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j(TR0YAL "PSÍWiJ J B POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nevpr varíes. A marvel of purity.strenglliand whoiesomeness. Moreeconomical thitn the ordinary kinds, and cannot le sokl in i'oinpetition with the multltude ol low lest. stio't welghl. aluin or phosplinte powdeis. Sold only in cana Royal Baking Powdkk Co., 106 Wall SI.. N. Y. (jrticira A P0SITIVE CURE For Every Form of Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimple to Scrofula, 1 have had the Psorlisis for nine montha. A bont flve montbe aao 1 applieil to a doctor near BoBton, who helpe me hut untortnnatelyl had toleave, bnt continued i&kiujr hiï medicine for nearly three monlhs, hut the djeeüse did nut leave. 1 saw Mr. Carpenter's letter i the Philadelpliia liecorrt, and nis case perfectly described mine. I tried the C'uticüra Kkmedies, uulng two bottles Resolvent, und Cuticura and duicura Soap in proportion, and cali myseli coinpluti.1) cnrcd. I . F. BARNARD. Waterford, N. J. ECZ113IA TWKMTY YEAKS n ri il . Xot a Sis'i of It Kcappearanre. Your Cuticura has done a wouderful care for me more tban two years ago. Not a sign ot' lts reappearance since. It cured me of a very bad Eczema which had troubled me for more than twent year. I Bhall alvvays apeak wall of Cuticura. I Heil a gruat deal of it. FRANK C. SWAS, Dni2slt. Haverhill, Mass. IIKftT FOR AKYTHIXG. Ilaving ueed your Cuticura Remedies for eighteen moDths for Tetter, aud tinally cured it, I m anxiou to get it to sell on commigBion. I can reeommend it beyond any remedies I have ever used for i't-'tter, Burus, Cutt, etc. la fact, it is the beet medicine Í have ever tricd for anything. R. S. HORTON. Myrtle, Miss. M ÜOÍI I.OI 1 SOK ES. T had a dozen bad eoret upon my body. and tried all remdies 1 could hear of, and at last tried your Cuticura Remedies and they hnvj cured me. JNO. UAbKILL. Hebron, Thayer County, Penn. Every species of Itching, Scalv, Pimply, Scrofuloutï.Inherited and Contagioue Humor.-, with Ioas of Hir, cured by Cuficura Reeolvent the new Blood Parifier interiwlly, and Cnticura and Cuticura Soap the gieat Skíu .Cures externally. Sold everywhere. Price : Cuticura, 50 cents ; Soap, 25 cents; Kesolrentl.OO. Pot'er Drus and Chemical Co., Boston. T),i A ITT1 V I'or Chapped and Oi'j XÍJIíÍTLU X X Skir, Cuticura SO4p. SNEEZE! SNEEZE! wSNEEZE until your fv Ji head eeems ready to fly iT '-JT off; until your nose and f j ( eyes discharge excess-hiffrö' tve quantities of thin " Wv ÖP ijrítating, watery finid: vvYi i?ZX V-ulJti' yoar hea ac'le8' vJk ' mouth and throatparch PIL-;- .rWed.aud blood at lever NJ -v ' ra' '' at. This is an Acute Xy JTr X, Catarrh, and is instant l y ly relieved by a single ÍS. " tv. . dose, and permauently N il Jy curod by one bottle of Sauford's Radical Cure for Catarrh. Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar. One bottle Radie il Cure, one box Catarrh Solvent and oue Improved Inhaler, in one packase, may 'uow be had of all druggists for 1.00 Ask for SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE. "The only absolute specific we know ot."-Mied, Ttmrs "'l'he best we hiye found in a lifetinie of sufferinff."- Rer. Dr. Wéggin, Boston. "After a long stru""le with C'atarrh the Radical Cure has ëoMaered."- Rev. S. W. Monroe. LewMurg, ra. I have not found a caae that it did not relieve at once "-Andrew Lee, Manchester, Mass. POTTHU DltUG AND CuSMICAL Co., liOSton. _ ai i u,A For the relief and prevention. CULUiVa ! instant i 18 applled, SIOÍ.TAIO of Rheumatiem, Neuralgia, SciV V,l 'Jy at.'ca. Couglii-,.Colds, Weak back, V A Stomach, and Bowels, Shooting V, At--. Pain, Numbnesi, Hyeterla, Fe--- '('-i.YV" male P"iDB, Talpiiation, Dyspep VV" 'f. I'ivlir Complaint, Billious yiWir!' Fever, Malaria and Epjdemics, A i f'ctri c; pe CoUlnu' Piasters. (an i 7 iV f i. Klecrie Batfry comb.ned ASTE "lth a ''orou' ristei) and laugtt at pain. M everywhere. WMii HO FEE ) Establised 1861 ( Merrill UntU BctMtl i DETROIT, MICH. f BlOCk. __i ¦¦¦! resillar nlilcstnblislioil ¦ PVSJit-I.AKKK, at the old .imm ïfl lPbW lll e 'r e s t Vk lïï al' P r i v a t e, WiV Mt flichronlCine;,V,?llí-ír'AKIKK bI HüfoÜk jilltliseases. DB. CL.AKKK is ¦ü ai'Kllthe nklest Advcrtising Physician. Big-XrÍggjB . files of Papers show und all 5d"lfc"sidcitTlSow. Age aad experience lm¦mpropcrly treaud.c d „„.„„ge, c„reJ generations. 0r V "' t business. Both cali orwntcDelays are d.inp A wrltteB '¦ rXíy'of'ou & i -er, c. I personally or bv lcUer' .'''„d? Office and


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