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The hulies of theCharítiible Union have ¦ by the kindness of Messrs. Bacta and Abel, placed a tablet at that store, where they wlll take tlie name and address of hulies wishing to have work done by the , day or week. They will bIm pluce there i the nanies of working poor who ire seekI ing einployment through the J.udics' Charltable Union. I Among the Whltest Tliings on Earlh Are teeth, beautitied and prcserved by SOZODONT; and the rose is scarcely sweeter tlian the breath which becomas aromatic through iu lnfluence. It is the very pearl of dentifriees and the surest preventive of dental ilecny In existence. It remedies with certainty canker and every species of eorrosive blemisli upon the teeth, and eounteiacts the hiutful lnfluence upon them of acidity of the stomach. The formula of its preparation nchides only botanie Ingredienta and it contalDI only tlie parest and most salntary of these. Lr m 1215-1219. The only place to bviy Sherwin, Williains it Co. 's mixed palnta, is at Oscar O. Sono's, 00 S. Main st. lïnsiness Notices. TO s'liiuiiiis. Cifrars at Groeeis Prolits. We Ml] llic followliig brands : "Can't be Beat," ( $1.00 per box.j "Ahead of All," a M " " These Qlgan are all Tobacco, not drojted or doctered, and they will compare favorably with sroods sokl at three times their piïce. We carry a full line of Choice Cigars and Cigarettes, and sell them at cprrospondlngly low prices. Dean fc Co., 1212-1217 44 Main street, South. Free Tiïadk- In DeLand's Soda and Saleratus should be advocated by every trne American citizen, on the principie that that tbing is desirable in a Itepublic that is the greatest good to tlie greatest niunber. Wheat T5c. a bnshe], woo! 20c. a poaod. This is the basis we propose to sell dry goods on this fall. 1 ). F. Sen aiueu. From Oct. lst, Oscar O. Sorg will have the exclusive sale in this city of Sherwin, Williams & Co.'s mixed palnts. The only strictly pure paints in the murket. O. F. Sehairer will place on sale this week 15 dozen Miases and Cblldren'a all I wool, olove nttiiiff Jerseys at 75c, $1.00, 11.96 and 11.60 each. Also some special bargains in lmlies bralded Jerseys at$J-O0 and $2.."0. ünr Fan-back .leisevsat $2.50 is tlie sanie Jersey sold in this city at ?:i 50. Heavy Welfflit Jersey jackets for street wear at f 7.00, $9.00 and $10.00. ()Ter 200 different buildings in this city have been painted with Sherwin, Williams tfc Co.'s mixed paints, the past year, for which Oscar O. Sor has the exclusive 'e1215-121. The display of elegant Cloaks CompriBIng all the latest fall and winter styles in Seal Plnsh Saetines, Silk Mattelasec, aiul l'lusli Newmarketo, Berlín twill cloth, bralded Newmarketa, Ottoman oord and silk Hussiau circulara, Childrcn's cloaks m Plaids and plaln goods, torether -witli a tlne stock of Dress Goods, plaids, silks. viivcis, broeadea, and domestics is not surpassed by any house in the city. Respectfully, D. F. SlIIAIKElt. TKE PiEUMATIC ' FRUIT DRIERS. Awarded the Süver Meds! ov il] onnpetlton at Mow ad Fair, it 'woraraUou is s,i,h thnt I l un,,1.1," tl ui tnr::l fruit ïoOBt ' I ' ''V::l'"n"'"ll 1 tllO r.ittTslnriuaK-iTiL'Aiiïtit'.ii'llv ' frgm Older, wuh.mt1' 'r ' r I SSdforfiln.tnitedÖiSta ! VI. Farm Machine Co., i BeUowa 1-ulls, vt. 1213-1217. Mortffíige Sale. DEFAULT HA.VIHÓ BEEN MADE IN THE i conditlons of a cerinin inortKaKe cxi'culcd hv l.ydiiiKIroliholiT.of Manchester, In Die Coun ty of Vahtnaw, mul BUte i" MicliiKan to Jared S. fjiphiun. of Northvillo, Warna Conity In Bald State, bi-mintr date the Heventeentll day of Api I A. 1) 1870 and rccord.'d lq the offloa of tb Keirlati-r of deeds for said C'ountv of Wtrttenaw In ÜberW ofmortncei, on pagaNW, :d by whlcki default tbe power of eale contained in xnid mnrtfaat hiivlni; b00m operative, and no IHtt or proceedlog at law or in chnncery htvlog heen inslituti'd t recover the amoiint due on pald mortcan or tlie note n-roniunyliiK the eume, and tbere iM-inu' now Glalmed be due on unid note 'índ mortgaire, the um of Two Thonnaod Thies C rired and Konrtceu Uollarw [11,814]. Notlee is therelore herehv (jlven that Batd DOrnaea will ba l'ore clowd on Kridnv the twentyiixth day of December lïvSl, t in o'clock in thu forenoon of tlvit d.iy, by sale at public anotlon to the tm-hest bidder at the mmtli front d.ior of the Oonrt House In the city of Aun Arlu.r in said connty oi VVashtenaw, (snld Conrt House Win.. I the place of holdinj; the Circuit Oonrt lor sald county) of the mortgaged premtaea descrihed In sald mortga, or ao mnch thereof a muy be nee essary to IMtltrj the amount dne on sald oto and mortiraKe with rttuooabta ooati ünd azpanua' which wild mortKiiKrd liremlKe are decril.ed In cald mortifiu-e, as fbllowai All those certain ¦ cele of land itllate and batng in the Villaje of Manchester in the County oí Washtenw, and I i State cl Mlebtean, known and descrihed iñ lote' I fonrU), live (r,), x (), Bev(„, (7) and eitrht (Si t„ blockpned) laOruwar and Morgan', addltloa ta lh Vlllam ol Manchester, toeordllur to the record.d plat ot satd addition. Dated, Bept. Stb, A. ])., 1884 p r. ,., JAKKI) S. LAPHAM, I K, I. KINNR Mll„n ' , AU-jtotMortgata, láuPBSP" J


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