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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlils powder never varíes. A marvel of puHty.stienKlIiund wliolesotneness. Moreeconom leal IIihii UiHoidliiary kliuls, andcannol sou In i'onueUt.ioti with the multilude ol low Ust, sho t woighi. aluin or phosphate p.wders. Sold only n canx RoTAL Baking POWDER Co., 10(i Wall t. N. Y. Itchingjseaseg. E' Z KM A , or Salt Rheum, wüta lts aeonlziüg itchIns; -i ml Iiurninsr. Inttanily relleved hva warm haf. with Cuticur, :md asim Ir applicatioi of CimcrBA. the grest Skin Cnra repcaied dnilv, with two or rloses oí Oí ticdba Re soLYhNT, Ne BI .i)d I'urilhT, lo k.ep the blood cool, the peraplntlon pure and unirritutinü, thi boweln op.n, the liver ind k1dne ctlv.-, wil! speidily enre Kezem , Tetter. Hingworm, P-oriifi-, Lichcn. Pril ltus, Scnld Head, Dandrnff H d ev.ry peel sof Irch n-, Hcaly ai.d Pimply num.)ri o! the Soit." and Hkin, vvhon the best phyeiciaiiEi and all kito n " m di e lall. i.cïKtlv niKvn ui m, My eratitnd ¦ to Q d is nnliounded f. ir the relief I have ohtaine'i lri'in tton ue ol t'ie Cüticüka Kemedieh. I bare bef trouhled with Ei-zenia o mv leg? Uu twenty ears. 1 had Dol a comlottab e niííht lor yca s thti Mirning and HcMn were p intense. Now, I i.m happy to hay. I haremí trouMe. ünly the liv,;r colored putcbea "n my lluii.sremain as a tukea of ray i'urmtr uiisiTv. UEVHY L. SMITH. 1SS West Avenue, Rochretc-r, N.Y. BCICIIA UN A t'HILD. Your mist valu 'Die Cuticra Khmkdies h:ive done tn cbild so much sood thai I feei like eayinii this beüeir of Ihuse ho are tr ubled with ckiii (liM-ase. My HM e''l ws trounl-d lth Ec7, mu, find I taird eeveral ditttors and raedÍHinH-, but Uid Dot do her any nood until I ued the CutíttiBA BBIIBDI 8 whfcb speeilily cuied her tnr which 1 owe yu manv and many nights ol ï-est AN TON ÍÍO.SS .¦IE., Uuiou Bukery. Bdlnbnrgh, lud. 1'ETTKK i-V THE SCALP. I was almost perlectly halii, eaused hv Tetter ol the topoi' ilu scalp. 1 ttsed your i.'uticdra Kkm EoiES aboilt ix veeky,aud ihey cured my scali perfec lv. umi now iny huir is coming' back as thiek ae ever it as. J. P. CHÜ10B. Whiieshoro' Toxas. (UVKIIKO V TU I11.OTI lli:s. I want 'o teil jou ihat vmirCuTictJR Resolvknt 8 mairniticent. About ihree montbfl ai_ro my face was covered with blotcheu, and alter using turee bot i lea I Hesolvünt 1 wie perfecily oured. FKKDEKICK MA1TRK. 23 St. Chirles Street, New Orleane, La. 1VY POISONING. Fr all case-) of poisoninc by ivy or dogwond, I can warrant ' uticura M cura every time. I have soid it lor live yuare, mi'l it v r faiN. 0. H. MORï-E, Druggtst. HoHia'on, Mass. Sold cverywhere. Cuticura, üO; ; Soap, á5c. ; t, $1.00. PottrrDrusaodCheiuieal Co. Bo'tou. CATARRH SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE, lic :r:it Knlam1c Distillation ol' VI oli-llozpl, Ame'ican Pine, C'unuliuu Vir, jttiri!Loll, Clover It os. ill, etc. For the Immediate Relief and Permanent Cnreof every fnrm ol Cmarrh, froia a Simple Ilead Culd or Itifluei'za 10 the jats ol' Smell.Taele, and llearini.', Cou"h, BroKChiii?, ana Incipient Consumptiou Relief in flve mentes In ny and every case. Nothing llke it. G Wefal, frarant. wholesome. Cure benins 'rom flret applicatinn, una ib rapid, radical, perroanent. aun never líiiline. One bol'le Kadical Cnre. oiie hox Catan hal !-olv ent, ai,d Sinfords Inhaler, all in ne pai-ka e, lormins :i complete fea-m nt, of all draüteta foi $1 Aekt"r 8 ikoD' Radical Oobb. Potter bruKnd CHemioal i o., Buston. rik. B ¦ Hl Collixs' Voltaio F.LECTnir: & 'M e BH 1'i.AvrKE instantly affect the ¦ llllinTffi-SEÍÍc.M" bCf r%EmH ti-ry combined wlth a Porous rrmy PlMter for Weent, ltannlhlIS THE CEX ]akl;, j..;!,,. vitallzes Weakand or a Worn Out I'arts, strengthena RRS Ke-We tftSS. a'n'y otheVpl'ter n the world. Sold everywhere. DrlLARKE KO FEE I Establised 1851 Merrill UitU letter! ( DETHOIT, MIOH. f BlOCkmi ¦¦¦¦¦ j Therefrularoldestabllarieil jSïffllS Phyl i-m and Sui gcon IB. fff FVll LAKKE, at the old number 'WlíitaJnicontinucstntreatwith his usual EFam lffler.-at sklll all private. Sí JpT iBchranlcnervousmdHpccial VMSk. Jitdisensea. DB. CLAKIiK is SaaRÍlIthc oldcsl Advcrtisinfr Physician, gsaSain -- ü'cs oL i'aiicrs shmv an1 a dKesidcntTknow. Age and eiporienee iiaPltTierTOO9 dlsease (Uh or without ESSSSSSsawssas improperly treMea, d ji8chargeB cured pcrsonally 'J',,,', ffi-ce jnd SVlteKW ..""erriH Block. Car. WOQ SÍJ&fÁet.: DETROIT, IWICH.


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