Jerome Freeinau after working for others in the city for some fifteen years has concluded to try it for himself, and accordingly has opened a barber shop under the 3ook house. He is one of the best barbers tliat ever stropped a razor, and as he has ïosts of friends ainong citizens and stulents he ought to command a good tiade. It is a strange freak, but said to be a act just the same, tliat the banjo has become very fashionable as a musical instrument, and all the aesthetic people lave learned to play it. Learn to tbrum the oíd banjo, for it is surely on the way. We have not ascertained yet whether it will be added to the curriculum of the Ann Arbor School of Music. A young miss, who lives in the southern part of the lst ward, was reprimanded b3' der mother for turning down the gas when her dear Gvvage called to see her the evening previous, made reply: "You know pa scokls about the gas bilis, mamma, and then, you said the other day tliat 'love is blind,' and Gvvage said he believed so.too, so of course we dkln't need the light, you see, mamma!" But mamma couldn't see it in that light. The prohibitionists of this eounty nominated the following ticket last Wednesday : Senator,;Charles M. Fellows, of Shaion ; judge of probate, Franklin Hinck;ey, of Ypsilanti ; sheriff, Win. Emmert, of Chelsea; clerk, G. P. Wright, of Bridgewater; treasurer, R. C. Reeves. of Web. ster; register, R. P. Copeland, of Dexter; )ioseeuting attorney, M. F. Guiñan, of Ann Arbor; commissioners, Win. Taylor, of Chelsea, and Win, H. Talcot, of Ypsianti ; coroners, Geo. W. Merrill, of Webster, and Warren Patison, of Ypsianti. __ Welch Post No. 737 G. A. R. will put their new drama on the boards at the opera house Wednesday eve, Oct. lst, for the benefit of their poor and needy. The actors in tliis drama have been selected with care from niembers of the post and are all old soldiers and have been through the various scènes in real life which they will produce from ïnemory of the late war. The scènes will consist of battles, court marshals, duels with the naked sword, tableaus, and various other scènes of camp life at the fort. AU of which will be represented by members of the post in their appropriate uniforms, the blue and the gray. Everyone wishing a pleasant evening entertainment and to help the boys in their good work should not miss helping to uiake tliis drama a success. A change bas been made this week in the Western Union telegraph office in this city which will excite not a little comment. A few weeks ago the Western Union became frightened over the Postal Telegraph bill, which was likely to go through Congress, and circulated a petition against it. Many of our merchants and citizens were in favor of the government taking charge of the telegraph business on the ground that it would give cheaper rates and botter accommodations, yet through friendship to Mr. Pulcipher they signed the petition. Now, it seems, that the W. U. having used their customers, and having accomplished their ends, propose to drop them and put them off with cheap service at this office. For they have dispensetl with the usual operator's assistant and leave Mr. P. todo the duties of the office alone. By this arrangement the office will not be open until 8 a. m. It will then be closed from 12:30 to 1:30 and 5:30 to 6:30 p. m. and close at 8 in the evening, whereas former. ly it was open from 7 A. U. continuously to 'J:30 P. M. The hours from 8 a. m. to 8 p. M. was the time up to tbree years ago, and it was then changed on the strengtb ot' a powerful petition of the citizens and customers. At the present stage of powerful rival coinpanies pushing their wires through the countrv, and of the teleiihone competition, the old Western Union cannot afford to put the public to stich an inconvenience as to have to walt until eight in the morning to send dispatcbes, when so many important things are happening all through the night, and then to lose two of the best hours in the day. The people of Ann Arboi have a right to better service, and another time we do not think they will be so ready to sign petitions to help the telegraphic corporation out of a flx, This act is only another evidence of the truth of our editorial a few weeks ago, to the effect tbat the government had better take hold of the telegraph system of the country and run it economically for the accoramodation and benefit of its citizens.
Cook House
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Jerome Freeman
Jerome A. Freeman