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RALLY, ONCE AGAIN ! CAPT. E. P. ALLEN AND Autor T. W. Wffi, at the OPERA HOUSE, Tuesday evening, OCTOBER 28tli ! Turn out and hear the issues f th lay discussed. Don't forget the time and place for ïvgisteriug your name. The free trarle gauge has lieen thrown clown by Mr. Eldredge. The people will reply with votes for Allen and protection. Giles B. Stebbins and A. W. IlamiHon had a fine meeting at Sylvan Center Monday night. ___m___ Mr. Rentz who has been living at 81 S. Main st. has bought him a farm in Sylvan and removed thereto yesterday. An effort is being made aud witli good prospects, to organizea polo club at the skating link. Wc hope it will succeed. BVack night greets the evening pedestrian corner of N. State and E. Catharine. Nogas or gasoline glares at you there, darkness reigns supreme, tlie lamp bas gone. _ It was a mi.stake about Frank Ilangsterfer losing bis watch at Detroit last Tuesday. Frank says liis watch was at home, with hlm, in Ann Albor, and so couldn't have been iplrlted away by a pickpocket. A case of grapes was received ast week by Mis. Fanny S. Hubbard from friends in California. Tliey were of the Yosemits brand, and inucu resembled pluuis. Two of tlie bunches weighed two pounds md a half. Dr. C. G. Darling is to be congratnlated, for this afternoon he takes unto himself a wlfe. At six he marries Miss Augusta M. Payüe at the reeideuce of the bride's inother on East University avenue. Success to thein. In opening the last Hiüsdale Business that carne to this office, a paper upon which was w ritten the following receipt lroppedout: "Red precipítate and rosin, of each half ounce; pnlverized corrosive sublímate 2 grs." What! It isn"t bugs, is it 'i There must be a heap of reading done in this city. Boughtou tells us that he sells upwards of 800 papers every day, aud there are others who sell tliem wliich would bring the sum total up to over 1,000. Wednesday last Boughton sayshe tiispo&ed of nearly 1,200 dailies. The reqnest is made to cali tle atteution of tlie people once more to tlie November meeting of the pomological society, which will conyene at the court house on Saturday, ÏTov. lst, at 2 o'clock p. m. It promises to be a gathering of unusual interest, with maiiy people from abroad in attendance. County Cleik üobison has just got on a new lot of county orders which are lituographed, both order and stub are numbered, properly perforated, etc, and the same are a vast improvement on the old orders, both in looksandconveniencc. The supply will last throuüh bis successor's term of offi ce. They are not the product of home Industry, but imported. At the democratie convention for Wayne county, held at Detroit last Thursday, Geo. F. Uobison, formerly of Ann Arbor, was nominated for prosecuting attorney on the first ballot, by a vote of 82 to 31 Mr. Robison is a gniduate of the university, class of '13, and has been assistant prosecuting attorney for the past two years. The "WarCry" advances, and the vanguard of the salvation army, so called, is among us. Capt., Gen. or Major Somehody htrnngued a crowd at the corner of Main and Washington sts. Sunday p. m. When the army will reacli us in f uil force is a niystery Dotyet divulged to tlie wlokM. It better wait until after election, tnere will be more pliant material to work upon then. It is understood that 5Ir. Cramer il urging people to vote for him on the ground that he never received any pay for his services as an attorney for the supervisors in suppressiug the tramp nui8ance. Perhaps he never bas received any pay for that business, (neither has the Ann Arbor Democrat). But when elecÜon is over it is understood that a bilí for $600 for Mr. Cramer's services will be acted upon by the board of supervisors now in session. The bill is being withheld for political effect, it is alleged. If Cramer is allowed $000 for what he did, the Democrat should have $(,000 for its services - taki ng it for granted that each is pald according to the value of services rondend. - - - ¦ The boards of registration for the vnrious wards of Anu Arbor will meet on Tues%, Oct. 28th, 1884, commencing at 9 oclock a. m. of tliat ilay, and elosing at 7 o'clock p. m., for the pui pose of registermg ncw elector. If yon have moved hito town, or have changed your residence siiice the last election, you must re-register, and dont forget to remember it. In t]Je lst ward the board meets at Sorg's s'iop, on Washington st.; n the 2d ward it John Heinzman's store on S. Main st. ; n the 3rd ward at the agiicultural room in the basement of the conrt house; In e , W;"'(1 at lireman's hall ; in the 5tli waru at Hurón endne liouse; and in the wiVianl ,at tlle e"S'"e 'is; It will be of "h 6 iuterested to make a ote The Ohlo "idee" kolds out well. One week trom nextTnesday tells the tale. Your attenlion iscallcd t the list of meeting on the editorial page. Re-register jour name if yon have ehanged your resldence since lnst elcction. James 1'. Honcy icill mahe a safe guardián of the estafes of widows and orphans. The townshlp board of Aun Albor has authorizcd the cleik to continue the bounty on woodclmck scnlp's, and lie requests the boys to bring them in on Saturday, the L'Gth inst. " If the Washtenaw republicana can't beat Craraer for senator, may the Lord pity them," says th Adrián Daily Record. They feel the feeling within tliem that they will do the deed, Bro. Record. A surprise party was given to Dr."Al." Kellogg and wife, of the 5th ward, Monday evening, in honor of the 4th anniversary of their marriage. Some 40 or 50 neighbors made the evening a