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1 MiiiHiOMCMIÍJá ¦ The Uiagara. Falls (Route. ciitrnl Stundnrd Time. .M:,y IS, 1SM. , KA8TWAB. SB F „I K ti BTATIOH. S % l'-l.' S " í" a á ES esa "" A M A. M. I'. ¦¦ ¦ '" M' '¦ M " Chicho Iv 6 46 h.V, 414 3 40 40 8H Tw-tv"-Vst 6B7 BOT 96 862 861007 Hammond.... T4T BW 'r" 8ioi::: "]::::: MlchfcanCtö BW11W 02 Kgl . Mewlíullklo... H2II 11 üi _ 1} 12 ThreeOake ... ! ¦'¦' ' % ? ¦¦;. nao 10 05 P.M T ni 14 ; X lOïOUU 86 88SÜ40 140 t Lawlon 1127 SíS1" ' ¦ Otemo U82 T asi ' BÜuiüóo!" M08 Í'8ÍÓÍÓW 10Ú8ÍT 45 1 Kmbauj; rl! los "5öi Ü& 'sóè'ïsa'soo . Alhion 215 826 -? 885 467 M l'arma ... 288 a.m S 16 850 - JacksOD.. .. 8 06 4 03 10 00 7 00 3 25 5 45 9 25 , Jocka'nJaoc 809 Vos OraesLake.... 880 7-22 60, 945 Frenético 888 780 . Chelsea 8 66 7 42 (130 10 03 Dexler 410 T88 43 1013 Delui M1IW... 420 05 A,,,, Albur 482 :, H ln 51 817 4 35 7 00 10 33 Ylidliinti . . 15" 5 5 1107 8 88 4 52 7 15 10 47 WayneJune 615 64 Mi 618 7 38 1107 Wavne S n a 12 ! Deaiborn 6&5 80.... 765. ... s,, ,;,. .,.i... .i ... 6 5 11 ¦"" 9 M S45 8 ln I! 8 Detroi' 0 05 (i 25 1 1 "v.i 10 00 5 05 saillló Detroit Lv 7 80 1216 6 16 1168 st Thomas 11 16 8 26 U10 10M 820 Wel and. ... .. . 2 08 6 OH 5 35 i 86 65 FallaVlew ' 38 .... 1 5 6 .: . ... NingaraFilN 2 81 6 3 15 628 ... . 8ao. Bridge 2 45 6 So 215 8 40 R er,lo I 3 O I 60 6 Kl 3_10 783 ... W K' T ¦' A RT. ____ oí í sí a w : : STATION. ti Cí lü Bu ¦ j S 5 O a : : JM. P.M. A.M A.M. A.M Bnflalo 1840 1180 fi (15 1130.. .. S.i-i. litih:: 4I2 15 730 18 2 ' Ni.lL.ani !( 5011280 7 41 12 39 Falls Vi. w 74B.... ü 1-1 .... Weiland 1012 1958 805 ? 26 1 Va Sf.Thoman.... 1 36 8 60 1045 1140 4 10 - Detroit... Ar. I 680 755 2 60 p. m. p.m. 830 , A.M P M Detroit Lt. 6 00 9 00 4 00 (3 00 ROO DOfi SorillEWclls -6 10 ÍUI 10 (i 12 8 10 9 10 , detrbon..." 27 4 24 027 82.5 Waynfl 841 42 Wa'vi.c June. 648 988 488 644 840 9 4o TnallMitl ....I 715 957 468 707 908 1002 ! AunArhor... 180 1012 5 12 7 23 B 30 10 ÍS DelblMUIa. "42 981 Dexter 755 5 30 7 13 9 50 Obelsea 840 542 800 ; Francisco.... 888 8151010 ; (tas? Lake... 8 8 P.M. 6 07 8 25 Jacks' Juno. 853 845 1032 A.M Jacksou .. 9081180 6 50 8 50 10 3ó 11 55 .....' Paima .. .. 925.... 7 15 o "00 Albiou 47 1203 1 88 g 1122 1211 , „ . „ ) 12 2' S 1 1 48 Maranï"" f L 10 18 lí 46 07 o 114 J 0x - RnttleCreek.. 10 43 10.; 84J "s"5 IS 16 142.;.. borg.... 11 16 ... 9ïO a 1242 L Kalamaxóu... 11 8S 115 40 4 45 107 2 27 P.M ¦ : Matuwan.... la 07 5 10 U 85 ; Lawlon 12 15 5 18 145 ¦ Dnwagiac... 125, .... - . 558 ti 32 1 ' Nilee 140 3 10 6 40 3 00 4 05 Bocharan.... 168 54 3 15 : ThreeOaka.. 221 72S 345 ' NrwBuffalo.. 2371401 7 35 4 12 . HICblEuClt} 3 03 4 27 8(3 8 5 18 Liikc 34.') 525 8 50 5:í7;(iU7 i Tolleston.... 