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I Michigan CmiRÚ The Miagara Falls (Route. ntrnl Slulni-l Time. May 1, I1'BTWIin. 8g12,. i Í --- - i . """ ÏJ &S station?. -K 3" 5 ;s & i- -ji i í 3 í á k era fe% 8sSi318sS8:: ÊêXton 7 86 9 4 4 ! Hammond.... 7 47 OI rou ISiöisr: SSio ::::: ipnCÍtj 8681108 602 "" NewBnffalo... 920 1127 MS 1888 Tlm-eOiik ... 9 37 _ f - Hilf hfllllllulo I'. II ' p)l ' 1 DÏTaiaï .i:: 1048 8g 205 LsWton 1121 f ¦ í4-i Otemo UH Ï am' 'kmmiiL.: 1S08 I '8ÍÓ ÍÓ-OO 1 0 "sÜ 46 Marshall íf' a 05 "Oí L5 t 'Ï82 '800 Aibion.. .:..:: 215 s -?3 ss Parnia 286 -m .r H. 860 Jackson 8 05 4 03 1000 TOO 8 2 i 49 25 Jacke'n Judc. 809 706 ..... GrawLake.... 880 732 8 07 945 ÏSS2Z.-Z ÏS:.:::::::: ?S:::.:-.iö Dexler lili 1.05.... b1018 SÜfiSSE ISiiiitfa Í'4i5-Tói Yneilaull . i ¦"' ¦"-¦ II ii7 ¦ ' ¦ 15 1047 Wayuejiiiic 515 546 ÍK 518 7 38 11 07 Wayne 6 n 8 12 Dea i", ii ... ' ' ¦ 755..... Sprlnjiweila.i 566 6 5 11 Su 961 r t'i 8 1 Detroit, ir 6 0B 6 25 1 1 5fl 10 (KJ 555 8 20 1146 Detroit Lv ' ' '6 ... ¦ 6 15 11 B st Tboma. II 16 8 25 II II 1005 820 Weiland ¦ ¦ - 03 6 "'¦ 5 M i 28 56 FalH View B 33 .... lo; i .:. ... NiararFH .. . 2 81 83 L5H 628 Bnsíi Bridge ... i ... 216 640 Bnffiln ¦' 10 ] 311 ': !¦ 8 10 7 35 .. Wl T Al:li. ,i í si bi ?r a ¦ : ITATION8. g Kt X z. cL 'J _¦L. k; 1 - z. tí ¦ . S S O -j á L : : P.lf I'.M. A. Vi A.M. A.M Buffalo .... 840U180 r' B15 11 80 ..... Büfp.Brldgá un 12 -.5 730 122. Niágara Falte 6Ü 1286 7 41 128 FalSView... - 74...... .244 Weiland ....10121Í58 BOB -, a IOS St Thomas.... 126 8 50 104S 1140 4 10 Di'troü r 530 7 55 2 5UP. M. p.M. b3U a.m r m. Detroit.. .Xt. bou 900 4U0i0o 800 900 Sorjnewella 810 lo 4 10 12 8 10 9 10 Duarlmru .... 8 27 4 2 ü -'7 S %' Wayne 841 B.... WayneJnrjc.l 6 43 988 4 044 840 9 4o Ypsi'.Biiti .... 715 157 458 707 9 03 10 02 AnnArbor... 78U1012 5 1-2 7 -a -ol01í Delhl Mills.. 74- 937 Dfsttr "55 530 7 43 50 Chelaea 84Ü 5 4i S 0o Francisco.... BS5 H 15 10 10 GiaeíLake... 8 33p.m. 607 825 JackB'nJanc. 8-M .... 845 1032 . .lackfon 9 50 103óllü Parma 92f 7 15 0 1100 Albiou U 17 1-i 05 73S 1122)241 „ „ i 12 11 4S Marshal'"fL 1013 H45 807 S L148 1 0F Batile Crcek.. 10 43 10. si. -ïï 12 IS 142.... Galesbnre.... 1116 9 so 2 42 KiltfflUuo... 1188 146 1U7 21, P.M I Matiawan.... 1107 5 10 ti 85 Lawton U15 5 IX 145 Dowaelae.... 12." 658 H32 Nllea 140 310 6 10 3ki 405 Bucbanaii.... 158 54 816 ThreeOaks.. '2 21 72i 3 45i NcwBuffjlo.. 237:401 785 4 12 MlchieauCitj 808 47 ?'3 i 3h 618 Lako 846 OS 85(1 537 (i 07 Tolle?ton .... 867 i5 '¦¦' -V. ....- Hammond... 4 15 927t(i20,.. líensinutun.. 