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" - = - ¦ - . - BACH&EL' sOLU M N . BACH & ABEL,. Tricos.- A pile of cloth on end of counter is ticketed ïricos. What is Trieos? A cloth with a crosswise indistinct rib on the face. The rib is made out of two woof threads, and yet is so indistinct tbat you ünd out even so much willi difficulty. It is invisible with an uufavoringliglit,an unmistakable rib nevertlicless. To the casual glance tricos is a rough-faeed cloth with a certaln regularity In Uie ïoughness and a pleasing softuess In look and feeling. It is one of the favorites with people with quick tastes " ls n ¦ general way to conform to theprevailing lashion. Thepilewearespeaking of contains all of the desirable shades, sucli as belouij to the time. A tumble In coloied velvets. This week we put on sale 10 pieces 10 inch, hand make, colored vel veta, at !?1.2r per yard; real valué $1.75. This is not au accident. It is somebody's itupldlty. There is no reasons in the world for it and we have no objection in telling the' iact. We like nothing betterthan putting down a pricc wlieu we can do so without loss. We do, if anybody else does, whether we like it or not, because we won't be undei-Bold. But we say again, nobody ever can sell these velvets witli' protit at this price. We are sellino; Black Silks very obeap Our$1.25, $1.50, and $1.75 silks can not .,..,..., j,, ,, ,„ Llaa uiaiKetor aiiy otuer. We are selling u real Kid Glove, 4 button, at $1.00; it would be cheapat $1 50 Kemember they are real Kid and not lamb skin. Onr Misses Jersey's have at last arrived. Colors- black, navy blue. and cardinal. We have all from 4 years to s weet 10. BACH & ABEL. We woutö not strike a woman fundcr any circiimstance, bnt we must acknowledge lat when we see a glrl wearlagone oi tliose horrible jrarmenla known is 'Motlier Hubbardu," we feel Inclined to a belt. "Kongrli on fots. Ciears out rats, mine, rouclies, flies, anta bed-tran, skunks, chlpmunks, gophers, 15c. prugglsts. "Good American?, when tliey die, goto 1 aris, sny8 cynic. That is to sar, the t rench capital is a kind of Paree-dies for us 1 mikees, eb f- Merchant Traveler. II. B. Cocinan, druggist, Lancaster, Pa , has gtiaranteed over 300 bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters for dyspepsia, blllous attacks, livcr and kidneys. The only place to buy Slienvin, Williams & Co.'s mixed paints. is at Oscar O. Sorq's, GO 8. Main st. Healing and Ventilation. Parties wanting a first class job of heatins and ventilation can examine the lieulth heater of the Gold Manufacturing Co with its Triple extended surfi.ce Radiators ow belng, l'Ut in by E. S. Worden and Wra. W. Hhedon, and furnished bv Andrew Cliniie. To make it lively in our CJoak Department during the month of Octoberwe will Offerour large stock of Ladies' and Chililiens Cloaks, commencing Thursdav moniing, üctober 9tli, at a special discount of ten per cent. off for ca3h on all garinents sold during the month of October. We invite the attention of all Cloak bnyers to tliis attractlve sale. Eespectfully, L. F. Schaieeu. Over 200 different buildings in this city have been painted witli Sherwin, Williams & Co.'s mixed paints, the past year for which Oscar O. Sorghas the exclusive sale1215-1217. Election Notlce. Township Clerk's Oïtick Anu Arbor Townthip, October li, 1884. To the Eleclors osaid Township, Take Notice : That the general Election to be held, November 4, 18ïH, in suld township wil] be held at the shop of Nelson Kdmunds in said township. The polls will open and close ín accordance with law. The board ot Regmtration will be in sesslon at the same place on Saturday. November lst, 1884, from 0 o'clock a m., until o o'clock p. m,, for the purpose of resistering the names of qualifled electorT By order of the Towuship Board, 1216-1217 L, DaVis, Clerk. ELECTRIC LIGHÏ. THE Ann Arbor VanDepoele Liglit and Power Uompany are now prepared to furiiisli the incandescent Heli t by the improved VanDepoele system, and at the lowest prices at whicb it can be supplied. Their lamps are more beautiful in form, heavier, and fully equai; in cupacity to the Edison, Swan, or any others iu use. DiSSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the flrm of H. K. Alles & Co. is tbis day diseolved by mutual consent, R. K. Ailes retiring from the same. The business will hereafter be continued under the flrm name of Almendiuger & Schneider, who will pay all debts and collect all accounts of the old flrni. Those indebted will take aotice that all accounts must be settled at once. R.K. AILES. FRANK ALMENDINGER. GOTTLEJB SCHNEIDER. Dated Ann Arbor, Sept. 3Oth, 1881. OET THE BEST ! LEAB ALL OTHERS ! EveryStyle&Price. Guaranteed Unequalcd FOB OPERATION. ECONOMY. DURAB1LITY and WORKMANSHIP. Improvomeuts anl Cosre&ie&ees fonnd !o o ethers. AlwaystBeliable. POPULAR(EVERYWHEHE. Tor . Saio'ln'Every" City and Town in the United Statef . Forcalehy JOHN PFISTERER, Ann Arbor, Mlch. Mi-va


Ann Arbor Courier
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