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Compiled from Lat8 Dispatches. DOMESTIC. A dükl wlth knlves took place at Eufnula, Ala., a few d;iys ngo between Jack Hamiiton and his friend, Louis Robinson, dwing to family troubles, and both were literally hacked to pioees, Kobinson dying instantly and Hamilton ia a few hours. Is Arago Township, D. T., on the 1-Uh eight persons liad died of small-pox, while nineteen were sick with the disease. DURINQ the seven days ended oi the 14th produce exports from New York reached }5,Ö51,OOO, against $7,ll'),000 the previous seven davs. Samuel Tudor, paying teller for S. S. Davis (the Cincinnati banket who failed reeently), was on the 14thdiscovered to bd a defauHer for $10,000, which caused the crash. The coal combination in Pennsylvania has ordered a suspension of mining one week in Xovember anl two weeks in December. DispaT'-iies on the 1-tth from Columbus, O., stated that all the syndicate mines in the Hocking Valley, with the exception of Nos. 3 and 7, were on üre. It was impossible to got at the flames. Thus far there had beenno disturbanoe in the valley, but the excitement thore was roported to be intense. Ne one doubteil that the striking colliers set lire tothe mine. TnE boys employed in a nuniber of tho glass factories in Fittsburgh, .Pa., struck on the 14th for au advance of ftvim tbreeto ten cents per day in their wges. The factories were closed. A cycloxk swept ovor Anburn, We., on the Uth, destroyiug numerous barns, unroofing soveral houses, and blowing down trees and felices. No lve were lost. Coke trains eollided a few days ago neai' -Monongahela City, Pa., wrecking an entine and twelve cars, killing a firenian, and fatally scaldiug an engineer. THE' the steamer Voodson was twentv miles below Little Rock, Ark., the other morning a difficulty occurred between a coloreJ man named Clay and the engineer, John Humes, in which Humes was shot and instantly killed. Clay leaped overboard an:l was drowned. While a Vigilance Committee was attempting to arrest two desperadoes at Unionviüe, Ind., a few evenings ago a struggle took place cl uring which two men and two woraen were fatally wounded. The desperadoes escaped. Geoküe Swann and James Kelly, both colored, quarreled about political matters at Cincinnati on the 15th. Kelly stabbed Swann and Swann shot Kelly, their wounds being fatal. Four masked men robbed the house of ilelson Helfrick, near St. Bouifac, Pa., the other night of $1,700 in gold. The Fall River (Mass.) 'milis decided on the 15th to close for a week, rendering ten thousand persons idle. If there were no improvement in prices the milis would probably remain closed for an indefinite period. A skctiox of the business part of Lawrenceburg, Ky., was burned the other morning. Tuere was a heavy frost in Virginia on the night of the 15th, which damaged vegetation. James Legg & Co., proprietors of the Maploville Mills at Burrellville, E, L, made an assigument rccently, their liabilities beins $490,000. The steamer Deflance and five hnndred bales of cotton were consumed by fire on the morning of the lüth at Newbern, N. C, tlie total loss reaching $50,000.; While attemptius to prevent a prairie flre near Jamestown, D. T., a few days ago Mrs. Cari Snhroedor and a three-yearold child were burned to death. THElight-house at Heil Gate, near New York, was illuminated on the evening cf the 15th by nine electric lamps, which were said to be visible for fifty miles. Ukkows persons recently tbrew poison into the well of John Ganmer, near Coshocton, O., and the entire family, six persons, drank of the water. They were prostrated on the J5ih, and none of tuem were cxpected to recover. Two Hungarians were killed jiear Somerset, Pa., a few days ago by the explosión which followed their attempt to drill out a dynamite cartridge with a crowbar. A train struck a wagon containing three persons on the 15th at Elkhon, Md., all being instantly killed, and the horses and wagon destroyed. Heidmeyer & Stieolitz, of Chicago, large wholesale dealers in woolens, were closed by the Sheriff on the löth. Liabilities about 2ü0,0!)0. Matbird, for whom $6,000 had been refused, dropped dead at Mystic Park, Boston, on the löth, after trottins in the 2:23 class.l Reports were rtceived at Raleigh, N. C, on the löth that Mormon missionaries had aqjain made a regular invasión of the State, and tbis time were devoting their attention especially to the Piedmont seclion. It was said that no less than fourfeon