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Michigan Centen The Niágara Falls (Route. cntral HínndarU Timo. Muy ÍS, 18X1. EA8TWABD. I! is r u i ti s, 3_ _ a_a A M A. !. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A. X. Chlraro Lv (i 45 8 55 4 ir 3 40 4(J 9 55 Tw'tverM 887 0 07 4 25 8 52 8 10 07 KeCtón 7 35 9 45 4 50 4 30 25 .0 45 Haimaoud.. . . 747 JOJ L',rtou ISSiëiè :::: l"vïmz:v. MichigánCity BÍ8U08 602 410412 10 NewBuffalo... 20 1127 7 12 136 ThreoOaks... 9 87 7 Buchenan 1005 p.m TM ..... 121 Nile 10 SO ld 13 888 8S611 140 Dowagiac 1046 ¦) Z05 Lawton 1127 928... 2 43 Ostemo II 63 948 kaiama'ioó!" uS i 45 ' 8 Í0 ÍÓ'oO lOÚ'iÜ? litó Marchall } LL , g pg "foj & "(jg ' V:)2 '8 00 Albion 2 15 SDI) -? 235 4 57 827 Parrna 2:i -m 5)6 8 SO Jacksou :j 08 4 03 10 01) 7 00 8 25 5 45 9 25 JackB'nJuDc. SOS 705.... Qnntake.... 880 722 007 945 Francisco 8Í8 7 W Chelsra 8S6 7 12 (1 30 10 03 Dester 110 7 55 (i 43 10 13 Delhi Millí 420 05 Ana Albor.!" 4 32 5 12 10 54 17 4 35 7 00 10 .Ti I Ypeilanti 4 50 5 25 U 07 8 3S 4 52 7 15 10 47 I WayiiK June 5 15 6 4B 10 5 13 7 38 1107 Waynt -r '7 9 12 DcH'horn 535 W .... 75-5.... .Springwells.. 868 8:6 116" 1150 5 45 8 10 11 3r Dctni'. Ar 806 6 25115911000 666 M 20 11 45 Detroit Lv 7 30 12 151 (i 15 11 59 It Thomas 1115 : 25 1 1 1(1 10 05 3 20 Weiland 2(11 8 0916 26 120 55-1 Knlln Vi.-w 6 88 I8 !'.3.... NUgaraFíll 2 31 6 88 16H 628 Buso. Bridge .... 2 45 6 SO 2 15 6 40 I ñuffilo 3 40 7 S i n 4.) 3 10 7 35 .... WATViRS. Á i Ó I Jíj i ¦TATXOHI. &, - xÉ at o ¦ ' Sí 1 ï i : : g o a a fc : : P.5I. P.M. A.M A.M.U.M Buffillo 840 1130 B-5 15 1130 Sul Bridgp. 940 1226 7 30 122. Niauara Falle 950 1230 7 41 1380 Fallé View 7 46 i244 Weiland 10 12 12 50 8 05 '. 25 1 115 St Thomas.... 1 25 8 50 10 45 11 40 4 10 Detroit... Ar. 530 7 55 250 p.m. im. 8:0 Detroit. .Lv. Ai 00 900 4 00 'rt'ÓO 's'ÓÓ 'é'ofl '..'.'.'. SuriligwellB 10 9 10 4 10 B 12 8 10 910 Dearborn . . . . 6 27 4 24 B 27 8 25 Wayne 6 41 B 42 WayneJunc. B 43 9 38 4 38 6 44 8 40 9 lü Ynsilanti .... 7 15 957 4 58 7 07 903 1002 I AntiArbor... 7 30 10 12 5 12 7 23 9 20 10 16 Ilelhi Mills. 742 931 Dciter 755 30 7 43 9 50 ("hulsea 840 5 42 8 00 Francisco.... H 25 8 15 10 10 (íiart Lake... 833p.m. 6 07 8 25 Jackü'n June. 853 845 1032 a. M Jackoou 90IÍ1130 6 50 8 50 105 1155 Parma 9 25 7 15 0 1100 Albion 947 120.) 7 3S g 1122 1241 „ . ,, I 122' jIUt Marshall., f L10 ,;, 14 45 „ 07 t1148 ios Battle Creek.. 1 43 10o 8 4? á"5 12 15 142.... (ialeíbnrg.... 1115 9 20 W 12 42 Kalamazoo. .. U 3S 145 40 4 45 107 2 27 P.M Mattawan.... 12 07 510+135 Lawlon 12 15 518 145 Dowagiac... 125: 5 58 t232 Nilea 140 310 640 3 00 4 05 ... Buchanan.... 153 6 54 315 ThreeOake.. 2 21 7 22 3 45 NKWBuffalo.. 237 1401 7 35 4 12 MichigaiiOity 303 4 27 8 03 488 i 5 13 Lake 8 45 525 850 537Í607. . j Tolleeton.... 3 57 9 05t5 55 .... Hammond... 