4 35 6 00 9 45 40 70 Tw'ty-sec. Mt. 518 688 .!"::; 7 ís 743... Chicago.. .Ar. 6 86 8 60 Ü0&3 7 8U 7 55 + Stops ouly to lot off p-isunirs. í Stopy only on BUrsalis. O. W. RÜGGLE8, II. W. IUYES. (i. 1'. ,V F. Agent A_t.. Aiiu Arbor. Chicago Detroit, MaekfUM & Marqueta K. B. Jri.v 27, 1884. Over .100 Miles Sliorter than any otlier Line to all Points EMt. W KMT. STATIONS KAST. ¦ Sí U !l H II ¦ i M. A. M, v ' p. M A. M. 8 00 6 55 Marqnette 2 3(1 7 00 1 85 1 3 05 Seuoy. 11 50 P. M. 18 45 2 25] McMllInn fi 10 12 46 12 85 1 4Dollarvllle. li 28 1 22 12 (ñ 1 40 Newberry. (i 38 1 45 A. M. p. M. 9 0t 11 22 Palms. 8 00 4 45 7 35 10 10 l. St. IgnacP. A !S 50 05 Trains run by Ceotral Standard Time. D. McCOOL, F. UILLIQAN. QeD'lSap't. Qen'l Krt A l'n-. Aft Marqaette, Mlcfa. Marqaotte, Mloh. JOSE1MI BERRV, Tlie n-actical TAILOR M CIITTBR, Of the [ate flrm oí WINANS A BERUY, has located his place oi batlseoa ;it NO. 7 HURÓN STREET, WTTH A 1 TIJ. I.1XE OF Suitings and Trouscrings, Anrt would cay to hi oW Iriencls and new ones that If they want a GOoD F1T aml a NOlilíY FIT at REASuNAHLK PR1CES, cali on blm aiil Ihey wlll l;o eure to get one. W. lREMAIN, GENERAL Insurance m OFITIC1-: : Oyer Casper Rinscy's Grocery Store, COIÏ. HUliOX AND FOÜRTU STS., North British Insurance Co,, üf London and Bdioburj;, Capital, $18,000,000, GoM. Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Cash Asee! 600,000. BprlBgfleld Ins. Co. of Massaobasetts, Cash Asscl s $ 1 ,800.000. Howard Ins. CompMj uf New York, Cash Asects $1,000,000. Agricultura Ins. C., WttertoWn, X.Y., Oub AMti í i ,-;oo,poo. Losees Llberally Atijntc'd and Prwtptl} Paúl. "Soyouthink John isbecominga ereal man in tlic city ?" sikl a farmer, Bpeaklng ofliis absent son toa uompantou of tlie youth. Qreat maní Iíliouldsiiyso. Why there aln't a barkeeper In tlw elty, liardly, Hiat be (Ion'!, cali iy bia Ürsl Dame." The Secrel arl of Beality lies not incopmcticp, bul only in pure blood nnd healthy nction of t lio vital organs, to bu obtalmtd by Bui'dock Blood Bitters. "By-liy. Km1'" he muiniured as ha ' tallecí down tu the office in tho mornlnjr, ( uní siu' (tul, to ihr extenl ofn $50 bonnet, ' He sys "Qood-momlngf" now. Don'( ií(' '" ""' "(II1S('' " Roujíh on lía i.-,'" Clearsoul ral . inice, roadles, bed-bugs, Ules, ante, moles, chlj - nunks, gnphers. 15o. Cure ter Tilos. The Brst Ryraptom of Pilos is an intense tchlng at iilghl aítergetting wurm Tlita inpleasant Bensatlon Ís linniedlately itieveil by an appllcatlon of Dr. Botanko'i M 'ik; Romedy. l'iles m uil forros, i t-h. jalt Kiienm and Ringworm pan be F ñauen tly oured by the ase of tbi groat enieilv. PrlCfl 60 cents. .Mannl'.ieliireil B ly tlie Dr. Bosanko Medicine Compauy, i Jiqua, O. Sold by líberbsich & Son, ; 1202 1268. I l


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News