of them were at work in Surrey County. Show fe.ll in various parts of New Kampshire on tha IGth to the depth of four inch69a Bkvxrtt acres of cedar timber had on the Í6U1 been destroyed by fires in Big ]3gg Harbor Swamp, 18. J., and an extensive ei anberry bog was threatened. Gas exploded in the Central Pacific ldill at Lawrenca, Mass., a few days ago rtestroj in; the naptha house, shatterinj? its windows and fatally injuring two men. The Director of the Mint at Washington has prepared a statement in regard to the present money circula! ion in the thlrty-nine principal countrie of the world as compared with the circulation reporteil a yearago, which shows a decrease in gold circulation of about $52,000,030, an Ulerease In silver circulation of 542,000,000, ind f.11 lncrease in paper circulation of $112,000,00). Three yo;ing men were run over and ¦lied by the cars a few evenings ago at Elzabetb, N. J. An explosión of .1 coal-oil lamp at Crisfit'l 1, Md., on the lOth started a conflagration which ilTstroyed forty buildings, mainly oyster-pscliing houses, the losses pggrogating $10 ',000. While a Kepubücan processioii was bein? foriütd at La Crosse, Wis., on the evenlng of the ICth, F. A. Burton, Presilentol 'tli-i Jiiiüne and Logan Club, was shot dead by a inanknown as "Scotty," but no motivo for the murder was known. The criminal was taken to jail, but was soon after secured by a party of eitizens and lianged to a (ree. Ar Hanisburg, Pa., on tha 16th Miss Ijir.zi" Wallace stopped from the curii in front of a moving train. Harry Foster rushed to the ruscue, but both were cut ia pieees. The station of (he Pennsylvania and Reading roads in Treuton, N. J., were burned a few days ago. The fire caught from a gas jet. Matt B. Perkixsox rode to the house of Derby P. Payne at Deer Trail, forty miles from Denyer, a few days ago, and because Payne could not pay $30 he owed him, Perkinson shot him dead and surrendered. A passenger train went through a bridge near Bata via, O., on the Í7th, falling a distanco of forty feet. Engineor Wilbur and Fireman Jones were instantly killed, two passengors were fatally injured, and several others wore badly bruised. Special dispatches on the 17th to BradStreet'S frein leading business centers conlirmed previous reports that general trado throughout the United States wasdecidedly dull. Wiluam McMaster, a farmer of Stratford, Vfc, whose drinking habits had dissipated liig fortune, being dunned by a creiitor the other day, went out to bis barn and hanged himself. The drought In Alabama and other part of the South had continued for eleyen weeks on the 175h, and cattle had to be driven long distances to ijrocure water. The cotton and other crops were burnt up, while turnips, the main staple for stock.aiL. were a comulote failure. J. IL Witi,iavs, a iawyer atDavirf Ulty, Neb., absconded on the 17th, and his de' falcations were placed at $40,0J0. James McAde's carpet manufactory in Puiladelpuia was destroyed by fire a few days ago, vausing a loss of $150,000. The New York, Ontario & Western Railroad recently liled a mortgage of $4,000,000 to tho Mercantile Trust Conipany of New York. The nioney was borrowed to complete, equip und opérate tbe regular and leasi?d Uñ#8 Hiohwaymen visited the Coreletas ranch near Laredo, Tex., the other night and stole $10,000 belonging to Manuel Vidauri, the proprietor. No arrests. The Harrison Wire Company of St. Louis failea on the ITth for $."i00,003. The aged father of Mrs. Henry Curtís, of Lafayeète, Ind., who had been extremely deaf for years, was startled by a loud peal of thunder during a storm a few days ag;o, and his hearing was completely restored. Fires in the woods and swanips in Atlantic County, N. J., continuad on the JTth, the Lske tcrauberry bog and 270 acres ol the Atlantic Company's bog having been burned. A fire at Barnesville, Ga., on the 17th destroyed the business quarter of the town, causing a loss of if4X,00X The tobáceo factory of Watson & McGill, one of the largest in Petersburg, Va., which suspended operations some weeks ago, has resumed work. It employs four hundred operativas. Johpï F. Quixs, Jn., a prominent citizan of St. Clair, Pa., and Captain Joseph H. Denning were killed by coal gas in a mino a few days ago. Hog cholera prevailed to au alarming extent on the 17ch near Lancaster, Pa. lx the United States and Canada there were 231 business failure; during the seven days ended on the 17th, against 237 the previous saven days. The distribution