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Plyniouth joinsthe raiks witli a S1.400 roller rink. The Moritagne Lumbeiman will not pha'iiix-ize. A good miller can rind a jood millin; properly lying idle at Quiucy. St Clair county has a Beun B8 yonrs ld. Must be pretty dry, eh' A coa] fii'Kl discovered in C hehoygan ounty, and resldeuts rejoice theie;it. There had been 2,840,103 barrels of snit roduced in Michigan ii] Co Nov. lst. Geo. Hradford's baru at Lasalle, Monfoe Co., buiiied Friday, by a steam thresher. A Cunstantinc man has a white raccoon or a pet. That'ü the kind ofacoon lic is. There are 70 Instrumenta in the Ludngton telephone exchange. Well - hulo - there! Sleigh ridlng at NTeraiiiH'e last Friday. All on account of supposed lepubÜcan deeat in the nation. Keiluced ratea on all railroads, ll for ouiul trip, to W. C. T. U. meeting at Adrián, Xov. 24th. The nisbi door and blind factory of F. G. Kendrick, at Mt. Clemens, buined Friday night. Loss, $10,000. It is estimated that a mnjoiïty of the lortheni coantles have inc.reasod hl popilülion duriitg the past vear at tlie rate of 1,000 each. The Jlk'lnjran associatiou of passenger agente are tó hokl their next monthly neeting atSaglnaw on tllC (irït Tluusday n December. A little boy at Sainaw nanied (ïrau, was hit on the head by a piece of coal thrownbya young ootupauioi), and received a fatal injury. The demócrata all over the state have jeen buj'lng powder, gettiiifr drunk, and howlinsr themselves hoarseover their snpMsed national victory. The Baptists, at their recent untan] meeting, resolved to appoint a standing comiiiittee to be called ¦' the committee for Germán evangelizatton." It is said that Detroit uses 1,400,000 gallons of milk per yenr! and twenty times aa much water!! The liquor ftatistic don't quite equal the water tiiruref. It is estimated that there were from 10,000to]4,000 people in attendance ipon the opening of the Piincess roller skating rink at Detroit last Thursday evening. At Ontonagon there is one lump of copper Dn the duck awaltlng phipment that weighs 44,000 poumK They all ought to be copper-bottomed up fa that región. A lady in Vermontville is nearly as happy as If her busband had been elected alderman, canressmau. sherifi', or soraething of the kind. She has a cactus ith 700 bud8 upon it. Michigan bee-keeper's association at Lansing Dec. lOtli and lltli. And the Shorthorn and Holstein cattle associations joint meeting at same place, 1 ec. 2d to 4th. Reduced rates on railroads. The f all meeting of the Unitarhui conference of Michigan is to be held at Jack son on Tuesday (this) evening and Weilnesday. Rev. Win, R. Alger, of Boston, preaehing the opening sermón. Frank McGibney, of the famous McGibney family, married Miss Jessie Suiitli, of Flint, h niember of the fanions Caro ladies' band, a few days since. The bride will travel as one of the McGibney fiimily. now. Twelve inmatesof the Jackson couiity jail weie badly poisoned by eating sorae cheese. which one of their number had sent out and puichased on Saturday last. It was found to coBtaln animal polsou generated in the cheese itself. The reat Crouch trial at Jackson is once more on the docket of that ci-cnit, and Judg-e Gridley, with the help of numerous lawyers, has been kryiug SGveral days to obtain a jury of twelve ignorant men who had never heard of the case or expressed an opinión. A young man of Climax, named J. W. Hawver, thought he would cap the climax by getting drunk over election at Battle Creek. He did so, hiid instead of "not going home til! moriiin', " as he oiight, went to bed before uiorning, blew out the gas, and ifot aspliyxiated.


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