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Clianccry Order. STATK OF MICHIGAN. The Circuit Conrt for the Connty Of Washtenaw. In Chamery. Jane Scott Mcl.eifh, Complainant, vt. Kobert Scott MeLeinh, Defondant. At a setnion of said Court, held at the Circuit Court room, in Ihe City of Aiin Arbor, iusaid county, ou the ''M day of September, in the year one thousana eluht hiindred and eighty foor. Present: lion. l'hanucey Jodin, Circuit Judste. It hatiafactorily appcatïug to thts Couri by aflldavit ou file, that the defendant, Kobert Scott MoLeish, in uot a retlrtent of this State, but resides In Scotlalld, iu the Kint;dom of Grmit Hlitain, on mutioii of A. K. Metcnirp, complalimnt's Kolicitor, it Is ordered that the siilddefeiulaut, Robert Scott McLeish, i'nuee hls appcarance to ba entared heroIn, wilhin ftve months from date of this order, and in case of bis ai potranca tliat ba cause hls amwar to the compluluant's bill of complaint to bc flled and a copy thereof lo be serveil on said complainant'B soltcitor wlthin twrniy dfiys afier service on hlm of a copy of oaid bill aud notice of Ihll order; and that in !¦ i.mlt thiTeol, naiilblll bewkeu as confeesed by the Baid non-ri'sident detendnnt. And It is further ordered, that withln twenty days Irom the date hercof, the said roinplainant catire a notice of this order to be puhlished In the Ann Arbor Coubikb, a newsiiaper prlnted, pi b llehed and clrculated in naid county, and that such pubiication ba continuod thereiu :it least once in eacli weck, for alx weeks in succesnlon, C. JOSHN, Circuit Judge. A.H. METCAI.FF., ComplainaiH's Solicitor. Attest: A true copv, íohn I. n,oblon, Ticiflster.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News