3." 05 '5r'. ....¦ Hnnimond... 416 9 87 30 KünMoiiton.. 13" 600 9 45 ti 40 7 0'j Pw'ty-sec 8t. BIS 688 10?8 718 7431... Chicaco...Ar. 5 86 B0 1035 7 3UI 7 55 t Stops only to let 'il paaBenfen. t Stops only on ilgnali. O. W. RUQGLB8, n. W. HAYES, (;. I'. A T. Agenl A-t.. Anu Aibír. Chicago; Detroit, Matkinac & Marqiietto K. It. Jn.v 87, 1884. Over 000 Miles Bborter tlian any other Line to all Points East. VT KST. STATIONS KAST. O I-' , si í 1 gs L& e I i_i r r T. M. A. M, '¦ p. M A. M. 8 00 1 Marquette s 30 7 00 1 35 3 05 Seuey. 5 40 11 50 ÍS 45 3 - McMlllan 0 10 PÍ2 45 12 : 1 1DollarvlUe. 28 1 22 12 05 1 40: Newberry. 6 33 1 45 a. m, p. M. 9 Oti 11 22 PalD. 8 00 4 45 7 85 10 10 i.. St.lgaace. a ti 50 9 06 Trains rurj by Central Standard Time. D. MoCOOL, ' F. MILLIGAN. Qen'l Sup't.Oen'l Krt & Pass. Agt Marqnette, Mich. Marquotte, Mich. JOSEP1I BERKV, The Practical TAILOR AM CIJTTER, Of the Inte flrm of WINANS A BERRY, has lucati-il his place of bnstaatt at NO. 7 HURÓN STREET, WlTir A PULL I.1XE 01' Suitings and Trouserings, And would say to his oíd friends and new OBM that if they want a GOCiD F1T and n NOBBY FIT at RESUNAMLE PK1CES, cali on him and they will l.e sure to get one. "wTtremain, OCGKAL OFFICE : Over Casper Rinsey's Groccry Store. COR. IIOROX AND FOURTH STS., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edlnburg. Capital, $13,0OJ,0O0, Gold. Detroit Fiie and Marine Insurance Co., Cash Assets $600,000. SprlngHeid Ins. Co. of Mamckusetts, f:ih Assets $1,800.000. Ilownrd Ihs. Compaiiy of New York, Cash Aeeets tl.000,000. Agrlcultarsl Ins. Co., Water townN.T., Cauh Assets $1,200,000. Lopses Liberally Adjnsted and l'ron)tly Paid. "Itougli on Rats." Olean out rats, mico, ronches, flies, ante, bed-buge, skunks, chlpmooks, gopheré, 15c Drugjtists. A legal ontleman gaya tlmt grentiawycis recollect principies onlj ; exact lawyera cases, and can repeal declsions by the hour intbevery wordsof tbe book. The former make the best ulvoe.ites, tlie lallcr Ihc bost judjros. 'Mother Siran'a Worm Syrop." Infalllble, tastelesi, harmless, cathartio, Por fever!shne88, restlessness, vvorms, conBtipation. 25c. Qood breeding is the reeultof much (rood mum1, sumo good uature, and a llttle self-denlal for the sake of others. Cunu for CrOtjp.- Use Dr. Thomas'i Eclectrlc 011. Ii Ig the beet remedy for all sudden attacks of colds, pain and inilainmatlOQ, tnnl iijiiriix. "Uncluipaiba." Qulck, completé, carel all annoylng Kiduey, Bladder and Urinary Dlseases. 4l. DruggUt Simiile Juatlce rsqnlreí tlmt DeLand Soda and SalentUt should be oven the leadlng place in the public esteeni. lt bai been, ánd lioneol thegreatest health promoterg of the ngo.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News