was as follows: Middle States, 52; New Kngland States, 26; Western, GC; Southern, 4(; Pacific States and Territorios, 19; Canada, '22. PERSONAL AND POUTICAL. Conoressïon at. nominations were mnde on the loth as follows: Republican - Missouri, Eighth District, William M. Ecklea; Pennsylvania, Twenty-fourth District, J. M. Stookdale. [Democratie - Pennsylvauia, Tenth District, William II. Sowdeti. Prohibitionist - Wisconsin, Fourth District, C. E. Reed. Justin S. Moihull was re-elected to the United Ktates Seríate on the Mth by the Vermont Legislatura. ïwo brotherk, Samuel B. Lathani anrt Silas B. Latham, with their wives, celebrated their golden wedding at Noank, Conn., a few days ago. The two couples were the parties to a doublé wedding in 1834. President Authur arrivod in Washington on the 14th and appointed Frank Hatton General, the oath of office being administered by James Lawrenson, who bas performed the same office for twenty-two Generáis, beginning with Fostmaster-General WicklifTe, oí Kentucky, in 1841. At Boston on the 15th a bronze statue of John Harvard, founder of Harvard University, was unveiled. The following Congressional nominations were made on the löth: Uepubüoan - Louisiana, Second District, Michael Hahn. Democratie - Kentucky, Seeond District, Polk Luffoon; Wyoming, Morton E. Post (renominated); New Jersey, Third District, R. S. Green. People's party - Massachmetts, First District, T. D. Stow; Eighth, W. K. Eastman; Ninth, Henry L?mons. John Kino was elected President oL the Erie lload on the lOth. The following Congressional nominations were made on the lüth: Republican - South Carolina, First District, William íí. Taft: Pennsylvaiiia, Fourteenth Districl, Frank M. Bound. Prohibitionist - Massachustts, Tenth Tistrict, V. H. Earle. Advices of the 17th from Ohio indicated that at tho recent election General Robinson (Rep ) received a majority of a bout 12,0)0 for Secretary of State. The Prohition vote was about 0,000. The Congressional delegation would stand eleven ' ocrats ánd ten Republicans, as follows: ': lst District, B. Butterworth, R. (Rep. gam); 2d, Charlea E. Brown, R. (Rep. gain); 3d, J. E. Campbell, D ; 4th, C. M. Anderson, D.; 5th, B. Le Fuvre, D. ; öth, W. D. HUI, D. ; Tth, G. E. Seney, D. ; 8th, John Little, R. ; 9th, W. C. Cooper, R.; lOth, Jacob Romeis, R. (Rep. gain); lltb, W. W. Ellsberry, D. ; 12th, A. C. Thompson, EL; 13th, J. H. Outhwaite, D. ; 14th, C. H. Grosvenor, R. ; löth, B. Wilkins, D. ; lüth, G. W. Geddes, D. ; lTth, A. J. Warner, D. ; 18tb, Isaac H. Taylor, K. ; lOth, Ezra B. Taylor, R. ; 20th, William McKinley, R. ; 21st, M. A. Foran, D. The Republicans made the following Congressional nominations on the 17th: Pennsylvania, Third District, D. W. James; Wyoming Territory, F. E. Warren. A bill was introduced in the Vermont Legislature on the lTth by the opponents of capital punishment by banging, providing for the execuMonof murderers by electricity. Thk returps on the 17ih from the reennt wlecfrion in West Virginia indicated the succoss of the Democratie ticket by about 3,000 majority and the election of the four Democratie candidates forCongressmen. J. Swatford, a Tennessee State Senator, was shot and killed in a street flght with MonroeHudson, the jaileratSparta, Tenn., ew days ago. FOREIGN. LiOHT snow feil at Montreal on the H'h, the first oL the season. The False Prophet was on the 14th reported to be gathering a large forc to again invest Khartoum, The sessions of the French Chambers commencd on the 14th. A bilí was introduced asking for 11,000,000 francs for the expenses of the operations in Tonquin. In London on the 14th Lord Montaguo Paulet, son of the Marquis of Winchester, wedded Ida Reveré Foote, daughter of an American Naval Captain. Queen Victoria presented them with a diamond bracelet and gold breakfast service, and the Prince of Wales sent a diamond necklace and an India shawl. Advices of the 15th state that during a recent engagement betwoen the French and Chinese forces in Tonquin the Chinese lost three thousand men, including their chief comraander. The French losse? were twenty men, and ninety were wounded. Thomas Harrison, the boy preacher, of Boston, has commenced a series of evangelical services in Elm Street Methodist Church, Toronto. Dürino the twer.ty-four hours ended at nine p. m. on the 16th there were 235 new cases of cholera in Italy and 110 deaths, of which 95 new cases and 49 deaths occurred in Naples. The Mexican Government has furnished