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foiHli, (,i. Ai bi & sorin Kteblffan Knllwiiy. TIME SCHEIM Í.E. Totake effect ut 1 "dock, hooit, on j j l:iy, June 22(1, 1884, Traína run by Central Time GÖÏNbrWoftTfl. GOIWQ JiOÜTHi " UI 5 STATIONS. oio's ff JÜff ' '' rü xm 588 7 06 Toledo I 30,4 f 5 :10 7 14 Manhatmn Junctlon.H 26 4 48 f 40 7 2:ï Alexie Junction jy lff4 3. ,-, 4s 7 3 1 llawiliorne 9 104 30 9 55 7 4(i Samarla i 02 4 '22 (09 8 0 Lulu 47 4 (Ml (14 8 ir. Monroci Junction L K ( 28 8 37 Macou 8 Ïlij3 45 (1 881 g 48 Asalta 8 '¦ 'i ! (i 43 1 rt N M ilii.ii .lunction rt 0 á aa 6 4(t B 08 Mflan 82 i l 51 !l OH Nora 7 69 3 17 H 5X 9 22 Urania 1 52 3 lü ] 7 07 9 32 Pltsslleld Junction 7 4(1 8 02 ] 7 20 5(1 Ann Arluir 'Zi2iS 7 37 lul.", Leiand 7 12 2 3(J 7 4R 10 22 Worden 7 06 2 a ] 8 UollO 85 SouihLvon BO_lu_ Connectlone: At Toledo, with raUroadi : inir; U Manhattan Junction, with Wheeling LakeBrle K. R.; at Alexis .lunotion, with M. C. H IÍ L S. M. S. Hy. and V. Jfc 1'. M. K. R.; at Miniroe Junctiun, with L. B. M. B, Ry-; at l)undee ïvith U s. M. S. Ky.. M. & O. Ky.; M MOan Junction. with Waliash, 8t. Louis & Hy.; at Pittsflcld.with L.s. & M. S. Hy.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. K., and It South Lyorj with Detroit, Lansing & Northern K. R-, irnd Grand TruokKy.H_ ASHLEY GeueraI s„,)t. VV. D. BENNETT, Gen'l. Pass. Agent. the like selecteb bt th-e tt. s. g07t t0 cabby the fast mail KE1hÍbS!SBÍI GOING WEST. OHLY LINE BUHNING TWO THB0UGH TBAITT8 DAILY FB0M CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Tbrougb the Heart of the Continent bj way of Pacitlc Junction or Omaha 10 DENVER, or vla Kansas City and Atchiso.i to Denver, conuectingiu Union Depots at Kansas Clly, Alctilson, Oiniili aud Denver witb throjgh tralus for SAN FRANCISCO, and all polnts In tbe Far West. bbortest Line to KANSAS CITY, And all polnts In tbe SoutL-West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Siioukl not forget the facttbat Round Trip tickets at reduce ratea can be purchased vla thls (Jreil ThruiiKli llne, to all the Uealtli aud Plea-sur ltésorts St the West and Soutb-West, lccludlug tbeMountalns of COLORADO, tbe Valley of Uie Vü3em"etCITYOF MEXICO, and all polnta In tbe Mexlcan Republlc. HOME-SEEKERS Should also rmember that tbls line leads direct to the heart of the Oovernment and Rallroad Land In Ni-briLika, Kansas, Texas, Colorado aud Wasblng'Tlïïiio'wias thegreat THROUGH CAR LINE ef America, ajid Is uulversally admltteil to be tbe 1'iuent Eaulpped Rallroad In the World for uil clunHri of Travel. Through Tickets vla this line for sale at all Rallrotó OoSpon ricnet utlices lu lle United ötutes aud Canada. ï. J. TOTTER, Vice-Pre. and Oer, Mar, lager. ,„__ , Oen. faas. Ag't Chicago. JNÜ. Q. A. BEAN, Oen. Eastern Ag't, 17 Broadway, Nw York, ui.J ¦JM Wuslmigtou tel-, Boston. ufc-T THE POST-DFFICB SEW&iffiPOT. A FuU Line Of Cheap Libraries! AND STATIONEEN" A complete assortment of common and Fancy Note and Letter Paper. Envelope?, Invitation, and llequest cards. Writlug Packets, Fine Box Papers, siiitable tor presentí and all kinds of Stationer' supp.ies. BLAUK BOOKS Pass Books, Memorandum 15ook?, Beratcil Books, Studente Note Books, Rerums, Legal and Medical Indexes, Bill Books, and all grades of common Note Books. Wlll!S lino, Proprietor, And Agent for all Newspapers, Magazines and periodical?. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 'I South Main St., Aun Arbor. Theolilcst agency in the city. Establlshed a qnnrter of a ceiitury ago. Ilepreseuting the following lirsL-classcou paules: Home Ins. Co. of N. Y $7,488,045 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y.... 4,807,442 Niágara Ins. Co.ofN. Y 1,874,024 Girard Ins. Co. of Philadelphia. 1,259,967 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford 1,419,522 Commercial Union ol'London. .ll,04i,94;j Liverpool, London and Globe. .34,402,085 Ratos Low. LmsM Liberally Adjusted and Prompt ly Paúl. C. H. MILLEN. Wonuu'i Sanering and Relief. These languid, tiresome sensatlons, causing you to feel scarcely We to be on your feet ; thnt constant drnin that is taking from your nyetein all its fornier elaeticity ; drivine the bloom ir„m your cheeks ; that continua] straln upon yonr viwl forcep, rendering you irritable and lretful, can easi]y be removed by the uae of that marvelous reraedy Hop Bittere. Irreularities aud obstruciions of your eystem, aro reiievud at once whiie tlie special cause of periodical puin are permanently removedNone ri'ceive eo much benefit, and none are po itrofoundly gratelul, and show such an interest iu recouimending Hop Bitters as women. A Postal Card Story. 1 was aliected witli kidney and niinary trouble- '¦ For twelve j'cais ! " After trying all the doctors and patent medicines I could hear of, I USBQ two bottli'S of Hop " Bitters ;"' And 1 Stil perfectly cured. I keep it "All thetiiiHi !" respectfully, B.l'.lioolh, Saulsbury, Teiin.- May 4, Í8S3. HiiADKonD, Pa., May 8, 1875. It lias cured me of several dlseasep, snch aa nervèoiotu, iickneBsat the etoniach, monthly troubles, otc. I have not seeu a eick day In a year. siuce I took ÏIop liitleri. All my nellibors usethem. Mus. Kannik Grf.icn. s:f,()O() Lost. "A tour to Hurope tint cot me $l,'H)0, done me lena e"'"1 thitn ouc bottle ol' Hop Hitten : t Imv also {'nri'il my witü of llfteen yeara' llervoui weakneu?, HlecplecsneMB und dyapepaia," R. M., Aulmrn, N, Y, Bo. mimi.i.k, O., May 1, V!). SIRK--I hvj been sutlorlnK ten yeare, and I Irled your Hop hliteis, aud it done me moro good thau all file doctore. Mífs ís. S. Boonk. Italty Savwl. We areso thiinklal to sny that our Diulas baby whh permanently cured ola diintíerous aud protncted ("onatipailoit nd irregularity of the iowels by th upe ol Hop Bittert by itn mother, which at the name liinu restored herto pertect heahh and niien;:th. Tlie I'areutB, líochuster, N. Y. tSNono KciHiliH' without a bunch of groen Hops on the white label. Hliun all th vlle, iiiiisonous, stuil' wllli "llo" or 'lli)i)"in tbelr mum;.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News