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ftROYAL'RWa Jk B POWDER Absclutely Pure. 'lhis powder never varíes. A marvel of punty.streagtb and wboleaomeness. Alore económica] than the oidinary kinds, andcaunot b-sold ni competltlon witli tlie inultitude oí low test, gho-t welght, alum or phospliate powilprs. Sold only In eans. RoTAL Baking Powder Co., lj Wall St.. N. Y. ftocina A POSITIVE CURE For Every Form of Skin and Blood Disease, frotn Pimple to Scrofula. I have had the P-nrinsi for nine months. Aliout uve montbe ao I iipplicrl 10 a rtoctor near Boston wiio helpe jine lua iintortunateyl had loleave, but contlnned ukine medicine for neaily three moinhs, but the (iiee;iee (lid not leave. 1 saw Mr Carpeuter's lettert i the Philadelphm Record, and hls case perfectly described mine. I tried the VuTICDItA K.HMLDIKS, uAag tWO bottlcs ResOheilt, and Cuticura and Cuticnr Soap in proportiou and cultmyseli complétela cured. . . - L. F.BARNARD. Waterford, N. J. ECZliBA TWEÜITV YI.A1IS Cured. Sot a Slenof lt Kcappearanre. Your Cuticura has done a wonderml cure for me more llian two yearx ago. Not a sign of ils reappearauce nince. Ir cured me ol a very bnd Eczema wlnch bad troubled me tor more Ihan tweut yeare I Bhall alwaya sp-nk well or Cutitura. I 8ell a t -lm, „ ,t pBANK c_ SWAN Unl?sl9tHaverhíll, Mass. BEST Jt'Ofe AM'TlIIStí. üiiviní; uped your Cuticura Remedies for eighteen months for Tetter, and ti 1 1 al I y cured it, I am aazloua to íet it to seli on commiesion. I can reoonnnend it be oud any remedies I have ever ued for'ivtter, liurus, Cut, etc. In fact, It is the best medicine í have ever tried for anythin. K. !S. HORTON. llyrtle, Mis?. SCKOFl'liOl'S S(HtX I had a dozen bad sores upon my body. and tried all remd'eö I could hear uf. and at last tried your Cuticura Remedies aud they have cured me. JNO. QASK1LL. Hebron, Thayer Coanty, Penn. Evcry species of Itchlns, Scalv, Pimply, HcrofuloUH.Inherited and CoDtagiOOB Iluroors, Wlth Ijoer' of II tir, cured by Cuticura Keolvent the new B!ond Iuritler iuterualiy, and Cuticura and Cuticura Soap tlie yie;it Suin Cures externally. Sold everywhere. Price : Cuticura, 50 cents ; Soap, '& cents ; Resolrent, íl.OÜ. Potcr I iiiir and Chemical "o . Boston. TÍ17A1TTV For Chappcd and Oily J X X Ski-, Cuticura So.ip. SNEEZE! SNEEZE! JÖNEEZB unril your liead Kectns rcady to fly oiï; untilyournoseand f y es discharge excessive quantitiBfl of thtn v lUitating, watery fluid: ointil your liead aclifs, 'Yy! mouth and tliroatparcb X ,ed,and biood at íever Ytfr h' at. This la aii Acutt' Uatnrrh, and is inetant y ]y relieved by a single j wfiS ,( (loso, and p-Tinant'ntly rulyV cured by ono bottle oi' Sanford's Radical Care for Catarrli. Complete Treatment vvith Inhaler for One Dollar, One bottle Radie il Cure, one box Catíirrh Solvtut. and oue Improved ínhuler, in one, may 'now be had of all druggists for $1.00 Ask for SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE. 'The oiily abpolnte specific ve know of."- Med Times. "The hest we hye found in a lifetime of sufferine." - RtV, Pr. Wi-ggln, üoslon. "Alter a lonK struinrle with Catarro rhe Kadical Cure has Conquere."- ' W. Monroe, Lewiabnrrj, Pa. I have not fmind a casethat it did not relieve at ouci.:"--Aidrew lee. Manchester, Mass. PoTTGIt J3IIUG AND ClIKailCAL Co., LÍOStOD. mi I IjLtA. For the relief and prevention. CU i-Uí ISS' the instant it la applled, VOLTAO ol Rhiumatism, Neuralgia, SciVV,il J j "t'ca. Coughp, Colds, Weak back, V"II'IÍ%Í-Stomach, and Ilowelc, Shootins Oi Paiuf. Numbnes, Hysteria, FeV'í-slV male Vw, Pulpiíatiun. Dyspepy VSO Uvl'T CpmplInt, Billious yW?iy Fever, Mnlaria and Epjdemica, t iVcTRICX "e CollliiN' Piasters (nn ÏSl'i'fV Blee'rie Batfpy comb'.ned A5TER wilh a ""O" Piaster) and lauh at pain. 25c. everywhere. DrCLARKE HO rSE ( Establised 1851 f Morrill üstü Setter! 1 DETROIT, MIOH. f Block MOTMH Therepularo!de8tatlifl1til ÍSSraSsíñlB rhysirinu and Surgeon DK. SV VwíSvHt'AK15' at the old number Bf' .]i) lB continúes totreatwith his usual KI rx WW Klirrrat ski 11 all private, BilO SS nflehronio nervou and special BkAllli9eas0' CLAUKE is Sf.3w8lltheoldestAdvcrtisinfPhysician, olJRc'sidcStTltSow. Age and experience Important. vou hïvc Sen or"who has f ailed to cure you. fctísLssaiaas?si5 m'oDerlv ireatf cl. earses the present and curmnir TiïïJlÏÏ C" given in .vory ca, UU-UU


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