delightful one. Wfaen the Gth ward fire company committee comes around to you for scme flnancial assistance, chip in something and help the enterprise along. It is a necessity that needs all the encouragement yon can give it. Instead of the regular sermón at the Congregational church last Sabbath eveuing, President Angell gave an excellent account of the doings of the meeting of the board of foreign missions of that church, recently held at Columbus, Oiiio Miss Mary BUncber and Mr. John Ibler, of this city, were married at the residence of the brkle's sister, Mrs. John Pfisterer, on Liberty st, last evening, Rev. H. F. Belser. offleiating-. The couple go to Grand Rápida where tliey are to reside. A frieml who listened to Mr. Kldredge's speech at flreman'S hall last Saturday night, says he read the whole thing in a New York paper recently, al most word for word. Yes, the oppotltion will steal speeches even, when they can't flnd anything else to steal. Mrs. Louisa Wclch, wife of Hiram Welcb, of Bridgewater township, died at the home of Walter Lathrop, in the 6th ward of this city, on the 12th inst. Deceasod was the inother of the late Mrs. D. llenning, and wasTlyears and 0 inos. oíd. She died oí oíd age. ? . The Presbyterian churcU was iilled Sunday evening to listen to the speakers of the Citizen's League. Dr. Herdman presided and in turn introduced Jtulge Cheever, who spoke for the city; Judge Cooley, for the legal aspect of the case; Rev. K, B. Pope for the churches; and President Angelí for the university. Jacob Paul, of tbe township of Scio, one of the weakhiest Germán resiilents of the county, died last Saturday, after an illness of only a few hours, of inüammatiou of the bowels. Mr. Paul was aged about 65 years. His funeral, lield at the fainily residence Saturday, was onejof the largest ever seen in the "county. There were several hundred teams amlcarriages in the processiou. Among the transparencies in the Grand Rapids reception to James G. Blaine, were these pertinent ones : " We Want Brains not Beef." "Three Black Crows sat on a Tree- Beecher, Hendricks and Grover C' An Irish club displayed this: "Baineand Lofran, Maine and Llmerick." Another that took the popular eye was: " Our Pathtinder, John C. Fremont; eight Majoriry for him in this City in 185(5; we'll do better by Jas. G. Blaine Nov. 4tli. One of the flnest and best political speeches ever delivered in Aun Albor, WM given by Gen. Wm. H. Gibson, of Olüo, at the opera house Monday night to a larga audience. Tlie speaker made his pointe well - every one clear and clean cut. His comparisons were simply superb, his witticismsextremely amusing, his logic convincing, his stories without parallel. A better natured audience never went away froni a hall than was that audience when he got through. If he ever comes here again hu will meet wilh an ovation. Reuben Kempf is a ?aan in whom every citizen of Washtenaio can taken juslpride as a meinber of the senate. Last Fridayniorn ing, at about 1 o'clock, lire broke out in the large woolen factory of Cornwell Bros., of this city, at Foster's station, about three miles west of Ann Arbor, and the entire structuro was burned to the ground, together with about 20,000 pounds of wool and a lot of manufactured goods. Tae loss is estimated at about $45,000, with $18,750 iüsurance. Policies of upwards of $7,000 expired a few days previous to tlie lire and were not renewed. Orders were in sufflcient to have kept the uiill running six months yet. The cause of the lire is not known. It originafed in the store room, and although discovred early, little or nothing was sa ved. The Messrs. Cornwella think of rebuilding in the spring. The skating riuk opened again last Friday tvening, the atmosphere bcing a little more propitious for the exercisc. Notwitstanding the various counter attractions there was a good crowd present. Mr. J. M. Cook, the champion trick and fan cyskater, gave som excellent evidencesof his ability inthatline. Mr. Wyman has secured 100 pairs of the famotis Wilkic skates for his patrons, and is doing all in his power to make the rink an attractive resoit for the young people of this city, and his efforts should iiieet with a cordial support. Ann Arbor now has one of the best floors and best rinks in the state. It Is large, well lighted with two electric lights, the Chequamegon orchestra fiirnish beautiful music, ind taken all togetiier a more pleasant and charming place of entertainment would be hard to tiud. Pnces of admission have been reduced to the lowest living ratee. The rink will hereafter be open every afternoon f rom ' until 6 o'clock. Gen. Gibson paid his compli rnents to Mr. Eldredge Monday eveuing, in a very keen, cutting wa3', and yet smooth and pleasant. It seems tliat Eldredge in private convcrsation tliat day, had referred to the general as a man recently fiom Canada, where he went as a defaulter. The btory was of the same kind that the democrats are telling in this campaign, a sheer fabrication, a square ap and down lie, bald-laced in the bargain. The speaker said he was born in Ohio, had always lived there, and never sbould live in any other state. He liad lived in the county where he now resides ever since he was live months old, and witli two exceptions was the oldest pioneer in his county. That he never had been out of the state in his life, exccpt for a period of four years and thiee months, when he was absent in the southern state. helpinjj put down a rebellion against the life of tlie country, brought on by democrats. His marnier and words took with the audience aud cheer after cheer greeted his "explanation."