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"oïetto, Aiiu Arbor & MtAil MIchlfM liallnav. Tl.MK SCHÍDütí. íotókottffeel ut.l2o'cloek, '". "" s""' ,lay, June2'Jil, IÖ84. Tr_ins run by Central Time, ÍOTVGJSOBTJI. i;olN(S(TTli: I S STATIONS. á%6 - TTTT . r.. í'6 716 Toledo 8 3(1 4 55 9 86 7 II Manhattnu Junctior. fl 2 1 4K 6 10 7 2:t Alexis, I unctlon J 6 4 .L 5 4 7 3 nawthorne J 14 ¦ g 65 7 4h Samarla ü 4 2 g 06 8 i Lnjñ 47 4 01 t) 14 8 15 Monroe Junctior. i 5. U 2 8 ) Dunrtee J"lj ' li 28 8 37 Macou j-J 4Í 0 88 8 4K Azalia jj 8 B 43 8 58 Milán .lunction 8 W J 8 4ti g 08 Milán J-1 22 ti 51 9 0!) Nora 7 o { ' 0 58 22 Urania í 52 i 1U 7 oí 9 ffi Pitsíflcld Junction 7 40 3 02 7 20 9 50 Aun Arbor T 87 2 4. 7 37 10 16 Lelapd T 12 7 45 10 2Í orden w - 8 00 10 85 Sonih L' on M 2 101 Connectlone: At Toledo, wlth railrmds d'verKn-nt. Manhattan JumtioD, with Wheelinjf & Jnncttön with Wahanb, St. Loma & Pacific Ky., „1 PittXld wlth L.S. 4 M. S. Ky.: at Ann Arbor wifh'Mthan Central H K a,,d t South Ljon with Detroit, Laaeing & Northeru K. B., ana Grand TrunkHy.H w ASI1LKyi Qeucr8, Supt. W. H. BENNETT, Gen'l. Paea. Agent. THK LIKE 8ELKCTED BT TH TI. S. GOVT TO CAEEY THE FAST MAIL GOING WEST. ONLY LINE ETJIÍ1IING TWO THBOUGH - TEAIIfS DAILY FEOM j CHICAGO, PEORÍA &ST. LOUIS, Tlirough the Heart of the Continent 1 wy of Pacllic Junctlon or Omaha to i DENVER, orvia Kansas City and AtchliOJ to Denver, 1 nectlng in Uulon epots at Kausa. City, Atcfclson, Omaha aud Imver wlth throdgh tralus for ] SAN FRANCISCO, oud all poluta In the Far West. bhortest IJneto KANSAS CITY, And all polnu In tbe West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Should uot forget the fact that Kound Trip tickets at redurcd rates can be purchaaed vla thls lrent Tliriïah lTlne, to all the Health and Pleaaur. ' emite CITY OF MEXICO, and all polnts In the Mezlcan Kepubllc HOME-SEEKERS Bhould also remember that thls line leads direct tó the heart oí the Oovernmeut and I1"0"1 ÏSmiKP Nebraaka, Kansas, Texaa, Colorado and Waahlng"ï'tufïnSM thegreat THROÜGH CAR UBE r America, nd Is uulveraally admltted to Ue the Pineut Equlpped Railroad In the World for all classes of Travel. 'rhronph Tickets via thls line for sale at all BallroiS-Sui!ou" omces mine uuiiea oiiraana Canada. T.J. POTTKR, Vicerres-andOeManage, MWmJji Oen. Pass. ak'i Chicago. - ÏÏSSS-iSS1. and juü WashlUKton Ut., Bualuii. .T THE POST-OFFICE NEWS -DEPOT. A Full Line Of Gheap Libraries! AND STATIONEBT A complete assortment of common and Fancy Note and Letter Paper. Envelopes, Invitation, and Kequest cards. Wiiting Packets, Fine Box Papers, stiitible tor presente and all kinds of Stutioners' supplies. BLAITE BOOKS Pass Books, Memorandum Books, Scratcli Books, Students Note Books, Kerums, Legal and Medical Indexes, Bill Books, and all grades of common Note Books. WILLIS liim, Froprielor, And Agent for all Newspapers, Magazines and periódica!'. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 'o. 4 South Main St., Aun Arbor. Theoldest Bgency in the city. Estnbllshed a quiirter or a ceiiuiry ago. Represenllng the following firsL-clasacouipaniea: Home lus. Co. of N. Y $7,-188,645 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y.. . . 4,807,442 Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y 1,874,024 Girare] Ins. Co. of Philadelpliia. 1,259,907 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartforil 1,419,522 Commercial Union of Lonilon. .11,043,943 Liverpool, London and Globe. .34,402,085 Batel Low. Losses Liberally Adjusted and Promptljr Faid. C. H. MILLEN. Woinau's Suffen ng and Itelicf. These languid, tlresome sensations, causing you to teel Bcarcely uble to be on your feet ; that constant drain ttaat is taklug from your gystein all lts forraer elasticlty ; driving the bloom fr„m your check? ; that continual struin apon your viUl forces, restoring jou irritable aud f rel f u 1 , caueanily be removed by the use of that marvelous remedy Hop Bitter?. Irrefnlarltic9 aud obstructions of yonr syítem, are relleved at once whlle the special cause ol periodieul puin are permanently removedNone receive bo much benefit, and none are eo iroloundly gratefnl, and show Biich an Interest in reeommendlng Hop Bitters as woinen. A Postal Card Story. I was afhoted witli kidney and urinary tronble - "For twelve years!" After trjitiï all the doctors and patent medicines I conld liearof, I used two bottlcs of Hop "Bitters;" And I am pcrfeclly cnied. I keep it "All the time !" respectfiilly, li.F.Hooth, Smilsbury, 'l'enu.- May 4, 1883. IliiADFoRD, Pa., May 8, 1875. It hasenred meof sevcral diseases, sach as nervousui'ss, sickness at the etoinnch, monthly troubles, utc. 1 have uot een a sick day in a year. since I took 1I) Bitters. All my neitfhborii use tliem. lia. ]¦' nmk Oreen. X:;,(M)O Lost. "A tour to Knrope tint cont me SiUO, done me les (rood than one hottle of Hop limera : they nlso cured my wife of tittcen yi'ars' nervous weakness, sleeplef8iiei8 and dyBpepsia," R.M , Auburn, N, Y, 8o.BLonaisaMi.LK, O., May 1, "79. SIB8--I have been Buflering ten year, and I trled your Hop Biiters, and it done me more nood than all the doctor?. Mim 8. S. Boone. Iinby Savod. Wo areso thanktul to ay that our nunlnr baby was permanemtlj cnred ol a danjerona and protracted constipallon nnd Irn-Riilarlty of tbe 'owels by the UBe Ol Hop Bitter by it molher, whlch at the name time rcatored herto perfect hcalih and strenyth. Th l'urente, Koehester, N. Y. öyNone neimine without n Ijunch of groen Hops on the whito Inbel. Khuii all the vlle, polaonoui, tuff wltb "lloii" or "Hop"Ul tlieli' nuiue.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News