4 15 l927t620 Keneinuton.. 4 35 6 00 9 45 B 40 705.... Tw'ty-sec.St. 5 131 6 as 1013 7 18 7 43. .. Chicago.. .Ar. 5S5J 6 50 11035 7 8t 7 55 1 t Stopg only to let olí' pissengcry. í Stops only on (.únala. O. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G.P.&T. Agent A-t.. Aun Albor. Chicago. Detroit, Mackinac & Marquette R. Ií. July 27, 1S84. Over 800 Miles Sliorter than any other Line to all Points East. W EST. STATI0N3 KAST. !M 1 P Í _ 58 _ P-M. A. , ' P. M A.M. 8 00 6 53 Marqaette 2 30 7 00 1 ïö 3 05 Seney. 5 40 11 50 P H 12 43 2 25 McMlllnn 6 10 12 45 12 K 1 4s Dollarville. 6 28 1 22 12 06 1 4U Newberry. 6 33 1 4ö A. M, p. M. 9 0K 11 22 Palms. 8 00 4 45 7 y 10 10i l. St.lgnace. a 8 50 H05 Tralns run by Central Standard Time. D. McCOOL, F. MILLIQAN. Gen'l .Sup't. Gen'l frt & Pass. Agt Marquette, Mich. Marquctte, Mlch. JOSEPH BERBV, The Practical TAILOR Al ClITTEB, Of the late flrm of WINANS & BERRY, has locatud bis place ui business at NO. 7 HURON STREET, wirir a ri ll line of Suitings and Trouserings, And wmild 8ay to hi? oM frieuds and nc ones that if they want GOOI) FIT and a NOIÍBY FIT at REASONABLH l'KICES, cali on him and ihev will be mire tu et one. W. TREMAIN, CiEXEICAI. mum kmï M. BBSBBB! il" ¦- oFyioK : Oyer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HURON AND FOURTU STS., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edinbur. Capital, Í13,OOD,OOO, Gold. Detroit Fire and M.iriuo Insurance Co., , Cash Assers $600,000. Springrfleld Ins. Co. of Massaohusetfs, Cash Aescts f 1 ,800,000. Howai'il Ins. ('oinpany of New York, Cata Assets $1,000,000. Agrieiiltural lus. Co., Watertown, X.Y., Cash ASBOt $1,200,000. Losscs Llborally Adjusted and Proniptly Paid. WWout doln' anything ter deserb t, de owl Imb gained de name o' beln' w'ise Dis is jest becnae he'a Rot er big hïad an' er mout' shet' for when lic do open it he keln' say nothln'. De tonge dat s ken' stlll on aecount o' sense, says somethln' smart when itilo spcak. - Ar&antttw 'l'raveler. The ('lergy, Medical Faculty nnd Peo pie all endorse Butdóck Blood Bttteri as the best system renovatinjf, blood purifving tonic in tlie world. It ain't de nmn whut reads de mos' dat thlokl de mos'. It aiu't de pusson whut eats du mos' dats de stronest. Don't Die int he House. " Roughon Rata," Clears out rats, mice, roaclies, bed-bugs, fllet, anta, moles, chlpmiinks, gophera. l"?. Curo for Piles. The fust symptom of Piles s au Intenta tehlng at nlght aftergetting warm. This unpleasant sensation is Itnmediately relleved by an npiilioation of Dr. Jiosaiiko's Pile Hemedy. Pilos in all lorms, Hch, Salt lUieuni and llingworii) can be permanently ciired by tlie use of this gieal retnedf. Prtoe 50cent. Mnnfactnrad by tlie Dr. Bosrtnko Medicine Coinpanv Pi(iua, O. Sold by Kberbach & Son. 1202-1253.


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