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Mondny they bad a snow storm at Ontonagon. A Grand Raplds firm lias gold 30,000 torchlights this season. The Lansing Eveuing Tel(rram was dispatclied Monday. Couldn't pay. Manistique lias a practically inexhaustIbleaupply of limestoue, of the clear quill. Wild seese have left Lake Superior and are on tlieir way soutli. Put lip your coal stove. The reeont freshet in the Lake Superior country w 9: the worst known in 20 years. Seven milis at Oscoda out during the inontli of September 25.975,000 feet of luinber. The Clinton woolen mili at Adrián is about to resume work. Jt eiuploys some 80 hands. Mr. Cobb, of Pentwater, Las had two valuable horses rendered useless by barbed wire fence. Three pound potatoes are what Michijranders are bragging over all around the state this year. J. K. Johnson, of Grand Rápida offers the Y. M. C. A. of tliat city, $5,000 with which to build a hall. Pontiae has the honor of haring the first Baptist church society orgaulzed iu the state. It was in Juue 1822. Michigan docsn't seem to receive ïmicli benefit frora the lierce war of rales OU the railroads leading eastand west. An exchange says that ground quaasla and vinegar will cure the ciavlng tbr liquor. He knows tor he had it bad. A Michigan farmer exhibits a head of wheat, self-sown and fully matared siuee barvest- an unheard of thing in this cl lm ate. The deinoerats up in Saranac feel so bad about the Ohio election that they kiiock down those who ask them : " Have you heard froin Ohio?" Hogers City, Piesque Isle county, has had its only hotel, a public hall, several dwelling3 and barns destroyed by lrre, which originated in a saloon. Last Friday a destruetive lire visited Montague.destroyingfour handsome brick blocks with tlieir contents. Loss given at $80,000, with about one-third insurance. Recent tests of quartz rock from the gold mines of Lake Superior show an average of about $5 per ton of gold and $1.00 of silver, and one sample assayed $28 to the ton. A Midland man gave this pious toast the other day: ''May 3011 inhabit the It'iUIUQ Ut UIIKOIA tl LgKO OUIUIC lllö -ui 'Ji,majesty is aware of your -Midland Sun. The trip of Hon. James G. Blaine and party tkrough Michigan, which was one grand ovation, troubles the democracy very mach, and they are kicking theniselves over it yet. Fully 20,000 people greeted the Blaine party at Port Huron, 50,000 ït Bast Saginaw, 30.000 at Bay City, 25,000 at Jaekson, 50,000 at Grand Rnpids, 8,000 at Marshall, etc, etc. The industrious English sparrow may now be observed Industrlously examlnlng the nooks and corners of the new court house, and entering claims for nesting places next spring.- Adrián Record. Some ühio hunters got after a black calf In Michigan's north woods and ran the poor thing seven miles in hopesof taking home a bear skin. They supposed we had long tailed bears in this state. Durinsr the season just closed there was shipped frora Monróe 30,000 baskets of grapes averaglng lifteen pounds eacli, and making a total of 499,500 pounds. This brought tothe frowers about $12,000. Weieome Campbell, one of the pioneers of Royal Oak, together with hts wife, were nearly suffocated by gas f rom their coal stove recently. They lay In an miconscious state two nights and one day. More dried apples and less eider wcu!d bo a good resolution to be passed by our farmers. - Stockbridge Sun. Oh, pshaw ! Dried apples make villaiuous pies, while eider is iudispensiblc to good minee meat. Mr. M. F. Carroll, of the New Orleans commission, claims that Mr. Switiefonl, of the same commission, has been using the nioney of the commission for politica! purposes. To pay democratie campaign expenses. A. C. üavis, the lirst agent of the great Culumet & llecla mine, bas been appointed special co.mnissioner to see that the mining industries ofthe Upper Península are properly represented iu the New Orleans exposition. Tecumseh Herald: An effort is making toraise an endowment fund of $5,000 for Rasin Vally seminary. If $2,500 be pledged before the lirst day of next July, iu this seclion, the same siim will be given by partlea iu Ohio. Some pumpkins - last sprinu; C. A. Sidmore planted one seed from which he has raised vñí poundsof Etamp's Red pumpkin. There were seveu grown on the the vine, the smallest weighing53pouuds. - Stockbridjie Sun. H. E. Gemberling, of the Buffalo Telegraph. formerly cdjtor of the Alblon Recorder, died at Chicago recently while on his way to Colorado in search of better health. He was an accomplished writer, and but 35 years of age at death. He was buried at Albion. What a blessing it would be to all if their parend would take to church with them their little bits of green boys and girls who promenade the streets Suuday evenin;;s church hoiirsj Parents, these boys and iris are undoubtedly deceiving you, and badly at that, or elso your profewed Christianity is all hypocrisy. This is a fact. - Cedar Springs Clipper. Ex-Gov. Franklin J. Moses, of South Carolina, who has for years been leading a life of ciiminality and fraud - through choice and not necessity - wasapprehended in Detroit a few days since, and his identity fully established. He was caged throujrh the shrewdness of Rev. Dr. Rexford, of that oity, of whom he had " bor. rowed '' a small amount of money, pretending to be a minister. Moses has a wife and faniily iu Chicago, with whom he divides his ill gotten gains, and the wife who is said to be a line appearing lady has interceded and saved lüm from punishment ofteo. There are charges enough agalust Moses to keep him behind the bars the rest of his natural life, and it is thought that he has reached the end of his rope. " How do you like Wagner's music ? '' asked Kosciusko Murphy of on Austin society lady. "Likeit! I dou't like it atall. I'd rather listen to one of Mozart's pauses than all the music Wagner ever wrote."


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