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iu. umoan lias gonc to tlie uortlicr part ot tiie state ou a busineaa trip. Miss Mrytilla (J. Beera of Petersburg Illinois U vUlting reUtires in t;ie city. Mrs. C. J. Kintiii'i exppcts toleave Ani Arbor for het home in Washington ncx week Mouday. Mrs. Dr. C. W. Mead, oL Dundee, lia been visiting relatives and frlends In the city during the week. Prof. Emll Baur delivered the addres at the anniveraary of the Zoar orphan asy lum, at Detroit, Suuday. Rev. K. ]{. Pope and lady are in Cleveland this week, attending the anima meeting of the Home Missionary Society John II. Fox, Of Ypallantl, was in the City Tnesday, feellng quite elated ovei the bi-illiant prospectg tor the republlcai Miss Louise Werner nrrlved In Am Arbor froin Geneva, Swilzerland, a few days sinne, and expeets to remaiii hert permanentljr. Mrs. C. L, l'ack possed the 4Oth aiinivereary oi her birth on Tüurgday last, and the day was made a pleasaDt one for her by her cliiidren. Preston 8. Peiry. of Detroit, once a pupil uf the city editor of the Cooeier, at tlie Fllnt Instituto fortheDeafand Dumb, has been in Ann Arbor for a few davs visiting fneuds. Senator Palmer and Wm. Liringgtone, Jr., of Detroit, were in the city yesterday wilh Capt. Allen, looking over the politica! prospecte, and were miieh pleased witli the outlook.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News