the üovernor of Jalisco live thousand soldiers to suppress outlaws operating in that State. Cairo advices of the lOth stated that provisions wereextremely scarce throughout the whole country from Berber to Khartoum, and from the River Nilo to the Dead Sea. Much suffering was feared. A detective at Liverpool arrested a Ilungarian on the 16th who had just arrived from Philadelphia, and found in his baggage thirtj'sniall packages of dynamite. At Pilbury, Ont, a Canada Southern passenger train collided a few days ago with a construction train on a curve. Engineer Cox was crushed to dcath, and six other persons were injured. The schooner Charles Valentine, from Halifax, was wreckod off Louisberg; the other night, and the crew of six men wore supposed to have perished. Smith, the head of the patent medicine flrm of Smith, Bro. & Co., in Montreal, was on the lOth said to have absconded across the border, leaving liabilities of $40,000 and very little assets. Alexandkr M. Sullivaïj, oiie of the founders of the home-rule movement in Ireland and an ex-member of Parliament, died in Dublin on the 17th, aged flfty-four years. TliE railway luborers und whisky sellers _..-,; tQ tD6 I 'Tl snTT V Inml S-.vny l tl Itichipicoton, a Cana'dlan town 'i Lake Superior, a n il wen drÍTÍU ; o it t lic n -; ictnble topulai ion. They had broken i} n ihtí jai] and let the prisonera eRcape, and had killed two constables. An arined force was belDg organiz id ai Sault ¦". Mari i to overa WB bh6 ! lot '-i's. Tbsrb were l(i) fresh canea "f cholera and stxty-two deaths in Italy during the twpnt.j'-t'our hours end6d at niae j. m. om the 17th. One hundbkd unlTerai'y atudents at Moscow recently broke tli Windows of a newspapor oliie, and wcre EUTested. Tlie Chief of Polic3 at St. Petersburg bad ordered the proprietors of hotels and restaurants to remove tlio portralta of tho Czar becauo of disrespect sbown by the public. LATER NEWS. Tuk follovving Congresaioual nominar fcions woro inado on the 18b : Dámooratlo -New York, Twenty-flftb District, L. J. Fitzgerald; New Jersey, Sixth District, W. H. F. Fiedler (renominateil) ; Illinois, First District, W. M. Tilden. Ropublloan - Ponnsylvania, Fourth District, Charles F. Childsey. New York, ïhirty-second District, John M. Farquhar. A i.oss of $200,000 was sustalned on tlio 19th in Brooklyn by the burning of seveial manufacturing establlshments. The Bennett-Mackoy new ocan cable was landed at Manhattan Beacb, N. Y., on ths 18;h, and is now ready Cor use. Fire a few days ago daitroyed twelve stores in Edgefiold, S. C, valueJ at flOU,000. Unkxown persons wrecked a train at Kinderhook, Mass., the other nlght, tho locomotive, expreas, baggago and smoking-car being demolished. One man was scalded to death, a second was fatally hurt, and two others were painfully wonnded, Tiieke were sixty cases of diphtherla nnd scarlet fever in the GHrls' Industrial School at Mllwaukee on the ISth. Ddring the twenty-iour hours emlsd at nine p. m. on the ISth thore were liili new cases of cholera and 102 deatbs in Ifaly, Bixty-four new cases and thtrty-sevon deatLs oecurring in N&ples. W. E. Masón has been declarad by ariiitpators tho regular Kepublican nomines for Congressman in the Third Illinois District, in place of (reorgo 11. Davis. Fifty-ONE horsos were burned to death recently in a stable atMoridian, Miss. By the explosión of a saw-miíl boiler a few days ago i.t New Maïtinsvillo, M'. Va.( two men were killed and rive othera woro seriously injurod. Wbeckkrs ditched a train ncar Tápelo, Miss., early theothor morning, fltteen persons being seriously hurt, five probably fatally. The Ios5 in rolling stock was heavy. Six ofücers of the Ru-sian army and two womeu were ozocuted on the 18:h in the citadel at St. Petersburg, for polltical oifenses, in presence of the meinbers of the Czar's Cabiint. Voi.nky Bull'b residence atNorth Kast, Pa,, was! flred recently by his mftniac brotber who was confiued in au ¦ room. Voluey attempted (o rescua the mad man, but Vioth perished in tüe Ham ¦. A partiat. eclipse of the su'i wás ylsibla nt fSan Francisco at 4:20 on the afternoon of the JSI.h. A rASSKXCfin train was throvn !:i tha track on tho 18th near (reencastle, Ind., by train-wreckers, and tlie cara rolle.l down an embankment, ought flre and were consumed, causing a loss of $75,000, Of the one hundred passensers on !) ard tbree wore fatally tnjured and the olherj were more or less woun led.


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