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Ve sliall not be able to give themajorities iipon state offlcers until the official cunvass shall have been forwarded to I.ansing. Tlie Blaine and Logan electora have carried this state, however, by from 5,000 to 8,000 plurality. üen. Alger also has a good plurality, having run ahmá of lila ticket- both the electoral and state. Kor some unaccountable reason Buttar's republican caiididate for licutenant governor, was cut considerably in several sections of the state, but he is elected by a haudsome plurality notwithstanding. The legislature is very close, but the official returns make it republican by two or more raajority, instead ot fusión as has been claimed. The deraocrats have mnde gains in metubers of congress, and the delegation now stands: First-Wm. C. Maybury, D. Second- N. B. Kldredge, 1). Thlrd- James O'Donnell R. i'ourtli- Jull'us C. Hurrowa R. FIftli -Charle C.Comstock. V. Slxth- Kdwln R. Wlnans. D. Seveuth- F.zra Carleton. D. Elgluh- Tlmothy Tarsuey, D. Nlnth- Byron M Cutoheon, K. Tenth- HpcncerO. Fisher, D. Kleveuth-8eth C. Moflat. R. Major .Stevens, for Auditor General, made i brilliuiit ruu in thia city and county. For, althougli Begole received in tlie city a plurality of 77, the gallant Major turned the tide and went out of the city 07 ahead of hls opponent, maka ditrerence of 174 votes. In the county he also ran ahead of his ticket by 89A. There is nothlng likc being well tliought of by one's noighbors. Not In plnmnr oftbe prnwdpd Itreet, Not In ilie Hliouts and plimditsof t lm tnrong, Bot In ourselves are uiuinpli and defeat. Messrs. Cornell & Prendí liaye turneé over to tlie Woolcii Mills Co. of Bouth Bend, Ind., the orders tlicy had för cloth and'cassimeres beforothc buinfng of ihoir nills. It is a live monthsjob. At a meeting of the school board held last eveninjt llev. Dr. Ilaskell was elected ohalrman, A. M. Doty secretary, and L. Gruner treasurcr. Tlie ptaiidingcomuiittees are the saine as last ycar. Joe T. Jacob?, who was secretary hist ycar declined a re-election. The Ladlea' Charitable Union will tliankfnlly receive donations of bedding and cast off clothiupr, tor the relief of tbc pooroftlic city. Persons liavinfi such articles to dispose of, will please send them to Mrs.'IIouglitoii, corner of División and Liberty sts. Martin Finn, toiémau of the Pittslleld section of the T., A. A. fc ÏT. M. R. R., shot himself Monday night, Xov. 8d, at his home In tliat toWnship. Tbe l):ill entered near the lower rib on the rigbtslde, produeing Internal beraorrhajte. The cause is said tobedespondencyand drink. He is a married man, wilh family. It is not knovvn wliuther the wound will prove fatal or not, but he is said to be cry low. . ï he j'ongnest elementa of the town turned themselves loose Saturday nilit and under cover of celebratlng (Jieveland's eketion went to excesses. Tliore is no objection to a decent oelebration, but when gangs of tougbs go to the honses of private eiüzcns and grossl_v insult them it cannot be too severely censnred. They did go to the home of a leading and woilhy citien and conducted theniselves in a inanner similar to the way llicy used toward loyal men In the times of secession. In i'ict, Saturday erening, tliose elementa had more "f Un'' than they liad ! had since the battle of lïnll ]5un. Monday there was flled wilh the eouhty clerk a bond in aaalgnment by the director? of the Ann Arbor agricultural company, in the snm of $200,000. The assicnees are John Fhinegan and Josenh J. Bilis, who together with John M.AVheeler, A. L. Noble, Moses Seabolt and Henry Cornwell, are the directors of the company. It is cstimaled tliat the Habilities are $1G,OOO and tlie aseeta 150,000, of which $30,000 la in mnnufactdred stock and $40,000 in good paper. The stockholders and directors of this conijiany are amoiig our most substantial anti solid men, and the awignment is made for the purpose of foretng a collection of cutstanding accounts und foi' the proteetion of the itockholder?. The credit of the company has been and Stïll is excellent. It is probable tliat the nll'.iii s of the company will be in such shape as to resume work when tlie business of tl. e country will admit. It Is a tough season for all kinds of mauufuoturing.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News