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Allegan wants a new opera house. Base hall tournameut at Elk Rápida, Oct. 7th- prizes $200. The scientific department of Buchanan chools enlarged $27 worth. Adrián and vicinity flooded with bogus en cent pieces. Saloon keepers horrified hereat. Eaton Rápida is to have a ladies' band. 'lie ladies better stop and consider. lt wou't improve tliem any. One of Fenton's teachers, Miss Lina A. ehenck, leaves shortly for Bulgaria to nter the missioniry service. Seth C. Moft'att has been nominatedby he republicana of Ihe lltli congressional istrict. Au excellent selectiou. A Metamora carpenter swallowed a liingle nail a few ílays since, and it is iroving harfl-wear on hls stomach. At East Tawas the local option law has een enforced and the saloon men cariy he irüent arouncl in bottles in their pockts. The Lannng council passed an ordiance allowing saloons to keep open at'ter 0 o'elock p. in., and the mayor vetoed it. jlood boy. The AVyandolle IIoriiM, un independent aper, fsvors Col. Atkinson for conjrress ' the lst district. Aud Col. John will 'get theie" too. The cistern was left uncovered at the iome of Hugli Flanagan, at Allegan, Uonday, and his 2 years oíd daughter fell u and was drowned. At the Inchnm Co. fair last Thursday Iorace B. Stevens, of Alaiedon.and Sada Vhipple, of Eaton Baplds, were married 0 front of the grand stand. The seventh annual convention of the nortliern Michigan bee-keepers associaion will be held in Shearer's hall, in Greenville. October 0, and 7. It is stated that the grave of George L. Jale, the founder of Galesburg, who died n California some years ago, has been ou nd there by a Kalamazoo man. The llth national conference of chariies and corrections, to be held at St Louis, Sío., eommencing Oct. 13th, will be atended by several Michigan people. A Pentwater wife ran away with another man, and the injured husband gave the ellow a qnit claim deed of her for $2', and brags about the bargain he made. In Homer township, Midland county, 1 singular hog distemper has broken out. Witliout any previous symptoms of sickíess, the hogs drop down dend, as if shot. The gate receipts at the state fair for the entile week were $17,809, wliich is $9,G22 below thoseof the fair last year, but isnot tar trom the average of piecediiig years. Grand Kapids Efigie : The demócrata who thiuk tliat Cari Schurz carnes the Gorman vote in his pocket will fiad out that lie lost it out while he was on his way over to their party. J A. McLain, a farmer six miles north of Coopersville, Ottawa Co, vas shot and killed last Weünesduy nilit by á tramp who carne to the place and attempted to run things to suit himself. It cost the M. C. R. JR. $350 because one of its conductors refused to allow Justice Carney ot Bay City, to return home on a round trip ticket after he (Carney) had liad the same extended one day to cover the trip. A bible. printed by Wolfgang In 1G49, at Nuremburg, Germany - 235 years ago - bound in 1052- covers wood with leather - ueavily mounted with brass - veight23 pounds - is owned by E. D. Alspaugh, of Branch county. The drought in this county has ban of such protracted duration that pasturaje is almost totally destroyed, and a niajority of farmers have been obliged to commence feeding hay and grain to their stock. - Saginaw Courier. It costs the republicans and democrats each about $500 to make a canvass of the voters of Detroit, and yet there are many pure innocents who cannot see how it is that any moiiev should be legltiuiatcly spent in a campaign. The Second Michigan infantry reunión occui's at Flint October 10. All hands are uudei' orders to be present on tune ready lor fun and business. Metnbers who have notreceived invitutions should notify Col. O. F. Loekhead, of Flint. "The peoplc of the state were astoundeii thismomiiig by the inforniatioii ihutUen. Win. A. Thioop atteinpted suicide during the night previous by shooting liimself in the liead, while in his store at Detroit. No cause tor the act known. Wouud tliought not fatal. At the villnge of Keese, Tuscola countj-, last Wednesday Che republicana, thedemocrats, the prohibitionists and the I5u]lerites each raised a pole - and listened to speeches from speakers representing the va.iious faiths, and no one got hurt - or drunk. Mirabile dictxi. A newspaper could not live at Mackinaw Citj', so the editor has pulled up stakes and squatted at Wayland, Allegan county, and we predict that the last state of that editor will be worse than the first. Wayland is a good town lor newspapers to die in - notwithstanding inany excellent people live there.- rinckn'ey Dispatch. The Lansin? Telegram says: " Hou. Hampton Kich of lonia, a leading Methodist, well kiiown over the state, and a verv positive teniperance worker,has made liis'dfdaratiou against Preston, Dickie et al., and in favor of wolk in the republican party. Mr. Kich is a caieful man, and his conclusions are the result of' careful consideration." The third representative district of this county is well fixed for teniperance can didates. There are three candidates in the field, viz. Porter Bcal prohibition prohibitionist, J.U. Harkness republican prohibitionist and Dr. Town democratie prohibitionist. Take your choiee. - Adrián Kecord. Barnuiu would pay a considerable for the last named individual - a democratie prohihitionist! Shades of the immortal Nasby, Bascom k Co. ! Where did be come from ? .Michigan is composed of 80 countie?. The oldest is Wayue, organized in 1796; theyoungest is Arenac, organized in 1883. The ieoding industry of 39 counties is lamber; 86 te agricultor; three is mining; one quarry ing ; one is lishing; one is maiiufactnring. The total value of property in the state, is $S10,0ü0,(K)0. Wayne county heading the list with $l:W,0O0,000; lsle Koyal at the foot of the list with $100,000. The state is divided luto two arts the upper and lower penínsulas ; 11 counties in the tonner, and 69 in the latter. The population of the state in 1880 was 1,(53(5,937; in 1884, 1,856,217; au increase of 219,280. Wayne county has the largest population, 189,348 ; Manitou having the smallest, 873; lsle Koyal making no return for 1884.


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